News Gabba Upgrade & Olympics News

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That sure is fascinating…..somehow the Gabba has become so political the decisions on its future may not be based on facts however.

The media have led a Crusade against…and with crisafulli & greens against it & Miles unable to sell or even discuss the benefits of the Olympics& a rebuild, it seems like it will all be parked & the money just pump up the government surplus instead. I got to 7 games at Gabba last year, based on demand & pricing for round 1, I won’t be going to any this year.
At present not much available mostly singles too.

Better seats in my opinion: click on the map sections 327 & 328.
Center Wing seats "middle tier" above the interchange benches about 6 singles available $182.15
I believe that is the usual expensive price usually all being adult tickets.
If you need two there was one seat in front of another

Resale tickets they are the pink Dots. legitimate tickets one $36 near video screen.
Then Section 406 row VV $101 Section 411 above the Verandah 6th back row being $ 81.56.

Or wait till Wednesday to see what they put on sale.
On the 28th of November 2018 the Qld Government received a 200 page "Stadium Taskforce Report".
According to this report the lifetime of The Gabba was 11.6 years.
So, that time is up come May/June 2029.
You should genuinely submit this to the current review committee. This sort of thing could easily have been forgotten about. John Coates certainly isn't aware of this.

Great stuff.

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You should genuinely submit this to the current review committee. This sort of thing could easily have been forgotten about. John Coates certainly isn't aware of this.

Great stuff.

Methinks John Coates chooses not to be aware.
You should genuinely submit this to the current review committee. This sort of thing could easily have been forgotten about. John Coates certainly isn't aware of this.

Great stuff.
100%, that is vital information. Gabba due for a rebuild or a major transformation well before the Olympics anyway.

For Gods sake we need to take advantage of this money the IOC are offering and get it done OR a new Stadium elsewhere in a practical position ie. not on the QEII site please.
When i clicked on your ticket screenshot i just saw the "VIP" part thinking they must be pretty good seats.
Just had a look at where they are and not worth that price. But as they say your house is worth as much as someone will pay for it.
If i drew them in a PF best available lottery i would not complain but that is a completely different situation.
However, i would know the price beforehand.

Are you actually trying to buy some tickets or just noticed the prices.
Yeah the VIP is just an option to click - not what was displayed!

Yeah because one of my mates who's a Blues supporter just moved up from Melbourne so we had penciled in going to the opener & had no idea it was going to be a sell out so we only just looked up prices....& nearly fell over :tearsofjoy:

Think we'll be off to the SBH to watch it instead, hope the whole year isn't going to be like this....I was a 3 game member last year & been undecided what to do this year as it's only a priority 2 for finals & I often have mates flying up from Melb to attend games with which is tricky when you have a membership......need to make a decision quickly I know...!
Yeah the VIP is just an option to click - not what was displayed!

Yeah because one of my mates who's a Blues supporter just moved up from Melbourne so we had penciled in going to the opener & had no idea it was going to be a sell out so we only just looked up prices....& nearly fell over :tearsofjoy:

Think we'll be off to the SBH to watch it instead, hope the whole year isn't going to be like this....I was a 3 game member last year & been undecided what to do this year as it's only a priority 2 for finals & I often have mates flying up from Melb to attend games with which is tricky when you have a membership......need to make a decision quickly I know...!
I think it might be, we have some real blockbusters at home this year eg. Blues, Magpies, Cats, Tigers, Demons, Bombers.

You'd be better off buying a 3 game membership at the very least Andy.
Methinks John Coates chooses not to be aware.
Having Coates decide the future of our city's vital infrastructure is a complete & utter joke! A sports administrator should not be designing our city's if he cares about Brisbane!
The Gov't should be looking at what the city needs in 10 - 15 years from now & then working out which of those ties in with the Olympics.....The Gabba is ALREADY insufficient & looking like losing tests to interstate & struggling to accomodate the Lion's members. And funnily enough a properly hosted Olympics just happens to require a world class oval stadium.....gee one doesn't need to be a brain surgeon to join the two hey! Especially when the IOC is chipping in so much money......
You should genuinely submit this to the current review committee. This sort of thing could easily have been forgotten about. John Coates certainly isn't aware of this.

Great stuff.
No need as all that information is covered in the Gabba Project Validation report being part of the Terms of Reference.
So, someone could remind them about it, but the Review Committee would have to be fairly incompetent not to know all that information.

Below is the very first paragraphs from the validation report.

Here's the simple reality.

We have a local election and state election within months of each other. This discussion wouldn't be happening if it was Feb 2025 not Feb 2024.

Like it or not, sporting infrastructure is part of Govt responsibility.

A clever Govt would be finding as many ways to take advantage of a rare opportunity like the Olympics to provide infrastructure that will be at least partially funded by 3rd parties to provide to it's citizens for 30 + years. The Gabba will need a rebuild sooner not later - that issue is not going away Olympics or not.

As for the other priorities argument...

When has there ever been enough hospitals? Or schools? Or public transport (that no one ever uses)? Govt's have become reactionary not visionary because of the media cycle and the NIMBY argument and that is why we have the rolling "crisis's" that we do.

The argument that I only care about the Lions is NIMBY personified. It's part of the reason we are where we are.

Instead of arguing about spending on infrastructure argue about how it's spent. How efficiently it's spent. How well it's spent.

Argue about Paradise dam costings hundreds of millions to rebuild because it was an engineering failure. Argue about roads that fall apart after 12 months. Argue about train lines to nowhere. Argue about trains too big for tunnels. Argue about hospitals that aren't fit for purpose once completed.

Value for money needs to be the priority for Govt spending - not the amount. Infrastructure of all kinds has to be built - that's reality.

But more than the cost of the Gabba build could be saved in less wastage and stupidity, and in awarding contracts that aren't open ended and abused by the only 3 or 4 contractors capable of doing this kind of work.

Demand better value for the spend, not less spend.
Here's the simple reality.

We have a local election and state election within months of each other. This discussion wouldn't be happening if it was Feb 2025 not Feb 2024.

Like it or not, sporting infrastructure is part of Govt responsibility.

A clever Govt would be finding as many ways to take advantage of a rare opportunity like the Olympics to provide infrastructure that will be at least partially funded by 3rd parties to provide to it's citizens for 30 + years. The Gabba will need a rebuild sooner not later - that issue is not going away Olympics or not.

As for the other priorities argument...

When has there ever been enough hospitals? Or schools? Or public transport (that no one ever uses)? Govt's have become reactionary not visionary because of the media cycle and the NIMBY argument and that is why we have the rolling "crisis's" that we do.

The argument that I only care about the Lions is NIMBY personified. It's part of the reason we are where we are.

Instead of arguing about spending on infrastructure argue about how it's spent. How efficiently it's spent. How well it's spent.

Argue about Paradise dam costings hundreds of millions to rebuild because it was an engineering failure. Argue about roads that fall apart after 12 months. Argue about train lines to nowhere. Argue about trains too big for tunnels. Argue about hospitals that aren't fit for purpose once completed.

Value for money needs to be the priority for Govt spending - not the amount. Infrastructure of all kinds has to be built - that's reality.

But more than the cost of the Gabba build could be saved in less wastage and stupidity, and in awarding contracts that aren't open ended and abused by the only 3 or 4 contractors capable of doing this kind of work.

Demand better value for the spend, not less spend.
Agree in most of what you say but also think we use up the Olympics $ 100% and then carefully make decisions on what we (as QLD'ers & taxpayers) need to spend to get this Olympics to a professional level of management. Overspending is not wht most QLD'ers want to see yet we see it all the time as you mention above.
In saying that, what someone sees as $ well spent is very different to what someone's else's perception of smart spending cant & wont please everyone no matter what is decided.
No need as all that information is covered in the Gabba Project Validation report being part of the Terms of Reference.
So, someone could remind them about it, but the Review Committee would have to be fairly incompetent not to know all that information.

Below is the very first paragraphs from the validation report.

View attachment 1909813
If this review comes back with a refurbishment recommendation I will be flabbergasted.

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If this review comes back with a refurbishment recommendation I will be flabbergasted.
It will be a staged re-build I reckon.

Just no under ground access.
Or minimal underground access anyway.

Although if they still leave it until early 2026 to get it started they will struggle to get it finished if doing it in stages.

And I still believe it will cost more than the original estimation doing it that way.
It will be a staged re-build I reckon.

Just no under ground access.
Or minimal underground access anyway.
I wonder if the Pedestrian walkway across Main St directly from the underground rail concourse would still be feasible without the ground being raised a couple of meters.... can not see the raising of the playing field level being possible with a staged rebuild.
I wonder if the Pedestrian walkway across Main St directly from the underground rail concourse would still be feasible without the ground being raised a couple of meters.... can not see the raising of the playing field level being possible with a staged rebuild.
I reckon it would be doable including the underground access but I think we would have to be out of the place and need somewhere else to play for atleast 1 year to make it happen.
It more the cost and time that concerns me when doing it in stages.
I wonder if the Pedestrian walkway across Main St directly from the underground rail concourse would still be feasible without the ground being raised a couple of meters.... can not see the raising of the playing field level being possible with a staged rebuild.
You could have it entering at a raised concourse without affecting the level of the ground.
Having Coates decide the future of our city's vital infrastructure is a complete & utter joke! A sports administrator should not be designing our city's if he cares about Brisbane!
The Gov't should be looking at what the city needs in 10 - 15 years from now & then working out which of those ties in with the Olympics.....The Gabba is ALREADY insufficient & looking like losing tests to interstate & struggling to accomodate the Lion's members. And funnily enough a properly hosted Olympics just happens to require a world class oval stadium.....gee one doesn't need to be a brain surgeon to join the two hey! Especially when the IOC is chipping in so much money......
Just curious since you are so passionate about a scorched earth demolition and rebuild - what do you think will happen to the Lions membership and viability during the 4 years we are "homeless" during this period of dislocation. I don't share the view that the Gabba needs to be demolished and rebuilt at a highly problematic cost of $2.7b but that difference aside, what the hell is going to happen to our Club? I genuinely fear for its future...
Just curious since you are so passionate about a scorched earth demolition and rebuild - what do you think will happen to the Lions membership and viability during the 4 years we are "homeless" during this period of dislocation. I don't share the view that the Gabba needs to be demolished and rebuilt at a highly problematic cost of $2.7b but that difference aside, what the hell is going to happen to our Club? I genuinely fear for its future...
Yes it's a serious concern, which is why I have changed from being pro Gabba rebuild to now preferring a new Stadium at the RNA or Victoria Park.

If they can't do that the Gabba rebuild has to be done, hopefully either BHA or the RNA is then upgraded to cater for circa 23-25,000 fans. If Metricon(worst possible option IMO) is chosen as our "home" for 4 years it will be catastrophic for our membership numbers.
Just curious since you are so passionate about a scorched earth demolition and rebuild - what do you think will happen to the Lions membership and viability during the 4 years we are "homeless" during this period of dislocation. I don't share the view that the Gabba needs to be demolished and rebuilt at a highly problematic cost of $2.7b but that difference aside, what the hell is going to happen to our Club? I genuinely fear for its future...
Yes it's a serious concern, which is why I have changed from being pro Gabba rebuild to now preferring a new Stadium at the RNA or Victoria Park.

If they can't do that the Gabba rebuild has to be done, hopefully either BHA or the RNA is then upgraded to cater for circa 23-25,000 fans. If Metricon(worst possible option IMO) is chosen as our "home" for 4 years it will be catastrophic for our membership numbers.
I personally believe the Gabba is the best spot for the Stadium.
I don’t particularly mind if there is no underground access and those types of things for Olympic requirements, so I am all for a Staged Re-build of the Gabba will minimal distruption for the Lions.
If they can keep the capacity at around the 20-25k mark throughout, that would be ideal imo.
Agree in most of what you say but also think we use up the Olympics $ 100% and then carefully make decisions on what we (as QLD'ers & taxpayers) need to spend to get this Olympics to a professional level of management. Overspending is not wht most QLD'ers want to see yet we see it all the time as you mention above.
In saying that, what someone sees as $ well spent is very different to what someone's else's perception of smart spending cant & wont please everyone no matter what is decided.

But isn't that the job of Govt though ML? To make the tough decisions?

I'd bet very few major infrastructure developments have ever had unanimous support. Every road crosses someone's property. Every school was once built on someone's land. Every dam floods someone's property.

As someone who lives 1000km away from Brisbane in a area that provides enormous royalties to the Govt coffers, we'd desperately like to see some of it come back to our substandard roads, under staffed schools and hospitals and constantly reducing services. But it's been that way forever... it's not something new.

I guess my point is that this is yet another example of dithering, delay and inefficiency by all levels of Govt of all colours. Their job is to take our tax dollars and create a livable, content and serviced society. And ultimately every facet of that has to have priority at some point.

There will unlikely be another opportunity like this to leverage for some time.
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My full bus this morning disagrees with you.
While I have no doubt that it was full, public transport is vastly underutilized and yet we continue to pour money into it because it's a service we demand and rightly so. It's a life line to those with no other option.

But it will never meet everyone's needs. Nor will it service the entire community or provide value to those who don't use it. It's seen as a wasted resource every time an empty bus or train rushes by. It's an expense that never returns true value in the revenue it consumes vs the revenue it creates.

Sound familiar?
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I personally believe the Gabba is the best spot for the Stadium.
I don’t particularly mind if there is no underground access and those types of things for Olympic requirements, so I am all for a Staged Re-build of the Gabba will minimal distruption for the Lions.
If they can keep the capacity at around the 20-25k mark throughout, that would be ideal imo.
Don't the IOC place conditions/requirements on what the facilities of a main stadium must be, IIRC Section 5 posted the facilities needed for the disabled, it was quite extensive. Maybe the underground access is a requirement.

I don't think we can just build whatever we want.
Don't the IOC place conditions/requirements on what the facilities of a main stadium must be, IIRC Section 5 posted the facilities needed for the disabled, it was quite extensive. Maybe the underground access is a requirement.

I don't think we can just build whatever we want.
Disability access most definitely.
They would be able to get the underground access with a staged re-build but probably not as big an area and nowhere near as much parking probably.
But it is possible.
Just comes down to cost.

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