List Mgmt. Geelong's interest in Travis Boak

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Mainly because i just can't see it happening.

Also because of the way we had Scott, Selwood and Bartel flying over to Adelaide on Sunday morning, looked like a desperate last effort attempt to turn Boak's head towards leaving Port for Geelong. I could be wrong though, they may have gone to Adelaide knowing he may want out and just wanted to talk to him first so he chose Geelong as his preferred destination because other teams will be in for Boak if they hear he is going to leave.

It's just my opinion anyway, i don't know anymore than the rest of us, i just think he will stay at Port.

I dunno, I sorta see it from another perspective - why would they go over the day after a big game if he was close to re-signing with port?
He isnt the be-all end-all and wont ruin our club if we dont get him, so I doubt they would waste their time unless there were very very good chances of him signing to Geelong!!
From what I saw Scott, Selwood & Bartel were trying to quietly fly in through the airport unannounced & get a cab when they were harassed by SA media.
At no point in time to my knowledge did the Geelong football club make a grand public statement that they were sending the coach and players over to talk to Boak - there isnt even a story about it on our official club site!!

AFL coaches, brownlow medalists and captains are not exactly incognito at Adelaide airport, especially coming across en-masse. you want to do it under the covers you send someone a little less conspicuous like your list manager. Its naive to think you can fly these sort of guys into Adelaide and not get noticed.

Read TSW's posts on the matter - he is in the loop on everything going down, Geelong thought they were a fair chance of getting him, found out he was about to resign and made a last ditch effort.
FWIW I wouldnt be too confident of Boak staying at Port - I cant see a Coach & two players flying in to meet a player that isnt near on certain of leaving the day after a huge saturday night blockbuster.
The only reason they flew across was that they heard Travis was about to sign at Port Adelaide.

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The only reason they flew across was that they heard Travis was about to sign at Port Adelaide.

That's the feeling i'm getting but how are you so sure? is this 100% the reason our coach and 2 star players flew over to Adelaide, 100% the reason? source?
That's the feeling i'm getting but how are you so sure? is this 100% the reason our coach and 2 star players flew over to Adelaide, 100% the reason? source?

Geelong were told by that Travis was about to resign (Not told by Travis nor his Manager just fyi) and flew over in a last ditch effort.

Travis has not signed on the dotted line otherwise we would have announced it, will all be finished by the end of next week at maximum - perhaps as early as today after an official meeting (which is scheduled) with Boak.
If what you say is correct, then I don't think anyone on he will be to fussed, we will get a good player through the draft, or inquire about some gold coast young talent. Time will tell to see what eventuates.
Hmm, it all still sounds a little fishy to me.

Why then, if boak rang Geelong to tell them he was going to re sign, did they fly over 2 star players and a coach?
It just all seems a little bit of a waste and un-Geelong like to me.

And then if he said he was going to re sign at port, why did he bother to even talk to them?

What I'm getting at is, did he say he is going to re sign to port, or did he say that he will re sign at port if he doesn't get more cash from the cats?
It could be just a ploy from boak to try and squeeze better pay and conditions from Geelong perhaps?

I still can't believe that we would waste our time sending the people that we did over if he had told them that the decision had been made.
Hmm, it all still sounds a little fishy to me.

Why then, if boak rang Geelong to tell them he was going to re sign, did they fly over 2 star players and a coach?
It just all seems a little bit of a waste and un-Geelong like to me.

And then if he said he was going to re sign at port, why did he bother to even talk to them?

What I'm getting at is, did he say he is going to re sign to port, or did he say that he will re sign at port if he doesn't get more cash from the cats?
It could be just a ploy from boak to try and squeeze better pay and conditions from Geelong perhaps?

I still can't believe that we would waste our time sending the people that we did over if he had told them that the decision had been made.

You need to read between the lines.

Firstly, take TSW on his word in that Travis (nor his manger) were the ones that told Geelong he was going to resign.

Obviously though, at some point in time recently they thought they were a chance to snag him, they then find out this chance is about to drop to 0 so they make a last ditch bid at him.

Its been stated many times the reason Boak may need to move.
Hmm, it all still sounds a little fishy to me.

Why then, if boak rang Geelong to tell them he was going to re sign, did they fly over 2 star players and a coach?

It just all seems a little bit of a waste and un-Geelong like to me.

And then if he said he was going to re sign at port, why did he bother to even talk to them?
Not saying much more,

But it was not Travis who rang Geelong as I mentioned above.
could get sniffed out by the feds?

Just don't want to bad mouth anyone mate as its a bit of a strange situation.

Expect an announcement by the End of Next Week. As early as today, 60% chance its announced by Friday.

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I think most people who have followed the similar thread on the Port board have a pretty good idea what has been going on now behind the scenes (plenty of reading between the lines). And also have a good idea who notified the Cats contingent about him about to re-sign at Port.

Just don't want to bad mouth anyone mate as its a bit of a strange situation.

Expect an announcement by the End of Next Week. As early as today, 60% chance its announced by Friday.
Why the delay? Surely its a yes/no and if he has decided like you say it would be done by tomorrow? As far as I know there isn't anything about the contract port have put forward that he doesn't like? You could well be right, however we should put some value on history. We went through this with Ablett, we had Frank Costa saying Ablett would say, players said he would probably stay... Seems too familiar for me, of course I could be completely wrong - time will tell !! Where does this 60% value come from - what is the road block?
Was Boak part of 119?
Im actually to the point now I just dont care if we get him, hes not an A grade player anyway so we dont NEED him, I just dont care anymore......
I really don't get what PA are that annoyed by. I mean we even did the decent thing and told them that we were meeting with him. The only difference between this meeting and the type of meeting every club partakes in is that we actually did the decent thing and said that we were talking to one of their players.

Are they annoyed that Geelong is actually interested in one of their players? Are they annoyed that we put ourselves out by taking our captain over there rather than asking Boak to come here for the meeting? I honestly don't get it.
Good read.

I tend to agree with everything Scotty says there, he deals with the media quite well.
"Travis is considering coming home to be closer to his family, and it's important that he understands that there's a spot for him here at Geelong if he chooses to come home," Scott said at Simonds Stadium on Tuesday.

"We didn't advertise the fact that we were talking to him, but it's no secret either.

"We gave him the facts as we see them, and I think he's really clear now about where he sits.

"Port Adelaide are pushing him to make a decision and we respect that, so it was important that he knew where we were coming from.

"Now he's informed and we would expect that he'd make a decision fairly soon."
So the truth comes out that the Power knew about the meeting before it happened? If Geelong rang them and told them Port look like fools for the way they have acted. Could it be Port that alerted the media? Their claims are stupid that it is Geelong putting pressure on Boak, Primus is the one making all the public comments about re-signing soon and not playing him if he doesn't sign on for next year. If this was made public by Port informing the media of the trip (and I have no evidence to support this just relying on the fact they knew before the meeting took place) then it is them who are once again, putting the pressure on him. There probably wouldn't have been a mid-season meeting if Port wasn't trying to force Boak to decide ASAP.
So the truth comes out that the Power knew about the meeting before it happened? If Geelong rang them and told them Port look like fools for the way they have acted. Could it be Port that alerted the media? Their claims are stupid that it is Geelong putting pressure on Boak, Primus is the one making all the public comments about re-signing soon and not playing him if he doesn't sign on for next year. If this was made public by Port informing the media of the trip (and I have no evidence to support this just relying on the fact they knew before the meeting took place) then it is them who are once again, putting the pressure on him. There probably wouldn't have been a mid-season meeting if Port wasn't trying to force Boak to decide ASAP.

Of course.

It is very clear from what Scott said today that Port want a decision (either way) within the next couple of weeks.

Which is good for all of us because one way or another all the speculation will be brought to a head.
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