Werewolf Gods v Humanity Werewolf - chicanery and murder most foul

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Hi neighbour
Ferryman when they see my name up again for the fourth straight night...

Welcome Home GIF
** Youth pastor voice **

"You know all these Ancient myths and Gods are pretty cool. But do you know who the coolest God of all is?"
Not Zeus that guy is a campaigner
Night 1 report

Mod Note - wrap of Night one

Old mate Thucydides documented war in a dispassionate manner that neglected to mention the Gods. A terrible price was demanded by Odin and paid in full by the unfortunate Thucydides.

Meanwhile that complete and utter flog Mark Anthony somehow strayed onto the Trojan War battlefield. Overly cruel or a just penalty? You be the Judge.

Jhye Clark 13 as Thucydides an honoured historian and Human, slaughtered by Odin (Serial Killer)
King Tenz Delphic Oracle and Flog, killed by Roman Gods (Mafia)

It is now day. Reminder that voting is obligatory.

Reports to those with overnight actions soon.

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Harsh killing Nakkers D1. Didn't he go early last game? The SK has no morals!
yes Ding now who among us fits that description, I mean apart from you and tarks and sante and Pie and MP and gee its a pretty long list now that I think about it

Gralin for me please Grand Uncle Horace . His interactions with KT were very suss.
Personally I am offended the Roman Gods didn't let Achilles do it as is tradition

can't believe the gods of all people are anti tradition

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