Werewolf Gods v Humanity Werewolf - chicanery and murder most foul

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Day 1 Report
Good Mods Report day 1

The field of battle had taken a shocking toll. There were charges of Goddy chicanery. At the end one proud standard bearer lay unmoving in the bath. Did he shout Eureka or Chandler Bing as he was lynched and then dumped in the jacuzzi

Barrybran aka Archimedes and Villager
/Member of Humanity, lynched.

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Was it to save someone or just for the troll
Just wanted to see how many people would think I would be that stupid again . Clearly you all think very little of me.
Just wanted to see how many people would think I would be that stupid again . Clearly you all think very little of me.
I don't think of you at all

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