Werewolf Gods v Humanity Werewolf - chicanery and murder most foul

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Ohhhhh, thats what those GIFs got me caught up in.
Of Course Yes GIF by PragerU

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Night 2 Report
Night 2 Report

Humanity was nervous. Gods of all descriptions were having their way, looking after favourites and exacting revenge. Meanwhile would humanity dare to take on a God?

Elsewhere, the steeds of Humanities’ mightiest Warriors were pacing nervously, with ears pricked and early morning steam snorting from their nostrils. They knew they were running today, tho the prize of the Cup was not the one overflowing with the Milk of Human Kindness. Interpretation for me.

Somewhere carpenters could be heard constructing what is rumoured to be a Trojan Horsey.

But I digress..

Frederico_WA , Hector, Humanity, slaughtered by Odin (sk) and Greek Gods.
MP_ , Phoebus aka Apprentice, Roman God (Mafia) stabbed where it hurts by Achiiles (vig)

It is now day. Argue, vote, eat, drink and bet responsibly.
Mod Note/clarification

Have received several queries about how the following seer

Odin - Sk, Zeus - Alpha and Jupiter - Godfather

As usual these roles seer as as Villager/Humanity.

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Mod Note

Flogs protection as usual only protects against scratches kills
Annoying but fine. I'm going to assume sante is intimidated since he's "not arround" today.

I'll change my vote once something arises.

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