Golden Rivers FL Part 2

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Was not a long way off the ball as it had just been a ball up in the center. The player who was hit had had the ball, gave it off and received a late hit from Ben. Tempers rose and the two players scuffled a bit then and a punch was thrown which nobody would condone or expect. That is how I saw it from the sidelines anyway so feel free to correct me anyone else who saw it. It was a good hard physical game with lots of body on the line stuff but that type of stuff does not need to happen.
Noted the back page of Northern Times Roota, were you involved in the fracas at Barham? No headlines that will make our collective heads spin? :D

Haven't seen the Northern Times kid but yes I did find myself in the fracas. Gave the Barham lads the chance that so many people would love which is to belt the living suitcase out of me:D

Copped a beauty just before the main blue so my impact was minimal (probably more to do with the fact that I cannot fight!!!) ended up in the Barham interchange bench recieving some friendly advice from the supporters who decided that they needed to come onto the ground.

Wasn't a real good thing to happen but to the credit of both sides the game was played in good spirits and without incident in the second half.

Anyway how is Gillingham?? Obviously has some serious injuries
Well of course I wasn't there Chubbs, probably why I asked about said incident. Was talking to a player of the match and he said it happened a long way off the play. I thought that this was the purpose of this forum, to discuss what has been happening in the league. So please, your turn Chubbs, what is your take?

contest had just taken place, mahon was arguing about not being given a free kick, to that gillingham ran up to him and called him a "fat sook" and was then hit. as i said not condoning the punch but want to put away with these rumours about a 'king hit' and that it was a long way off the ball. my opinion is that the penalty is far too excessive. by all means a long penalty (8-10 weeks with perhaps some suspended on top of that) should have been handed down but not one like this. we wish kyle well in his recovery also.

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Well quite silly behaviour I think. If Ultima are to make a push for the four then they will need a hands on deck as they don't have the depth. Howden I wouldn't think mince his words either so looking pretty bleak for Mahon.
Mahon's hands not going to be on deck this year anyway got the rest of season deserved at least that and more.I think his hands might be in his pocket i don't think he has heard the last of it ,at least he will have his saturdays free to do a bit of extra work.
What are you meaning by hasnt heard the last of it Rudi, surely no civil action will be taken as stated here he did run at the player.

Its happened in the past! Sounds as if the damage done is pretty serious, could well take it to the higher courts as it could be deemed as assault? Sounds like Gillingham will spend a lot of time on the sidelines due to this, most likely out of work for a while until the injury heals? 12 weeks plus finals is a huge huge punishment, probably one of the biggest handed out in Golden Rivers history? Cant have been that clean nor pretty for something this severe to come out of it??? Does this suspension exclude Mahon from all duties (ie runner, waterboy) for the season also?
Ben would be feeling pretty laced out, crumbed off and would think the tribunal system is dust due to this decision no doubt!
From what I have heard is that Mahon is facing the Tribunal tonight and doesn't get the choice to plead guilty for early weeks, he has to face the full penalty which could/should be the season, due to the fact that umpire Howden saw the incident a good 50 metres off the ball.
That might not be all Mahon has to worry about if Gillingham wishes to take it further.
Going to be a big blow to Ultima either way.

Damn hard to be 50 metres off the ball with a two umpire system, nearly impossible with the three runnin around. Change your 50 to between 10 and 15 and you may be closer to the mark.
Its happened in the past! Sounds as if the damage done is pretty serious, could well take it to the higher courts as it could be deemed as assault? Sounds like Gillingham will spend a lot of time on the sidelines due to this, most likely out of work for a while until the injury heals? 12 weeks plus finals is a huge huge punishment, probably one of the biggest handed out in Golden Rivers history? Cant have been that clean nor pretty for something this severe to come out of it??? Does this suspension exclude Mahon from all duties (ie runner, waterboy) for the season also?
Ben would be feeling pretty laced out, crumbed off and would think the tribunal system is dust due to this decision no doubt!
Was wondering if there is still a rule that if you get a 16 week susp in one hit or combined you can be deregistered by vcfl ???
Damn hard to be 50 metres off the ball with a two umpire system, nearly impossible with the three runnin around. Change your 50 to between 10 and 15 and you may be closer to the mark.

Peter Howden was the umpire to see the incident. At the time he was the umpire in Wandella's forward third of the ground. As the incident happened in the Centre circle or close to, Howden was inside Wandella's 50 when he blew his whistle, which would be close to 40-50m away, so i stick with my original measure.
What affect will the above mentioned incident have on Ultima's reputation, playing capacity and also those playing against them, are they considered the league hot heads?

There was a similar incident some years ago when Featherby broke Adam Taylor's jaw in a final at Moulamein. By and large the league itself has had very little to deal with at the tribunal so I guess that this would pertain more to the individual rather than clubs.

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There was a similar incident some years ago when Featherby broke Adam Taylor's jaw in a final at Moulamein. By and large the league itself has had very little to deal with at the tribunal so I guess that this would pertain more to the individual rather than clubs.

Wrong again, not guilty, it was not a final and it wasnt at Moulamien. "Three strikes your out!!!!!!!"
Peter Howden was the umpire to see the incident. At the time he was the umpire in Wandella's forward third of the ground. As the incident happened in the Centre circle or close to, Howden was inside Wandella's 50 when he blew his whistle, which would be close to 40-50m away, so i stick with my original measure.
I think you will find peter howden was the reporting umpire but it was seen by more than one umpire,so that covers two thirds of ground.
I think you will find peter howden was the reporting umpire but it was seen by more than one umpire,so that covers two thirds of ground.

How long will Kyle miss. Not in the area anymore so i have just read about it in the paper. Surley once he has the plates in he wont miss the remained of the season.
Now thats what i call karma if i've ever seen it.
Whats 'Quambatook'/Tim Free got to say about us now?

Mate listen, stop the stupid posts that have no substance to them. You've been told before 'Quambatook' isn't Tim Free, so leave it be.

Also read your beautiful post about Shawn Filo, he's a mate of mine and id like it very much if you refrain from posting shit about blokes that you dont know.

Iv'e no problems pulling back the curtain as to who you are, IF your dumb arsed posts keep turning up here and there. Many posters and people tell me who's who inregards to alias's and your no exeption.

Look, i know it didn't work out doing a preseason with Strathfieldsaye 2yrs ago after playing for Heathcote for a while, but there's no need to shit can others because you didn't quite cut it their.

Alarm bells are ringing arn't they. Your lucky im not a name dropper.

contest had just taken place, mahon was arguing about not being given a free kick, to that gillingham ran up to him and called him a "fat sook" and was then hit. as i said not condoning the punch but want to put away with these rumours about a 'king hit' and that it was a long way off the ball. my opinion is that the penalty is far too excessive. by all means a long penalty (8-10 weeks with perhaps some suspended on top of that) should have been handed down but not one like this. we wish kyle well in his recovery also.

Shit.... Sticks and stones scenario.
Mate listen, stop the stupid posts that have no substance to them. You've been told before 'Quambatook' isn't Tim Free, so leave it be.

Also read your beautiful post about Shawn Filo, he's a mate of mine and id like it very much if you refrain from posting shit about blokes that you dont know.

Iv'e no problems pulling back the curtain as to who you are, IF your dumb arsed posts keep turning up here and there. Many posters and people tell me who's who inregards to alias's and your no exeption.

Look, i know it didn't work out doing a preseason with Strathfieldsaye 2yrs ago after playing for Heathcote for a while, but there's no need to shit can others because you didn't quite cut it their.

Alarm bells are ringing arn't they. Your lucky im not a name dropper.


Have to agree with you on this one Vincent
Anyone know the result of Mahon's appeal last night? Was just reading Northern Times and see Police are investigating the incident. Did Gillingham have to put in a complaint, or can they investigate from information heard?
Mate listen, stop the stupid posts that have no substance to them. You've been told before 'Quambatook' isn't Tim Free, so leave it be.

Also read your beautiful post about Shawn Filo, he's a mate of mine and id like it very much if you refrain from posting shit about blokes that you dont know.

Iv'e no problems pulling back the curtain as to who you are, IF your dumb arsed posts keep turning up here and there. Many posters and people tell me who's who inregards to alias's and your no exeption.

Look, i know it didn't work out doing a preseason with Strathfieldsaye 2yrs ago after playing for Heathcote for a while, but there's no need to shit can others because you didn't quite cut it their.

Alarm bells are ringing arn't they. Your lucky im not a name dropper.


Your a w***er mate.... a deadset clown
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