Travaglia should have a career trajectory similar to that of Hayden Young, start off as a halfback and eventually move into the midfield.Key forwards and half backs are low on our list of needs at the draft.
King 204cm
Sharman 193cm
Caminiti 196cm
Owens 191cm
Keeler 198cm
Plus Marshall 201cm, Wood 192cm, Phillipou 190cm rotating through. Training wheels should be taken off Max Heath 204cm who will likely play some games as forward/ruck.
Half backs
We desperately need elite mids. Smillie and Reid will do nicely if the FOS/Lalor/Smith/Draper/Langford are gone. Maybe we split pick 8 into two later first rounders and take a tall with one of those, but there's no way we come out of the first round without a mid.
Just my personal opinion, but I’d rate Travaglia and Xavier Lindsay as next best players after the top 6 players.
They won’t be inside mids from the beginning of their careers, but four or five years in, and they’ll be class players ready to play midfield, and probably better than Smillie, Bo Allan and other mids outside the top end of this draft.