Werewolf Gralin's Brutal Werewolf - Day Ten- Village Wins

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season 6 episode 23 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Even tho kurve died I was still bound to their intimidation to find the amulet
I had a feeling it was intimidation, at least it wasn't like mine once where I had to make a post that looked like I forgot where I put it. :p

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Day Six Summary
A large villager is lead up to the gallows and the noose is placed around his neck. He's preaching about tolerance and differences and how a cleansing of he village will free everyone.

You shake your head and notice something out of the corner of your eye, a scuffle at the back of the crowd. You start to turn to investigate and hear the trapdoor drop and the crack of the rope.

The crowd gasp and momentarily distracted you turn back.

To see the biggest damn wolf you've ever seen hanging from the rope.

Itsmyshow (Alpha) killed by lynching

There is a bright flash of light, shaken you remember you saw something. Turning back you can see a body at the edge of the crowd, nobody else seems to have noticed yet.

Crossing quickly you can see another villager dead with a knife in their chest pinning a piece of paper to the corpse.

The note reads You didn't follow the instructions

Cadsky (flog) killed by Mafia (failed intimidation)

Suddenly a lightning bolt arcs out from the corpse and strikes someone in the crowd. They howl, more wolf than man and drop to the ground smouldering.

The Majestic (cub) killed by retaliation

Another bolt of lightning appears from this body and hits another villager, people are starting to panic and run. The villager collapses dead.

por_please_ya (flog) killed by retaliation

You're running like everyone else now, desperately trying to get away, you hear the sizzle of another lightning bolt and bolt and think this is it until the blindingly bright light passes you to strike another villager fleeing infront of you, they start to change as they fall, another wolf.

rye (wolf) killed by retaliation

You run past the body to your door, rush inside and slam it shut.

It is now Night Seven
So is next phase tomorrow morn still?
if we get everyone online and they have a chance to update retaliations as well as submit night actions we can bring it forward

but unless that happens its unfair to continue now after we had so many deaths given how the retaliations would target own faction if invalid

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