Grand Final top 5 moments

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1 ablett in tears
2 handbagger captain jogging up and down in the rooms oblivious to the fact that his team was getting toweled
3 Clarko punching the air when cyril pulled the inbred off his feet on the wing
4 w-d-w-d-w-goal
5 my 6 year old downing a beer after the siren
1 Scarlett downs Buddy ....... not looking good
2 Mooney goal from bourdary......Cats having luck
3 Croad limping...........Everything going cats way
4 Harley K'O..............Not in the script
5 Mooney half time miss....What Hawks lead?

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1. Crawford on the podium...was just so emotional
2. Hodge shows no pain (Lifting his arms to Stokes)
3. Croad bumps after the break...put team above self and pain
4. Rioli's 3 on 1 effort
5. Gary Ablett, from his brilliant game to the emotion afterwards, was unbelievable
all the highlights mentioned including Croadys bump as he was limping off was a great moment.
I also though Osbornes pass to Brown in the first qtr was scintilating, a 50 metre pass up the wing just out of reach of Harley into the clutches of Brown who goes back and slots the goal.
When Roughy kicks his goal in the last quarter he grabs his jumper with both mitts and and plants a big kiss on the jumper. I reckon the image is great one.

I like what it says about the way he feels about the club.

Not so much a moment but an image
1. Dewies 2nd goal (the 35m snap shot from the boundary) - I was right behind the goals and it was always on-line for a goal. The Hawks were on fire and you couldn't help but get excited if you were a Hawk supporter

2. Brown's goal in the first quarter - Nobody expected him to get the journey or the accuracy from outside the 50m.

3. Changa's goal (the first for the Hawks) - was getting a little nervous until he registered the first goal for the Hawks.

4. Youngy's long range goal in the second. The cats
had all the play in the second quarter, Croad was off injured, everything was starting to look bleak - but Youngs goal put us back in front.

5. Rougheads 2nd goal in the last quarter - I knew we had it won!
1. Mitchell and Clarkson lifting the Premiership Cup.
2. Cameron Stokes not handling the pressure in the first qtr
3. Cameron Stokes not sure about what to do about it in the 2nd qtr
4. Cameron Stokes not handling anything much at all in the 3rd qtr
5. Cameron Stokes trying to figure out which end he was kicking to in the 4th qtr


I must admit Cameron didn't appear to handle the pressure or anything it all throughout the game but don't you think the poor bloke has an excuse?
Rioli's crumbing goal. My favourite moment.

Mitchell's interception across half back in the 3rd with Mooney leading at him.

Rioli beating 3 cats because he wanted it more.

Hodge's running kick off the ground and somersault in the last q.

Crawf's tackle on Rooke in the last quarter. Didn't get a free but you could see that nothing would stop him.

Browndog's charge at the contest in the last q just inside the 50. Nearly killed one of our own.

Browndog's spoil in the last q.

Browndog's mark sitting under the ball in the last q.

Dewy and Willo sideshow.

Willo's spoil up back in the 2nd.

Bateman's running goal. Gave us confidence that we were up and running and going to play our game.

Buddy's sealer in the last.

I will never, ever forget the noise that the crowd made when Ladson's goal went through in the last quarter. Whilst we were home, it was the goal that put the result beyond all doubt and meant we could start singing the song. Still sends shivers up my spine hearing it on the replay.

I am going to come back and edit this after watching the game yet again!!
A couple of other ones.

The grin on croadies face when he walked out of the rooms and onto the bench in the final quarter.

Buddys 45 metre goal in the 3rd 20 seconds after Geelong finally hit the front via Abletts goal. Must have smacked the life out of them.

Roughy kissing his Jumper after throwing taylor around like a rag doll and goaling.

My favourite though is the magnificent fat barstard's 5 minute period of glory . Crawf getting his medal was amazing but I will never forget what Dewy did in the last 5 or 6 minutes in the 3rd. I swear that was probabably the best five minutes of my life watching Dewy and the boys put the knife to the cats. I wasn't at the game but i would have given everything to be amongst all the brown and gold at the G watching that unfold. The roar when champion-chubby put through his second goal could have been heard all over melbourne.

IM getting all emotional. I am gonna go watch the replay again.

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1. Mitchell and Clarkson lifting the Premiership Cup.
2. Cameron Stokes not handling the pressure in the first qtr
3. Cameron Stokes not sure about what to do about it in the 2nd qtr
4. Cameron Stokes not handling anything much at all in the 3rd qtr
5. Cameron Stokes trying to figure out which end he was kicking to in the 4th qtr

Cameron Stokes...

Matthew Stokes...

I don't think anyone has noticed ;)
1. Willo's goal when he and Dew fought together inside fifty

2. Rioli's scramble on the wing

3. Roughie's goal at the end and then kissing the emblem

4. Laddo's calm fifty penalty, stroll up and send it through post high before flexing to the crowd

5. Hodge's handball
The 5 moments that had the most impact for me when I watched it on the day.....

1. Hodge inviting the Geelong players to hit him in the ribs
2. Bateman's first goal
3. Mooney missing before half time - I've never felt relief and laughter as much as I did then.
5. That's what I'm talkin aboooooooooout!

After watching the GF a few times:

1. Buddy - ball didn't bounce for him all day and he couldn't mark a thing, but had goal assists to Dew, Willo and Rioli and both goals his kicked were at CRUCIAL moments. Importance very much understated. Scarlett didn't run and create at all. Thanks Buddy.

2. Youngy's goal. They had the run of play - we were getting done around the clearances - we badly needed some creativity and spark and Youngy delivered like an absolute CHAMPION.

3. Rioli's impact. Had 11 touches and I think 9 of them resulted in a goal or a shot on goal - phenomenal impact. Can't wait to see him get 30 touches in a game!

4. Dewy's snap goal from Buddy - that's when I started believing we were a serious chance to come away with it.

5. Laddo's goal. Sloppy stuff from a concussed Harley and Laddo took his time and nailed the goal - we were home .
1. Hodgey running from half back to receive handball outside 50 without one Geelong player even interested in chasing and then slotting through a major.
2. The broken foot bump from Croady.
3. Stewie Dew.
4. Rioli and the 3 Cats.
5. Crawf.
Great thread....some great moments to consider and certainly enjoyable thinking back to the day and remembering the excitement and adrenalin rush.

1. Willo's goal with Dew is one of the greatest passages of play for "never give in" efforts I've seen...just refused to concede and from a Cats perspective, that must have been like a shot through the heart...

2. Luke Hodge - his 40m handball to Sewell (just the bullshit flair of it - so audacious) and the demand of the ball from Ossie on the 50m line to slot through a critical goal...leadership moments all through the game. Not too many better moments for me than Shaw saying "The norm smith medallist, from Hawthorn - Luke Hodge"...(bit of a tragic, as I recorded it and use it as the ring tone for the mobile!:eek:)

3. Cyril for his work on the wing and the goal off buddy's tap...excitement for all us.

4. Crawf for finally getting the medal. All been said before on how it would have been a massive disappointment for so many, if Crawf had gone without one.

5. The last few minutes of the last quarter when Ladson kicks that goal and a realisation hits, that the Hawks are absolutely going to win the game. Seeing your mates who have waited through the dark days of 2004-2006, (where the "line in the sand" game is all you can hang your hat on for the season) going crazy and thinking "how good is this?"....
After watching the GF a few times:

1. Buddy - ball didn't bounce for him all day and he couldn't mark a thing, but had goal assists to Dew, Willo and Rioli and both goals his kicked were at CRUCIAL moments. Importance very much understated. Scarlett didn't run and create at all. Thanks Buddy.


I've been thinking the same. Buddy's role in the game has been understated in all reports of the game I've seen and heard since, in fact, it seems to be accepted fact in media circles that he was well beaten by Scarlett - but nothing could be further from the truth.

The two things that have really stood out to me from watching the game over and over - Dew had much more of an impact than just his celebrated 5 minutes in the 3rd quarter, he actually played a great game all up; and Buddy was far more important, in terms of goal assists, effort, and keeping Scarlett out of the game, than any commentator gave him credit for.

Great thread, by the way.
1. Scarlett's failed acting attempt at being slung by Franklin allowing Buddy to gather, dish of to Dew and Gooooaaallll.
2. The lob kicks - 1st one from Crawf to Dew. 2nd one from Lewis to Roughy. Both kicks were deliberate to situations where "one out" we had the advantage - a beautiful thing.
3. Cyril's crumbing goal
4. Cyril's tackle
5. Willo & Dew's inspirational passage of play and goal.
One moment that hasn't been mentioned yet (To the best of my reading ability) is Croad sitting on the bench with a swollen/broken foot and a big smile on his face.

Made me smile the after seeing that again.
One moment that hasn't been mentioned yet (To the best of my reading ability) is Croad sitting on the bench with a swollen/broken foot and a big smile on his face.

Made me smile the after seeing that again.

Me too, but I think the pethadine was what made it a dopey smile. :)

I agree with all those previously posted, but for me there are some priceless moments off field

When the camera panned the crowd after I think Dew's third goal and there was a lone hawk supporter waving the flag amongst a sea of stunned geelong fans - priceless.

I also enjoyed typical brownie - cramps in the fourth quarter after a magnificant spoil but still manages to let varcoe know with a good bump that he may be down but he is far from out (I still struggle to comphrend that he didn't win the courage award)

When commentary teams kept waiting for the flood gates to open and I really don't think 7 ever got there head around the fact that the Cats weren't going to win until Ladson kicked the goal.

The sheer emotion on Crawf's face, bought a tear to the eye
My top five already mentioned really enjoyed these moments

During the national anthem we stood arm in arm as a team, Geelong seperate individuals sort of summed up the whole game

Non selected players celebrating with the players after the siren

The sea of Brown and Gold going nuts in the third quarter especially the whole bay just adjacent the posts mostly wearing gold made the third quarter onslaught even more enjoyable

The medal presentation to changa when the kid couldnt get it over his dreads and Cambell jumping down a few notches so the lass could reach

Watching that shit eating grin the Geelong supporters at my footy club had been wearing for 12 months disappear

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Grand Final top 5 moments

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