If you're going to abuse a telemarketer...

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The worst ones are the Charities which take you on this big guilt trip.

Me: "Sorry, but I don't really want to have to sell raffle tickets"
them: "You mean you don't want to save childrens lives?"
Me: "um..."
Them: "C'mon, all you have to do is sell 30 raffle tickets at $2 each. It'll make such a huge difference to these porr childrens lives"
Me: "I know that, but I also know that none of my mates are going to buy any, and I don't want to have to donate $60 to you guys"

A couple of times I've said "Ok send them" just to get them off my back and them sent the tickets back with a note saying that I couldn't sell them.

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Had some arseclown telemarketer/market researcher call claiming to be from Sydney (more like Mumbai) wanting me to take a survey at... 9.30am on Saturday! WTF

No surprises I said no.
We do do Saturdays, but it's optional (you don't have to come in) and we don't start till 11am and finish up at 4pm.

I had my review thing today. Basically I'm dominating life itself.
Got a job with Tourism Victoria the other day. Apparently doing 'warm leads' selling holidays in victoria.

pay is $25-60 per hour. Im assuming i'm going to have to sell shit loads of holidays to get some sweet pay.

Telemarketers out there want to give advice?

Got a job with Tourism Victoria the other day. Apparently doing 'warm leads' selling holidays in victoria.

pay is $25-60 per hour. Im assuming i'm going to have to sell shit loads of holidays to get some sweet pay.

Telemarketers out there want to give advice?

Give it a little bit to find your niche. It's not a job you can walk into and be good at. You have to get used to handling objections, pitching it right etc.

What works for me is sounding like I don't give a stuff. Baffling I know but it genuinely works.
I've done this, was a pretty easy job once you get into it. Being a pretty shy person at first, the first 10 or so calls I was shitting myself, reading the script handed to me word for word. After that I was fine and chatting away and doing it my own way, making a fair few leads a day. The funniest stories was having a mother of two tell me I had an attractive sounding voice and asked for my number. (Yes, seriously.) And having an hour conversation about sports with an older bloke, which involved me and another person working beside me. :cool:
Abso-friggin-lutely. First thing I thought of when I saw the thread title.


Oh, and telemarketers suck the big one. Unsolicited violation of personal privacy :thumbsdown:
I've earnt $2000 this week and assuming I have a slightly-above-average day tomorrow I'll break the record for most sales nationally on the campaign I work on.

Yeah being a telemarketer's a really shit job...:D
I've earnt $2000 this week and assuming I have a slightly-above-average day tomorrow I'll break the record for most sales nationally on the campaign I work on.
And made a heap of enemies in the process no doubt.

Good for you though sport, whatever floats your boat.

Without turning this into a pissing contest, I wouldn't get out of bed for 2K a week. Above all though, at least I can sleep at night knowing that what I do doesn't require me to be a serial pest and force myself onto people who have not requested my services. Nothing personal though, I just hate the whole telemarketing concept (and I used to be in MLM!).
Had an Indian guy call me at 7pm on Wednesday. I told him that I had just sat down with my dinner and didn't want it getting cold. He replies, "You've got a microwave haven't you?". At that point I hung up.
I have a few problems with telemarketers.

a) Indian's ringing up who can't speak english

b) When picking up the phone and there is nobody there because telemarketers call a few people at once and you have to wait in total silence while THEY pick up your call after finishing with another

c) No means NO! When you politely decline they keep on talking, actling like you haven't declined. It's just plain rude

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I have a few problems with telemarketers.

a) Indian's ringing up who can't speak english

b) When picking up the phone and there is nobody there because telemarketers call a few people at once and you have to wait in total silence while THEY pick up your call after finishing with another

c) No means NO! When you politely decline they keep on talking, actling like you haven't declined. It's just plain rude
Regarding B, I absolutely hate the auto-dialer. You don't get a chance to practice saying tricky names before you have to say it so often you'll stuff it up. Often as you mentioned you've already picked up before we get the call so we can't tell if it's a guy or a girl. And often I'm sitting there for about a minute waiting for a call to get through and when I finally get one it's an answering machine.

I despise auto dial. Give me manual dial any day of the week.
Yes I work as one (Shut up) and if you're going to abuse me then don't give me Seinfeld. I'll fire back with more Seinfeld before you can blink. So at least give me something original or just hang up and save us both some time.

Not sure if its true or not but a woman I work with was once a telemarketer and she said the thing that gets them into trouble more than anything is if they are on the line for more than 2 minutes and don't get a sale. Aparently the buzz-word spewing managers haul them over the coals. She said the best way to piss them off is to them rattle off their entire rant, make them think they have one on the line then say no and hang up.
I don't envy their job and see no point in abusing them. I just ask their company and boycott them in future.
Dad was on the phone to one for half an hour just because he was bored, was pretty funny.

We had this one chick ring up every bloody day for ages, same lady every time and we kept saying "no thanks" at the start then started getting a bit ruder but she wouldn't let off. She's gone now.
Dad was on the phone to one for half an hour just because he was bored, was pretty funny.

We had this one chick ring up every bloody day for ages, same lady every time and we kept saying "no thanks" at the start then started getting a bit ruder but she wouldn't let off. She's gone now.

what if she died??

reminds me of a mitch hedburg joke. or could have been that other guy, forget his name. you know the one,
If someone abuses me or just hangs up on me I mark them as "No Answer" so they get called back. Just because I can. If they say "Not Interested" I mark them as "Not Interested". Seems simple to me.

That just makes me think you are a w***er mate. The thing that pisses most people off about telemarketers is their lies. I don't know how many "FREE" holidays and phones i should be getting.. but there seems something strange about a $200 Free prize.
That just makes me think you are a w***er mate. The thing that pisses most people off about telemarketers is their lies. I don't know how many "FREE" holidays and phones i should be getting.. but there seems something strange about a $200 Free prize.
Well if someone is a w***er to him, doesn't he have a right to act like a w***er to them :p

It ain't hard to say not interested, and if they keep talking just hang up...

Some people believe, an eye for an eye, obviously MWNN does...

And you get a FREE phone, after you sign up to a 60$ plan :D
Had a guy call me at 6AM two days ago, 6 bloody int he morning!!!! surely there has got to be something illegal about that? and get this, he wasn't even from this country!!! the guy was a freaking Yank!!!

Now I don't know what the deal is oveer there, but surely they can't go around bugging people ont he other side of the country andn ot expect to get away with that? they wouldn't allow it over there so then why should we have to put up with it over here?
That just makes me think you are a w***er mate. The thing that pisses most people off about telemarketers is their lies. I don't know how many "FREE" holidays and phones i should be getting.. but there seems something strange about a $200 Free prize.
They just hang up. They never say that they're "not interested". Therefore I can't mark them as "Not Interested". Harsh world but I've gotta make the call :p
Had a guy call me at 6AM two days ago, 6 bloody int he morning!!!! surely there has got to be something illegal about that? and get this, he wasn't even from this country!!! the guy was a freaking Yank!!!

Now I don't know what the deal is oveer there, but surely they can't go around bugging people ont he other side of the country andn ot expect to get away with that? they wouldn't allow it over there so then why should we have to put up with it over here?
I'm fairly sure there's laws in place saying you can't make telemarketing calls before a certain time (9am or 10am I think. Earliest we ever start is 11am) and you can't make them any later than 8pm.
Give it a little bit to find your niche. It's not a job you can walk into and be good at. You have to get used to handling objections, pitching it right etc.

What works for me is sounding like I don't give a stuff. Baffling I know but it genuinely works.
What i usually do when i get these phone calls is hand the phone over to my 2 year old son and let him talk to them.You find they get frustrated enough to hang up the phone within seconds when he starts talking to them about the Wiggles and Hi-five and i also get a good laugh out of it as well
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