If you're going to abuse a telemarketer...

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Had a telemarketer call the other day. He said, "Is that Mr Holden?" I said , "No it's not", the person who must have had my number before me. He then asked, "So who's this". I replied, "You called me, who's this"?

He then started trying to sell me a mobile phone. I told him that I already had a phone and was locked into a two year contract. He said, "So I can call you back in two years?". I said "I'll be expecting your call" and hung up.

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I find it ironic that MWNN doesn't want to be abused yet if somebody doesn't want the product he is an absolute twat about it and sets them to be called back.
I find it ironic that MWNN doesn't want to be abused yet if somebody doesn't want the product he is an absolute twat about it and sets them to be called back.

Where'd I say that? Abuse me at will, just give me a little creativity.
It really isn't that much of a big deal "thanks but not interested" end of phone call. People get worked up about nothing. (I'm not a telemarketer)
One phone call occasionally isn't such a big deal. Multiple daily calls from Indians introducing themselves as "Michael Smith from Sydney" are.

Spammers make great money too. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be taken out and shot in the kneecaps.
Im probably the wierdest person in that i'd love to be a telemarketer and sit there and cop abuse from people who act tough on the phone. It'd be hilarious.

Saying that, im never rude to telemarketers on the phone. But ill confuse the shit out of most of them until they hang up on me. The intelligent ones i can tell pretty much a couple of minutes into the conversation, and ill just say i cant talk right now. :thumbsu:
Answered the phone at a mates yesterday and 'twas a telemarketer (female). Being the sly person i am, i started to chat her up a bit and then start asking if this was a sex chat-line. She was very confused but i kept acting as if i really liked her so eventually she hung up.
Im probably the wierdest person in that i'd love to be a telemarketer and sit there and cop abuse from people who act tough on the phone. It'd be hilarious...

I'm with you TG. Worked in retail customer service for a few years and have had to deal with some very irate customers both on the phone and face to face. It really is so amusing to see and hear people get so worked up over such trivial matters. Even more amusing to stir them up a little. :D

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I'm with you TG. Worked in retail customer service for a few years and have had to deal with some very irate customers both on the phone and face to face. It really is so amusing to see and hear people get so worked up over such trivial matters. Even more amusing to stir them up a little. :D

To get paid to do that would be so awesome i reckon. Although i dont reckon you could do much re: stirring them up. You'd probably get fired, or the hot shot would find where the company is, and proceed to beat the shit out of you. :p
Standard answer for me is sorry not interested then hang up. No point trying to be a smartarse, they are just trying to do a job but they are wasting both mine and their time calling me, I don't care what you're selling but I won't be buying it.

that's a very close minded attitude. You'll end up paying retail acting like that;)

Having been involved in sales (never door to door or telemarketing) I'm always polite and listen to their offer (if i'm busy right then i tell them to call back) and if i'm not interested i thank them and i'm on my way.

I have the utmost respect for door to door sales people and a fair bit for telemarketers as it is bloody tough being rejected all day to make a couple of sales. Show me someone who can do either of those jobs well and I'll show you someone who can get rich in sales coz they are the hardest types of sales and most people can't stand the rejection. it takes a rare breed (or someone who understands the sales process) to be able to do it consistently over a period of time.

p.s. MWNN, do you want to be my latex salesman?
p.s. MWNN, do you want to be my latex salesman?
I've been so so tempted to just say "Hi it's Jarryd calling from Vandelay Industries" One day...

I snapped today. One woman was just unbelievably stupid so I hung up on her and just went nuts swearing. I may have suggested that I hope she dies of Greenhouse Gas Exposure.

Good fun.
I'm now a bit over a month into my Telemarketing job. I'm actually quite enjoying it. Have met some awesome people there and the job is ok.

You get a heap of ____ stains who try and get free shit out of you. I'm pretty lucky my boss doesn't mind if we give some lip back to the people on the line.

The thing is when you make so many calls, you realise just how nutty this country it. We seriously have some very very weird people.

Had one bloke the other day proclaiming that i offered him a discount card for free... Quite funny considering we don't even offer those. Said he taped our conversation and wants his card.

I asked him to play it back and said i would give him a card for free if he could prove i said it.

Out comes the verbal stuf. Every name under the sun. Was quite funny.

Threatened to take it to the boss of the company if he didn't get this card. (At this stage i'm still trying to figure out the discount card we are offering).

Ended up saying. "Listen mate, it is ok to make a ________ out of yourself, but not of me. Even if i offered you a card you are doing youself no justice with the way you are talking to me.

*says again he will take the tape to the boss and i will get the sack.*

"You do realise it is against the law to record any conversation without prior consent of the individual you are talking to. If you are recording this then you are breaking the law, and I am well within my rights to report you to the police. Now you live at ********** st and your phone number is ********... Is that right?

*Hangs up*

Toss pot
Now here's where I tell a honest story.

I once got a job as a telemarketer (would have been 17 yrs old I think at the time). Didn't really think it through and I thought it was going to be super sweet.

Then, all was going well in my first shift, when it dawned on me that I was being paid to annoy people. Something didn't sit right in my soul. I picked up that head set, gently wiped it down with antiseptic, and proceeded to walk out after 30 minutes.

So I too am guilty of contributing (if for only 30 minutes and 3 awkward phone calls) to the poop that is the telemarketing industry.

Does that make me a hypocrite? I'm not sure, given that I never got paid and walked out quietly without saying boo.

Ah Ha, now we find out why you are so negative towards it. You didn't quit because of some enlightened moment that made you grow a conscience, you quit coz you couldn't hack the rejection!!! And now you are taking out your inadequacies on all those people who can do what you couldn't. 17 year olds don't give a ____ about anything but rooting chicks and earning beer money. You've been well and truly exposed Masterdontringring :)
I seem to get them in waves. I might get one a week for three weeks, but I will then get about 3 per evening for a week etc etc.

Im never rude to them, as I know a mate who was a telemarketer, however on the odd occasion I have rude people being very pushy so I give back what they give to me.
Haha funny that I just posted, and then I get one, however it was a new type of call.

Answered the phone and it was a pre-recorded american womans voice. "Please hold the line, we have *something i wasnt really listening* to offer you and a caller will be with you soon" before I was put on hold!

YOU call ME and then put ME on hold to talk to YOU??? No thanks.
Haha funny that I just posted, and then I get one, however it was a new type of call.

Answered the phone and it was a pre-recorded american womans voice. "Please hold the line, we have *something i wasnt really listening* to offer you and a caller will be with you soon" before I was put on hold!

YOU call ME and then put ME on hold to talk to YOU??? No thanks.

In a way those pre-recorded ones are good - they save you time and you just hang up straight away.
The annoying thing I find with some telemarketers is that they don't take no for an answer .. they keep repeating the offer while you try to say 'No' as politely as you can, and then it gets really annoying. I've never actually hung up on them, they're only doing their job and if you say no most of them get the point.
The annoying thing I find with some telemarketers is that they don't take no for an answer .. they keep repeating the offer while you try to say 'No' as politely as you can, and then it gets really annoying. I've never actually hung up on them, they're only doing their job and if you say no most of them get the point.
I'll let you in on one of the telemarketing folklores

"3 no's before a yes"
that's a very close minded attitude. You'll end up paying retail acting like that;)

Having been involved in sales (never door to door or telemarketing) I'm always polite and listen to their offer (if i'm busy right then i tell them to call back) and if i'm not interested i thank them and i'm on my way.

I have the utmost respect for door to door sales people and a fair bit for telemarketers as it is bloody tough being rejected all day to make a couple of sales. Show me someone who can do either of those jobs well and I'll show you someone who can get rich in sales coz they are the hardest types of sales and most people can't stand the rejection. it takes a rare breed (or someone who understands the sales process) to be able to do it consistently over a period of time.

p.s. MWNN, do you want to be my latex salesman?

I'm probably the wrong person to call up though, I don't buy things unless I identify a need for them. I would probably buy $500 of non-food items in a year including books, clothing etc and not much else.
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