Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Sounds like Hezbollah & Iran are not sure what they want to do ... or if they want to do it
Nonsense. It's exactly as I predicted. The last wave launched from Iran was shot down by an international coalition of fighter jets and air defence over their 1,000km journey.

So Iran are moving their launch sites to within Lebanon (and maybe Syria). So instead of 1,000km, Israel and their allies will have 100km to respond. A lot more will get through. If they take out the Iron dome launchers, then rocket attacks might follow.

It will take a couple of weeks to move that many drones and missiles into place.

Or they might go for places like the Dept of Defence in the middle of Tel Aviv, or the Knesset. Both legitimate targets in populated areas.

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Also, Israel are lying (again) when they say they don't want to re-settle Gaza. A Parliamentary committee has been formed to repeal the laws which took Jewish terrorists out of Gaza in 2005.

Gaza, even in biblical times, was never ever part of Judea or any of the tribes of Israel. There's not even the faintest historic claims over Gaza by Israel. But here they are, trying to ethnically cleanse the land and claim it as part of Israel. If you still don't believe they're racist supremacists right to the top, you can't be helped.

not that many of us are shocked by this but it’s handy to be reminded. liars, and terrorists who consider themselves exempt from any normal standards of behaviour or the law.

the “international community” largely turns a blind eye. such is the power and influence of the isaeli diaspora. shameful!

any so-called charity that sends money in support of the terrorist state should get the same treatment. that applies to “affairs councils” that work on the pretext of promoting goodwill between israel and the country they spread their propaganda in.

Also, Israel are lying (again) when they say they don't want to re-settle Gaza. A Parliamentary committee has been formed to repeal the laws which took Jewish terrorists out of Gaza in 2005.

Gaza, even in biblical times, was never ever part of Judea or any of the tribes of Israel. There's not even the faintest historic claims over Gaza by Israel. But here they are, trying to ethnically cleanse the land and claim it as part of Israel. If you still don't believe they're racist supremacists right to the top, you can't be helped.

The English tried to offload the Gaza strip to the Egyptians immediately after WWII. Its a pity they declined.

There were certinaly Jews around back in the day, "never" is not quite correct.
The whole area has been very multicultural over the years.
Archaeological sites in the Gaza strip include.:
Anthedon. An ancient city , at one time ruled by the Jews but long since conquered. World Heritage site now destroyed by shells.
Gaza Synagogue. 508BC. Discovered by the Egyptians in 1965 , promptly vandalised by Palestinians, now removed and in Israel.

Wikipedia says:

Inhabited since at least the 15th century BC,[6] Gaza has been dominated by different peoples and empires throughout its history. The Philistines made it a part of their pentapolis after the ancient Egyptians had ruled it for nearly 350 years. Under the Roman Empire, Gaza experienced relative peace and its Mediterranean port flourished. In 635 AD, it became the first city in the Palestine region to be conquered by the Rashidun army and quickly developed into a centre of Islamic law. However, by the time the Crusader states were established in 1099, Gaza was in ruins. In later centuries, Gaza experienced several hardships—from Mongol raids to severe flooding and locust swarms, reducing it to a village by the 16th century, when it was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire. During the first half of Ottoman rule, the Ridwan dynasty controlled Gaza and the city went through an age of great commerce and peace. The municipality of Gaza was established in 1893.
The English tried to offload the Gaza strip to the Egyptians immediately after WWII. Its a pity they declined.

There were certinaly Jews around back in the day, "never" is not quite correct.
The whole area has been very multicultural over the years.
Archaeological sites in the Gaza strip include.:
Anthedon. An ancient city , at one time ruled by the Jews but long since conquered. World Heritage site now destroyed by shells.
Gaza Synagogue. 508BC. Discovered by the Egyptians in 1965 , promptly vandalised by Palestinians, now removed and in Israel.

Wikipedia says:

Inhabited since at least the 15th century BC,[6] Gaza has been dominated by different peoples and empires throughout its history. The Philistines made it a part of their pentapolis after the ancient Egyptians had ruled it for nearly 350 years. Under the Roman Empire, Gaza experienced relative peace and its Mediterranean port flourished. In 635 AD, it became the first city in the Palestine region to be conquered by the Rashidun army and quickly developed into a centre of Islamic law. However, by the time the Crusader states were established in 1099, Gaza was in ruins. In later centuries, Gaza experienced several hardships—from Mongol raids to severe flooding and locust swarms, reducing it to a village by the 16th century, when it was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire. During the first half of Ottoman rule, the Ridwan dynasty controlled Gaza and the city went through an age of great commerce and peace. The municipality of Gaza was established in 1893.
The history points out it was never a Jewish city. Any time the Judean armies went near it, they razed what was there and left. And the locals kept building it back up.

It was never Jewish and for anyone to lay claim to it as part of Israel on historic basis is like saying I own the Indian Ocean because I crossed it by plane once.
The history points out it was never a Jewish city. Any time the Judean armies went near it, they razed what was there and left. And the locals kept building it back up.

It was never Jewish and for anyone to lay claim to it as part of Israel on historic basis is like saying I own the Indian Ocean because I crossed it by plane once.

I don't think anyone can claim Gaza City on a historical basis. Its basically where displaced Palestinians were able to live.
The only possible claim Israel can have is as the spoils of war.
At the moment (and at all stages of history since the creation of Israel) it most definitely is up to Israel.

No it wont. That time has long passed.

I support a two State solution. But it's not going to happen.

Israel will not lay down its arms or return an inch of land to the dispossessed Palestinians. The West Bank has been progressively annexed for decades now via Israeli settlements, and that wont be slowing down any time soon, and Gaza is now under Israel control (after they previously withdrew settlers from there, and granted semi autonomy) and will remain under Israeli control.

There is nothing the Palestinian people can do about this. And there is nothing Israels neighbors can do about it, without a retaliation from the USA.

I dont support the above. But its the truth.

A one State solution (Israel, covering all of mandatory Palestine, with Arab Muslims living under apartheid and disenfranchised) is where this is headed.

Which part of the Palestinians' right to self determination is up to Israel?

The short answer is; no part of their right to self determination is up to Israel.
That has always been the case.

Israel likes to pretend that it is up to Israel to decide the fate of the Palestinians.
The simple fact is that if it were up to Israel then there would be no need for Israel to occupy any part of Palestine.
There would be no need because they would just annex it.

They can't even annex the West Bank.
They have to build pseudo military bases (settlements) in the West Bank just to have a presence there.

There will never be a 1 state solution.
The Jewish Zionist movement and all its predecessors have tried this shit everywhere they have been for the last many hundreds of years. Each and every time they have been turfed out on their arse.
Zionists want to dominate and make second class anyone that isn't a Zionist, including the many Jews that aren't Zionist. Look at how they are treating the non-Zionist Jews in Israel. Look at how all non-Jews are treated in Israel.
Which part of the Palestinians' right to self determination is up to Israel?

The short answer is; no part of their right to self determination is up to Israel.
That has always been the case.

Israel likes to pretend that it is up to Israel to decide the fate of the Palestinians.
The simple fact is that if it were up to Israel then there would be no need for Israel to occupy any part of Palestine.
There would be no need because they would just annex it.

They can't even annex the West Bank.
They have to build pseudo military bases (settlements) in the West Bank just to have a presence there.

There will never be a 1 state solution.
The Jewish Zionist movement and all its predecessors have tried this shit everywhere they have been for the last many hundreds of years. Each and every time they have been turfed out on their arse.
Zionists want to dominate and make second class anyone that isn't a Zionist, including the many Jews that aren't Zionist. Look at how they are treating the non-Zionist Jews in Israel. Look at how all non-Jews are treated in Israel.
one state with equal rights is the fairest. but we both know israel has no interest in a one or two state solution. the history of the conflict has shown that and the extremists have said destruction of palestine is their goal.

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one state with equal rights is the fairest. but we both know israel has no interest in a one or two state solution. the history of the conflict has shown that and the extremists have said destruction of palestine is their goal.

There will never be a 1 state solution because the Zionists will never allow anyone to have equal rights, ever.
Which part of the Palestinians' right to self determination is up to Israel?

The short answer is; no part of their right to self determination is up to Israel.
That has always been the case.

Israel likes to pretend that it is up to Israel to decide the fate of the Palestinians.
The simple fact is that if it were up to Israel then there would be no need for Israel to occupy any part of Palestine.
There would be no need because they would just annex it.

They can't even annex the West Bank.
They have to build pseudo military bases (settlements) in the West Bank just to have a presence there.

There will never be a 1 state solution.
The Jewish Zionist movement and all its predecessors have tried this shit everywhere they have been for the last many hundreds of years. Each and every time they have been turfed out on their arse.
Zionists want to dominate and make second class anyone that isn't a Zionist, including the many Jews that aren't Zionist. Look at how they are treating the non-Zionist Jews in Israel. Look at how all non-Jews are treated in Israel.

Its not been so bad , but the current admin needs to be deposed.

A 2021 survey by CBS found that 84% of Christians were satisfied with life in Israel. The survey also found Arab Christian women were the most educated demographic in Israel.[24] Concern was expressed by the patriarchs, however, over extremist groups in Israeli society.[24] In 2023, the Latin Patriarch—the head of the Latin Church in the Holy Land—alleged that a shift toward far-right politics under the premiership of Benjamin Netanyahu led to greater attacks on Christians
Its not been so bad , but the current admin needs to be deposed.

A 2021 survey by CBS found that 84% of Christians were satisfied with life in Israel. The survey also found Arab Christian women were the most educated demographic in Israel.[24] Concern was expressed by the patriarchs, however, over extremist groups in Israeli society.[24] In 2023, the Latin Patriarch—the head of the Latin Church in the Holy Land—alleged that a shift toward far-right politics under the premiership of Benjamin Netanyahu led to greater attacks on Christians

They tried to sterilize Ethiopean Jews for no reason other than they were the wrong skin colour.
Being Jewish isn't enough. You have to be the right kind of Jew. The right kind of skin colour.
They think they are the f'ing chosen people and that that somehow gives them the right to treat everyone else like second class citizens.
They tried to sterilize Ethiopean Jews for no reason other than they were the wrong skin colour.
Being Jewish isn't enough. You have to be the right kind of Jew. The right kind of skin colour.
They think they are the f'ing chosen people and that that somehow gives them the right to treat everyone else like second class citizens.
Watched this recently - it is great. Talks about how Israel’s forced all the Arab Jews into Israel and then went on to treat them like 2nd class citizens

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a gov’t that is shaming every non-zionist aussie. you expect this from weak submissive reactionaries. for f**k sake grow a pair and do the right thing.

hey albo >

There will never be a 1 state solution because the Zionists will never allow anyone to have equal rights, ever.
which is what said. neither will their be a 2 state solution. israel has only ever been interested in destroying palestinians. aided and abetted by the yanks.
successive weak complicit yankee administrations are the enablers of the decades of misery and now genocide perpetrated on the largely defenceless palestinians.



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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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