Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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IDF protect these terrorists. So who is going to arrest them?

They can't even arrest the Israeli rapists without riots breaking out ffs.

People think they can separate the West Bank settlers from Israel as a whole.

Like somehow Israelis behind the green line are not voting in Ben-Gvir and the likes, and not actively or passively supporting their settler countrymen to terrorise the West Bank.

Every day they're not trying to stop them is another day they tacitly support this. Who has the power to stop them if not Israel?
it’s hard to believe that humans can treat fellow humans this way. these idf criminals must have had a conscience and ethical by-passes.

what can you say.:'(

Who still supports this???
Israel is pure evil and always has been.
Now they are showing the world just how evil they really are.
More evidence that out of Hamas, the IDF and Hezbollah, it's the IDF who kill more innocent civilians while claiming to be the most moral army and having by far the best funded equipment.

"So far, the skirmishes have resulted in 26 civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of 19 IDF soldiers and reservists — including in Monday’s attack."

It's the IDF who are the most indiscriminate user of weapons in this conflict and that includes October 7th.

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Netanyahu blows up latest peace deal by contradicting what mediators say he's agreed to.

“He knows there is progress — and then he puts out statements that are the opposite of what was agreed upon with the mediators,” the source added."

if you read the piece on the abc website listing the conditions the corrupt terrorist placed on the so-called agreement you'd see there was no way it would succeed. essentially, israel could continue bombing if they felt it was necessary and wanted control of gaza. it's a desperate move by zionist joe and m8 blinken to get a deal before the election.
antony lowenstein

It's now incredibly clear; Israel's goal in Gaza is long-term occupation and the building of small settlements, slowly building into something far more substantial.

The editor of @haaretzcom outlines the grim state of play:

"The public discourse in Israel is focused on the hostages and their fate, but Netanyahu considers them to be a media nuisance, a battering ram by his political opponents, and a distraction from the goal: A prolonged occupation of the Gaza Strip, or - as he has repeatedly declared since the outbreak of the war - "Israeli security control.

"Control of the Philadephia route and the "security corridor" along the border allows Israel to surround Gaza's land borders and isolate it from Egypt. Control of the Netzarim road route in practice divides northern Gaza, where few Palestinian remain with destroyed homes and infrastructures, from the southern part of the coastal enclave, overflowing with refugees from the entire Strip.

"In practice, a long-term arrangement for "the day after" is being drawn up. Israel will control the northern Gaza Strip and drive out the 300,000 Palestinian still there. Maj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, the war's ideologue, proposes starving them to death, or exiling them, as a lever with which to defeat Hamas. The Israeli right envisions a Jewish settlement of the area, with vast real estate potential of convenient topography, a sea view, and proximity to central Israel.

"The 57-year experience of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem indicates that this is a long process that requires a lot of patience and diplomatic maneuvering capability. No large Jewish city will be built in Gaza tomorrow, but progress will be made acre by acre, mobile home by mobile home, outpost by outpost - just like in Hebron, Elon Moreh, and Gilad Farm.

"The southern Gaza Strip will be left for Hamas, which will have to care for the destitute residents under Israeli siege, even after the international community loses interest in the story and moves on to other crises. Netanyahu believes with certainty that, after the U.S. elections, the influence of pro-Palestinian demonstrators on American politics will wane, even if Vice President Kamala Harris wins."
monsters. all who have been active participants and enablers. and the indiscriminate bombing of people with no protection is equally monstrous and cowardly. may they all get their comeuppance.


This is just sad.

The US and the Israeli governments have a lot of injustices smeared on their hands.

No one would accept their people to be treated the way Israeli governments are treating Palestinians. The problem is that they have the backing of powerful nations like the US.
Israelis support it because they are brought up to hate Palestinians. They are brainwashed to believe that it's the Arabs that have caused immense tragedy for jews, as any form violent acts from Israel has been erased from their history. There is also fear as it's been ingrained that all Palestinians have nothing but hate, and if left in a room with one they'll be killed.

They are also taught that the world is against them. So when they are condemned for their warcrimes they simply say 'we told you so.'

It's propaganda fine tuned over generations.

Massive blanket statement about ‘Israelis’. Would you feel the same if we referred to ‘Palestinians’ in the same context as HAMAS?

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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