Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Eventually, like Iraq and Vietnam, when everyone realises what a travesty the Israeli Genocide is, everyone will pretend they were misled, or didn't really support it and shrink into their holes.

Most people who supported (and it was a majority of people) the Vietnam War would never admit it now. If it weren't for the full-throated media support in the UK, US and Australia, there wouldn't be anywhere near the current levels of support.
From a neutral standpoint ..... Can I ask how you seriously think this is going to end?

Do you think Israel are just going to pack up and leave?

Do you think the UN are going to turn around and tell Israel ..... sorry guys we made a mistake?
Look mate, when you accused me of derailing the thread, that is an open invitation for censorship.
Words have consequences in general.
TBH, I think if it had been up to you, you would have used that as a pretext to ban me from posting.
I am willing to take on your points of disagreement and explain why I think my view is correct, and you are welcome to do the same to me.
You think wrong, but thanks for the assumption.

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From a neutral standpoint ..... Can I ask how you seriously think this is going to end?

Do you think Israel are just going to pack up and leave?

Do you think the UN are going to turn around and tell Israel ..... sorry guys we made a mistake?
Impossible to have a neutral viewpoint.
Example: Would you read an biography of Hitler by an author who declared himself to be "neutral" about the rise to power of the Nazis?
"Neutrality" is a cover for a position that one does not wish to admit.

I would ask you, how would you wish to see it end?
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Impossible to have a neutral viewpoint.
Example: Would you read an autobiography of Hitler by an author who declared himself to be "neutral" about the rise to power of the Nazis?
"Neutrality" is a cover for a position that one does not wish to admit.

I would ask you, how would you wish to see it end?
An autobiography .... written by someone else? 😵‍💫

Your example doesn't even make sense .... if you wrote a "Biography" about the Hitler/Nazis rise to power you would likely write an unbiased factual neutral account based on information you have of Hitler/ Nazis rise to power .... no need to take sides .... you are explaining to readers how it happened

Everyone wishes to see this ongoing conflict end in peace ... whether that happens needs from both sides of thr conflict but what is clear that it won't end by Israel upping and leaving

How do you see it ending?

The working class uniting across borders to abolish oligarchs, singing kumbayah with 7 billion people all agreeing with each other on a common goal of equality across all industries across the globe without any infighting and persecution?
An autobiography .... written by someone else? 😵‍💫

Your example doesn't even make sense .... if you wrote a "Biography" about the Hitler/Nazis rise to power you would likely write an unbiased factual neutral account based on information you have of Hitler/ Nazis rise to power .... no need to take sides .... you are explaining to readers how it happened

Everyone wishes to see this ongoing conflict end in peace ... whether that happens needs from both sides of thr conflict but what is clear that it won't end by Israel upping and leaving

How do you see it ending?

The working class uniting across borders to abolish oligarchs, singing kumbayah with 7 billion people all agreeing with each other on a common goal of equality across all industries across the globe without any infighting and persecution?
my bad!! Meant a biography of hitler.

Your last paragraph is exactly how I would wish it to end, but not by "singing kumbayah"" (whatever ""anti-woke terminology" you wish to bring in to attempt to ridicule what I am saying)

Working class unity across national borders, which will be led only by a revolutionary party based on socialist internationalism.

That is not a utopian dream. It is actually the only realistic and practical solution to resolve the crisis of civilisation that is currently unfolding before our very eyes.

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Israeli officials are using the exact same talking points with Lebanon as they did in Gaza. People expelled from North Gaza a year ago still haven't returned. As if the people in South Lebanon will believe Netanyahu about being able to return.

The regional war the U.S. supposedly wanted to avoid is here now. The only reason they have the confidence to go to war in Lebanon is because of U.S. arms supply. They would have been forced to accept a ceasefire deal with pressure from the U.S. via an arms embargo.
Any specifics on what the US are sending troops for? All I can find is for assisting with evacuations which seems odd. Also found reference to 40,000 US troops being in the area, is that in Israel?
Last time in 2006 the US evacuated citizens from Lebanon (and I think that they also assisted some allied countries people as well)
There are numerous US bases in the middle east there is a more comprehensive list and map here but was last updated in 2021 so might be a bit out of date.
The UK has a base in Cyprus where last time they took the evacuees to via boat from Lebanon (the airport in Beirut was attacked by the Israelis)
The US will provide defensive cover for Israel against drone and missile strikes from Iran , Yemen , Iraq and Syria but I doubt they will attack Hezbollah unless Hezbollah directly attacks US interests in the region.
Although 40 k troops seems a big number it's not enough for any significant offensive action but is a big deterrent against attacks on US military personnel and allied states across the region.
If Israel goes into Lebanon they will be pretty much on their own.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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