Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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You deny that Hamas is a terrorist organization.
No matter what you say Israel are, that doesn't change what Hamas is.

It not just "the" terrorists.

Next thing you'll be saying we should all hug a Houthi.
Umm I never said anything about Hamas. Go back to my original post that he quoted. I was talking about the guy working with Mossad selling out his people (i.e. Palestinians) because he is Palestinian himself. He quoted that by saying "sold out terrorists", which is a common Zionist response by not differentiating between Palestinian civilians and Hamas. I said what I said in that post because I only referenced one terrorist organisation in my original post which is the Israeli government.
thats fine....

I just want to that Israel are Fighting Hezbollah and Hamas and the Houthis. that is all.
Please. When majority of the casualties are not any of the groups you mentioned, then no one is interested in whatever the excuse is for killing that many people.

No one buys Israeli talking points anymore. Bunch of liars.

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Umm I never said anything about Hamas. Go back to my original post that he quoted. I was talking about the guy working with Mossad selling out his people (i.e. Palestinians) because he is Palestinian himself. He quoted that by saying "sold out terrorists", which is a common Zionist response by not differentiating between Palestinian civilians and Hamas. I said what I said in that post because I only referenced one terrorist organisation in my original post which is the Israeli government.

The people he sold out were Hamas.
Or are you saying they are one and the same?
Time to get an overall picture.
Israel is no independent actor here. Every action it takes is first discussed, then agreed to, and then co-ordinated with the Biden Administration and the Pentagon.
This has become obvious.
Over the last 48 hours, with nauseating repetitiveness, we see the mainstream media reporting on how the US and Netanyahu are discussing what "retaliatory" strike they should now unleash against Iran.
When they finally come to an agreement, the US will give the IDF the necessary satellite data (via Pine Gap, very likely) and perhaps even the necessary weaponry (the latest bunker buster technology).

Israel is playing a specific role: carrying out genocide in Gaza and a war of annihilation in Labanon on behalf of its paymasters in Washington.

Their next target is Iran. And once again, the mainstream propaganda will portray this as another justified action of "self=defence".
Is John Winston Howard, George W Bush and Tony Blair war criminals as well? Thet sent troops to invade Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein
Yes they were criminal for going to war with false information but they didn't willingly slaughter 10,000 children now rack off mate.
Is John Winston Howard, George W Bush and Tony Blair war criminals as well? Thet sent troops to invade Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein
Yes they are.

At some point history will damn them for what they did, especially Bush. Won't matter to them cos they'll be dead by then anyway.

The Iraq war was illegal. It was based on lies and destabilised the Middle East so much that we ended with up with ISIS slaughtering anyone it felt like and non-stop war since. Saddam Hussein was a terrible human and deserved to be deposed but there was no legal basis for anyone to do that.

If the US (and us) had stayed focused on Afghanistan and rebuilding it to make it the sort of nation it was 50-60 years ago and left Iraq alone then that entire part of the world would be so much less psycho and the US and Western world in general might still have some moral authority.

Most of the non white, non English speaking world, ie the developing world wouldn't be looking to China (and even Russia) for leadership.

If not for something like 500 stolen votes in Florida 24 years ago the world would be very different now.
It's common knowledge that most Arab states wanted to wipe out a sovereign Israeli state around the time of its formation. I could provide sources - but I'm sure you can use google.

If they wanted to wipe out Israel, they would have sent more than token forces. The Arab League's declaration is clear on their objectives, to try to bring order to lands allocated for a Palestinian state, to stop the massacre of Palestinians, stem the flow of refugees flooding across their borders, and to appease their own populations who were horrified at the atrocities of the Zionists.

I'm sure there were some statements made regarding the nascent Israeli state, intended for domestic consumption, but their actions in no way reflected several countries trying to wipe out anybody.

And why did the Haganah exist? How far back do you want to go?

The Old Yishuv were second class citizens under the Arab Ottoman rule.

Got links for that? Seems strange they would continuously immigrate to the region in the 18th and 19th centuries under Ottoman rule if they were treated so poorly. I was led to believe the 10 year period of Egyptian rule for example was a worse time for the Yishuv.

In WW1, the Zion Mule Corps and the Jewish Legion (the predecessors to the Hanagh) fought alongside the British. The Ottoman empire surrendered unconditionally and the right of conquest (a principle of international law at the time) gave the Entente the right to partition the Ottoman empire however they saw fit - which included the proposed creation of a sovereign Israeli state.

Plenty of Palestinians also fought for the British during WW2, in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Not sure how that is relevant.

Right of conquest is your justification for what happened? By 1948 and Res 181, the Covenant of the League of Nations and the United Nations Charter had long replaced the archaic right of conquest. In fact agressive war and the fruits of conquest were very much on the outer. States were no longer required to recognise such territorial acquisitions.

The Arabs were opposed

Palestinians were opposed because they had been promised their freedom and independence, and promised that any spiritual home for Jews in Palestine would not affect their status in Palestine. They opposed because their neighbours around them were being granted independence based on democratic principles laid down by the League of Nations. Only in Palestine were the majority of inhabitants of the country disregarded out of hand by the UN, and instead Zionist settlers would be given more than half of the country.

The Palestinians requested more time for the UN to explain why their right to self-determination were being denied. They accepted the US plan for a 5 year trusteeship to discuss and negotiate a more just settlement, only for Truman to renege at the last minute. Of course they were opposed.
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thats fine....

I just want to that Israel are Fighting Hezbollah and Hamas and the Houthis. that is all.
Can you confirm that vid is propaganda/misinformation? I haven’t watched it.
Or is it just a mod threatening you because it doesn’t suit his narrative?
If they wanted to wipe out Israel, they would have sent more than token forces. The Arab League's declaration is clear on their objectives, to try to bring order to lands allocated for a Palestinian state, to stop the massacre of Palestinians, stem the flow of refugees flooding across their borders, and to appease their own populations who were horrified at the atrocities of the Zionists.

I'm sure there were some statements made regarding the nascent Israeli state, intended for domestic consumption, but their actions in no way reflected several countries trying to wipe out anybody.

Got links for that? Seems strange they would continuously immigrate to the region in the 18th and 19th centuries under Ottoman rule if they were treated so poorly. I was led to believe the 10 year period of Egyptian rule for example was a worse time for the Yishuv.

Plenty of Palestinians also fought for the British during WW2, in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Not sure how that is relevant.

Right of conquest is your justification for what happened? By 1948 and Res 181, the Covenant of the League of Nations and the United Nations Charter had long replaced the archaic right of conquest. In fact agressive war and the fruits of conquest were very much on the outer. States were no longer required to recognise such territorial acquisitions.

Palestinians were opposed because they had been promised their freedom and independence, and promised that any spiritual home for Jews in Palestine would not affect their status in Palestine. They opposed because their neighbours around them were being granted independence based on democratic principles laid down by the League of Nations. Only in Palestine were the majority of inhabitants of the country disregarded out of hand by the UN, and instead Zionist settlers would be given more than half of the country.

The Palestinians requested more time for the UN to explain why their right to self-determination were being denied. They accepted the US plan for a 5 year trusteeship to discuss and negotiate a more just settlement, only for Truman to renege at the last minute. Of course they were opposed.

Great post. The fetishisation of Israel's origin belies a disturbingly illiberal politics.

1948 war was civil war with Israel coming out of it with a state and Palestine being absorbed into Israel, Jordan and in the case of Gaze controlled by Egypt. The territories not annexed by Israel in 1948 were conquered during 1967 in an offensive war. The only defensive war Israel fought was the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

Israels conflict with Palestinians should viewed through the lends of civil war and its spillover and destabilisation of surrounding regions is easier to comprehend in this context. It pursued Palestinian forces across borders, destabilising Lebanon & Jordan in the process.

Those viewing the current conflict through the lense of Israel as a US client state have it backwards. Israel in its current posture is a strategic liability to the US. The current government in Israel is making up for lost time in Gaza & Lebanon waging unashamed wars of territorial expansion, such wars will see a global consensus of opposition that will undermine American power & influence.
Can you confirm that vid is propaganda/misinformation? I haven’t watched it.
Or is it just a mod threatening you because it doesn’t suit his narrative?

Not just the video, what he typed is propaganda and misinformation.

He keeps claiming Palestinians get paid heaps of money that they use to kill Jews. That they get preferential treatment - while under a system of apartheid.

But Israel gets a shitload more money, and have killed tens of thousands more Palestinians. This has been the case for decades.


Yes they were criminals for going to war with false information but they didn't willingly slaughter 10,000 children now rack off mate.

At least you Admitted that those 3 blokes were war criminals.

I cant estimate on how many Iraqi civilians died in that invasion of Iraq.

You can call Benjam Netanyahu a War Criminal, but at least he cares about his own citizens, Putin doesnt.
Not just the video, what he typed is propaganda and misinformation.

He keeps claiming Palestinians get paid heaps of money that they use to kill Jews. That they get preferential treatment - while under a system of apartheid.

But Israel gets a shitload more money, and have killed tens of thousands more Palestinians. This has been the case for decades.

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Are you denying that there is a Palestinian fund for martyrs and violence against https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund
If they wanted to wipe out Israel, they would have sent more than token forces. The Arab League's declaration is clear on their objectives, to try to bring order to lands allocated for a Palestinian state, to stop the massacre of Palestinians, stem the flow of refugees flooding across their borders, and to appease their own populations who were horrified at the atrocities of the Zionists.

Their intention was to take back control of Palestine (all of Palestine) which implies abolishing the Israeli sovereign state.
I'm sure there were some statements made regarding the nascent Israeli state, intended for domestic consumption, but their actions in no way reflected several countries trying to wipe out anybody.
They lost because they were a disunited front with their own aims and and ambitions not because 'we weren't really trying'.

Got links for that?
In the Ottoman Empire, in accordance with the dhimmi system implemented in Muslim countries, they, like all other Christians and also Jews, were accorded certain freedoms. The dhimmi system in the Ottoman Empire was largely based upon the Pact of Umar. The client status established the rights of the non-Muslims to property, livelihood and freedom of worship but they were in essence treated as second-class citizens in the empire and referred to in Turkish as gavours, a pejorative word meaning "infidel" or "unbeliever". The clause of the Pact of Umar which prohibited non-Muslims from building new places of worship was historically imposed on some communities of the Ottoman Empire and ignored in other cases, at discretion of the local authorities. Although there were no laws mandating religious ghettos, this led to non-Muslim communities being clustered around existing houses of worship.


Seems strange they would continuously immigrate to the region in the 18th and 19th centuries under Ottoman rule if they were treated so poorly. I was led to believe the 10 year period of Egyptian rule for example was a worse time for the Yishuv.
They were treated even worse elsewhere - hence the desire to resettle in their ancestral homeland.

Plenty of Palestinians also fought for the British during WW2, in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Not sure how that is relevant.
I'm talking about WW1 not WW2 - most Palestinian Arabs fought for the Ottoman army during WW1 (at least until the Arab revolt).

Right of conquest is your justification for what happened? By 1948 and Res 181, the Covenant of the League of Nations and the United Nations Charter had long replaced the archaic right of conquest. In fact agressive war and the fruits of conquest were very much on the outer. States were no longer required to recognise such territorial acquisitions.
Right of conquest was still very much in vogue in 1920s - when the allies actually won control of Palestine. No idea why you are referring to international laws from decades after the fact. You can read the Treaty of Lausanne yourself - Turkey ceded all claims to those lands to the Allies.

Palestinians were opposed because they had been promised their freedom and independence, and promised that any spiritual home for Jews in Palestine would not affect their status in Palestine.
Palestinian leaders at the time (such as Amin al-Husseini) opposed the creation of any Israeli sovereign state and refused any compromise on the matter - much to the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people.

They opposed because their neighbours around them were being granted independence based on democratic principles laid down by the League of Nations. Only in Palestine were the majority of inhabitants of the country disregarded out of hand by the UN, and instead Zionist settlers would be given more than half of the country.

The Palestinians requested more time for the UN to explain why their right to self-determination were being denied. They accepted the US plan for a 5 year trusteeship to discuss and negotiate a more just settlement, only for Truman to renege at the last minute. Of course they were opposed.
I'm not referring to the Arab opposition to the 1948 partition - I'm referring to interwar Arab opposition to an Israeli state.
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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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