Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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People at his rally’s chanting “gas the Jews” but he refused to confirm it…of course he would.

As I said, why can’t we agree there’s fault on both sides?
Oh, that old lie, where the AJA doctored footage to make it sound like "gas the jews", but nobody actually said that?

There is more cheer-leading for Palestinian deaths than for Israeli deaths. And far more excusing of Palestinian deaths than Israeli.

Has there been a motion in Parliament to remember the 40,000 Palestinian victims, or 1,000 Lebanese victims, or just the 800 Israeli ones?

There's definitely some fault on both sides, but overall it's very one-sided.

There are no charities in Australia raising money to re-settle Israel with Islamic people, but there are multiple charities raising money to resettle Jews in Palestine
So it isn’t exactly carrot and stick approach is it.

It’s the carrot or even more carrot approach.

No “we will withdraw funding if you bomb these targets” it’s “we will give you more than ever before if you don’t bomb these targets”.
Only if what is reported is even remotely true.

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I liked this post, but I don’t really understand how anyone can think that Israel is a client state of the US, it is surely the other way around. No US politician can seemingly get anywhere near power without pledging allegiance to Israel. The US government has seemingly unlimited funds available for Israel and bigger all to solve any of their own crises, and it’s all pretty much bipartisan.

Well it’s Israel as the 51st state really. And you have to think Israel doing what they are doing is completely green lit by Biden and co, as much as their public posturing says otherwise.

Words mean nothing, their actions show they are basically willing to fund Israel indefinitely.
The only way to stop wars in the Middle East is to disarm Arab countries, and give Israel lands that make up the "promised land". I would probably add that any Arabs remaining with the newly enlarged Israel would need to accept a form of non-citizenship and those who couldn't accept that, would need to be expelled. I think that might fix the issue, but I'm open to suggestions.

I was suggesting a solution that would meet with the requirements of the Israelis. They want to recover the lands which constitute the "promised land" ...aka Israel as per 2000 years ago...the lands of the 12 tribes etc. If you have a look, that takes in the West Bank and parts of Jordan, syria, Lebanon etc.

Oh, you were ****ing serious? Good to see you acknowledge the end goal of Eretz Yisrael, but hilarious to think it's a good idea.
i've read quite a few comments around stopping israel by using public opinion....did you find those hilarious too?

Ukraine really should just let Russia have the lands they desire, it's the best way to end that war.

Hitler was right that Sudetenland was full of ethnic Germans, so really it belonged to Germany anyway.

It's rare to see someone advocate for Israeli Lebensraum so openly, but I actually applaud your bravery.
What a ****ing ridiculous thing to say. How have the mods let you spout your racist bullshit in here?
Pretty sure I saw a mod post saying "no more, goodbye", if you get the gist......
You just said their intention was to control all of Palestine? You acknowledge they didnt' actually have domination or destruction as their aims.

Abdullah of Jordan was in favour of partition, and got pressured into joining.

Egypt's King Faroukh just didn't want to be outshone by Abdullah, and just wanted to punish Zionist gangs.

7 countries sent 13,000 troops. It was a ragtag band of chumps.
The generally accepted view is that they intended to prevent the establishment of a sovereign Israeli state and annex Palestine. I have no doubt that this was their intention, however they were less committed than the Israelis who saw it as a fight for their existence. They left large amounts of their forces at home as protecting their own regimes from a potential coup or invasion was a higher priority.

The dhimmi system was abolished by the Ottomans in the 1850s.

It must have been so horrible if everywhere else was worse and Jews just kept coming. Treated better than the many Christians who lived there.
It was abolished 'in theory'. In practice, the dhimmi remained second-class citizens of the empire until its collapse in World War I - in particularly in conservative, non-urban areas.

My claim was that they were treated as second class citizens under the Ottoman empire which is supported by considerable scholarly evidence and not refuted by your appeals to whataboutism.

Yes, Amin recognised early on the threat the Zionists posed to Palestine. And he has been proven correct many times over.
He may have recognized the threat early, but his approach (and those who have followed) has deepened the suffering of his own people - and continues to do so to this day.

Why would there be any difference? Of course they were opposed to an Israeli state.
And how's that going for them?

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Ukraine really should just let Russia have the lands they desire, it's the best way to end that war.

Hitler was right that Sudetenland was full of ethnic Germans, so really it belonged to Germany anyway.

It's rare to see someone advocate for Israeli Lebensraum so openly, but I actually applaud your bravery.
it would stop the war...and the one in ukraine too
Lmao no they were not. I'm a practicing Muslim and have studied the protective Laws.

During war times, Christians and Jews weren't forced to participate in war and could live under protection. Their rights and freedom under Islamic Law were protected too. There will always be differences between a Muslim living under an Islamic Caliphate and a Christian living under an Islamic Caliphate but that's no different to me living under Christian or secular rulership. It's like me saying I'm a second class citizen because I don't get to implement Islamic Laws to its full extent in Australia.
Drawing an equivalence between a Christian living under an Islamic Caliphate and a Muslim living in a secular society is completely asinine.

Secular societies by definition separate religion from state affairs. This means that no religion, including the majority religion, is formally recognised in the laws or governance structures. Everyone, regardless of religious belief, has the same legal rights and freedoms. Individuals are citizens of the state first and foremost, and religious identity does not affect their access to legal protections, political rights, or societal participation. For example, Muslims in Australia have the same political, legal, and economic rights as any other citizen.

On the other hand, Islamic Caliphates are based on Islamic law, which is derived from religious principles and applies primarily to Muslims. In an Islamic Caliphate, religious identity directly impacts legal status. Non-Muslims are often restricted from holding certain public offices, cannot testify against Muslims in some cases, and are governed by different sets of laws for matters like family, marriage, and inheritance. This legal disparity is built into the system, meaning non-Muslims do not have the same rights as Muslims.

Don't project how Israeli society treat Arabs onto others. I recognise that not every Muslim ruler is just and I recognise that some Muslim rulers in the past have been awful (even to Muslims), but this narrative that you push to make it seem like a Jewish Ethno-State in Palestine was acquired justly and is necessary is pathetic.

We still say a non-Muslim is a non-believer because believing in Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is a requirement to be a believer. That does not mean their rights weren't protected or that we can betray or mistreat them. This narrative that you're trying to push isn't working how you think it is.
I stated that the Jews were treated as second-class citizens in the Ottoman Empire. This is a documented, historical fact - regardless of however you wish to misrepresent it as "They weren't second class citizens! They were just treated a little differently, is all!".
it would stop the war...and the one in ukraine too

So would a nuclear war. What a brain fart you've had.

i have to commend the media for finding the potholes caused by hezbollah rockets... so much harder to find than rows of obliterated housing caused by israeli aircraft.

Is this...gloating? Braggadocio over Israeli slaughter? Strange unit.
The generally accepted view is that they intended to prevent the establishment of a sovereign Israeli state and annex Palestine. I have no doubt that this was their intention, however they were less committed than the Israeli's who saw it as a fight for their existence. They left large amounts of their forces at home as protecting their own regimes from a potential coup or invasion was a higher priority.

Many generally accepted views are bullshit when it comes to Palestine and Israel. I will go with what the Arab League said and did over your certainty.

It was abolished 'in theory'. In practice, the dhimmi remained second-class citizens of the empire until its collapse in World War I - in particularly in conservative, non-urban areas.

My claim was that they were treated as second class citizens under the Ottoman empire which is supported by considerable scholarly evidence and not refuted by your appeals to whataboutism.

Sorry, a wikipedia link for Dhimmi is not evidence of the treatment of Jews in the Levant in the early 20th century, when the Ottomans made multiple declarations ending this practice in the early 1800s. Appeals to whataboutism? OK.

He may have recognized the threat early, but his approach (and those who have followed) has deepened the suffering of his own people - and continues to do so to this day.

It wouldnt' have made a difference what he did - Zionists always planned for the military conquest of all of all of Palestine.

And how's that going for them?

You're revelling a little bit there.

I'm not as confident in Israel's eternity as I would have been 12 months ago.
I’ve always thought that line very weak. Israel faces no threat from Gaza anymore (the incursion only lasted a few hours before being beaten back), no threat of invasion from the West Bank, Egypt or Jordan. Hezbollah can attack from Lebanon but most missiles will be intercepted by Iron Dome, which will also intercept missiles from Iran.

Israel pretty much has no real existential threats. There might be some groups who say they want to eradicate it but even the most casual observer can see Israel is pretty well defended.
I actually believe Israel is facing extinction. The world is waking up to what Israel is.
I remember when Kissinger was quoted stating that Israel wouldn’t exist in 10 years time, he was wrong as that timeframe has lapsed but I see what he meant now. Israel from here on is going to be in a state of forever war, and I believe they will continue to lose citizens as it is anything but a safe haven for Jews. The country is self destructing if you ask me.
For anyone questioning my motives, I love Jewish culture and arts. The best actors comedians and musicians in the world.
Personal favouries are Andy Kaufman, Bob Dylan, Larry David, Lenny Bruce, Joan Rivers, Jerry Lewis, Joaquin Phoenix, Woody Allen, Lou Reed, Amy Whinhouse , Paul Simon, Art Garfunkle and Sarah Silverman.
But I still hope dearly that far-right extremist child killer Netanyau gets assassinated as soon as possible.

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For anyone questioning my motives, I love Jewish culture and arts. The best actors comedians and musicians in the world.
Personal favouries are Andy Kaufman, Bob Dylan, Larry David, Lenny Bruce, Joan Rivers, Jerry Lewis, Joaquin Phoenix, Woody Allen, Lou Reed, Amy Whinhouse and Sarah Silverman.
But I still hope dearly that far-right extremist child killer Netanyau gets assassinated as soon as possible.
The problem goes much deeper than Bibi unfortunately. A scary proportion of Israel society has a completely dehumanised view of the Palestinians (and Lebanese etc.).
I guess a successor wouldn’t have corruption charges hanging over their head (I hope), so maybe less beholden to the extremists like Gvir.

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Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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