Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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I'm saying for consistency sake , they should have - you know to avoid looking like a bunch of Hypocrites....

I'd add, the AFL is no Civil Court either.

No, but it is an entity that can find you guilty and penalise you all the same. Read my post above yours for why I believe he still has his job.
No, but it is an entity that can find you guilty and penalise you all the same. Read my post above yours for why I believe he still has his job.

Jenny, to be honest, I'm beyond caring why Trigg has his job, I use this forum to vent my frustration at following an amateur club in a professional league.

do you think the AFC would do this?

ESSENDON says an independent review into "irregular practices" at the club will start with the board.

The review will be headed by former Telstra chief executive Dr Ziggy Switkowski and Evans said it would help the club to give answers to members and fans.

I hope that is enough quotes...shows a level of openness that AFC fans can only dream of.
If you were beyond caring, you wouldn't keep posting about it. ;)

I think Essendon had to do that. Their situation is a tad more dire than one player having a shonky contract. They don't know what substances were given to their players FFS.

We know the rest of our contracts have been cleared because the AFL did forensic investigation on the whole lot, so did we really need another investigation?

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If you were beyond caring, you wouldn't keep posting about it. ;)

I think Essendon had to do that. Their situation is a tad more dire than one player having a shonky contract. They don't know what substances were given to their players FFS.

We know the rest of our contracts have been cleared because the AFL did forensic investigation on the whole lot, so did we really need another investigation?

I'm not over the fact that he still has his job, more that he kept it in the first place...subtle difference hopefully and also I'm not over the lack of response from the club.

I don't agree, there was a fundamental breakdown in the clubs hierarchy which has had a huge impact to the club. We as fans deserve and independent review.
I'm not over the fact that he still has his job, more that he kept it in the first place...subtle difference hopefully and also I'm not over the lack of response from the club.

I don't agree, there was a fundamental breakdown in the clubs hierarchy which has had a huge impact to the club. We as fans deserve and independent review.

Why do we deserve it? :cool:
Why do we deserve it? :cool:
are you taking the piss?

why do the fans, you prop up the organisation deserve to know how the club managed to bungle the trading of it's biggest asset, and not only that actually lose ground against its competitors?

Why do we deserve to not know the truth?
If he had not been punished at all the Board would have thought that was sufficient.
Just look at articles on Jacobs' contract to know how badly our image is tarnished. Every contract is now under scrutiny because we are known as "cheats", and when people say this, all I can do is agree.

Every player in the AFL's contract is examined by the AFL Jars.

It was never Tippett's contract that was the problem, rather the agreements outside it, which the AFL don't get to see.
are you taking the piss?

why do the fans, you prop up the organisation deserve to know how the club managed to bungle the trading of it's biggest asset, and not only that actually lose ground against its competitors?

Why do we deserve to not know the truth?

What else do you need to know?

A) Tippett was playing hard to get and insisted on a clause that saw us break the rules. JR agreed.
B) Once Trigg discovered the clause he called it off. He failed to get that in writing.
C) Once it was clear Tippett had no intention of returning to QLD, and that Sydney were playing hardball, Trigg went to the board and said something might be in play here. Board immediately went to AFL.
D) AFL went over our books and contracts with a fine tooth comb, pulling up irregularities in the third party payments to Tippett which really were ticky touchwood breaches but no other contract breaches. That they allow Visy to give Judd a third party deal but in the next breath say we shouldn't have been involved with any of Tippetts (which we actually weren't, but they don't see it that way) is confusing to say the least.
E) After negotations with AFL, we pleaded guilty, were fined and penalised as were three individuals (the first time this had happened - I call this the Melbourne FC Precedent).
F) Board decides Trigg has taken one for the team and throws their support behind him.
G) Harper returns on Friday, Trigg has a few months more to go.
H) Footy starts SOON!!
What else do you need to know?

A) Tippett was playing hard to get and insisted on a clause that saw us break the rules. JR agreed.
B) Once Trigg discovered the clause he called it off. He failed to get that in writing.
C) Once it was clear Tippett had no intention of returning to QLD, and that Sydney were playing hardball, Trigg went to the board and said something might be in play here. Board immediately went to AFL.
D) AFL went over our books and contracts with a fine tooth comb, pulling up irregularities in the third party payments to Tippett which really were ticky touchwood breaches but no other contract breaches. That they allow Visy to give Judd a third party deal but in the next breath say we shouldn't have been involved with any of Tippetts (which we actually weren't, but they don't see it that way) is confusing to say the least.
E) After negotations with AFL, we pleaded guilty, were fined and penalised as were three individuals (the first time this had happened - I call this the Melbourne FC Precedent).
F) Board decides Trigg has taken one for the team and throws their support behind him.
G) Harper returns on Friday, Trigg has a few months more to go.
H) Footy starts SOON!!

the whys, hows, and whoms are important, also it would be nice to have something official from the club rather than an internet post from a well meaning supporter.

edit - and yes I agree with point H. this will be my last post on the issue, I think I've vented enough :D
No the suspicion doesn't, but you cannot blame us for holding some suspicion when the board have simply stopped talking about it.

We would be completely disarmed if the Club were honest in it's dealings - this current administration will always be known firstly as cheats, but secondly as secretive, exclusive and opaque.

it is insulting to the members of AFC and SANFL that out of all of this, we have been kept in the dark on what happened.

Now thats the biggest load of rubbish Ive read from you.
Whatever the club told people like you would only serve as a catalyst for you to come back here and continue your "bag the AFC" crusade....only it would be 100 times worse.
Now thats the biggest load of rubbish Ive read from you.
Whatever the club told people like you would only serve as a catalyst for you to come back here and continue your "bag the AFC" crusade....only it would be 100 times worse.

how so? how would it be worse? If we had all the facts and all the detail what on earth am I going to complain about? it isn't like I can reverse the decisions.

anyway, as I said to Jenny, I'm over it. Bring on the footy.
how so? how would it be worse? If we had all the facts and all the detail what on earth am I going to complain about? it isn't like I can reverse the decisions.

anyway, as I said to Jenny, I'm over it. Bring on the footy.

Anyway, lets just move on, at the end of the day we both want the best for the AFC:thumbsu:
At least we agree on one thing, I'm over this also...........bring on the footy!!!!

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Every player in the AFL's contract is examined by the AFL Jars.

It was never Tippett's contract that was the problem, rather the agreements outside it, which the AFL don't get to see.

I understand that Macca, but you would understand that this would never have been raised if not for the Tippett scandal. I still can't believe they were dumb enough to put it in writing.
I understand that Macca, but you would understand that this would never have been raised if not for the Tippett scandal. I still can't believe they were dumb enough to put it in writing.

As I posted elsewhere Jars, they are so dumb and amateurish that if they were robbing a bank they'd leave their business cards behind!! :D
the whys, hows, and whoms are important, also it would be nice to have something official from the club rather than an internet post from a well meaning supporter.

edit - and yes I agree with point H. this will be my last post on the issue, I think I've vented enough :D
Cap you have been strong on this issue and understand you are worn out on this subject.
But I wont bore people to tears on, but will continue when appropriate in my view to push for Trigg to resign and for club to come clean .
Even Sando said this week how loss of top draft picks hurt and how try to get around somehow.
I said this to Chapman and what credibility Trigg would have with the players, he stated all the players wanted him to stay and he was highly regarded. He then said I would win that nights x lotto, I didn't

What else is a player going to say when a President asks them what they think of the CEO?

The players don't give a shit, they just want to play football.

Rob's smart enough to know this too. What the players think has nothing to do with it. What the Boardroom thinks has everything to do with it - and the Adelaide Board is one of three things a)delusional b) a boys club or c) totally complicit in everything that went down.

Who bets on all three?
What else is a player going to say when a President asks them what they think of the CEO?

The players don't give a shit, they just want to play football.

Rob's smart enough to know this too. What the players think has nothing to do with it. What the Boardroom thinks has everything to do with it - and the Adelaide Board is one of three things a)delusional b) a boys club or c) totally complicit in everything that went down.

Who bets on all three?

just the last 2 for me please.
What else do you need to know?

A) Tippett was playing hard to get and insisted on a clause that saw us break the rules. JR agreed.
B) Once Trigg discovered the clause he called it off. He failed to get that in writing.


The illegal payments outside the cap, the 2nd version of the contract that wasn't lodged with the AFL and the funneling of club sponsor money into Tippett's pocket continued unabated. "It" wasn't called off.

The AFC claims that the draft tampering part was, even though it had already served its purpose as far as getting Tippett to sign on back in 2009. So that doesn't even gain us one brownie point.

Oh, and when Trigg heads off for holidays he instructs Harper that if things go badly to accept a 2nd rounder for Kurt. Even though the deal had supposedly been quashed.

Interestingly, these were a couple of the questions Chapman refused to answer when I contacted him.
What people can take some solace with is;

A) the AFL is designed to be cyclical, so regardless of the competence (or lack thereof) of the board, we will end up returning to success on field.

B) the relative size of AFC provides additional cushioning to the administrative woes.

C) you can only have so many players on a list, so the AFL rules mitigates our penalty somewhat

D) the loss of the draft picks will more than likely accelerate our downward path once we peak, so the heat will be back on the board to justify its behavior.

The only thing that concerns me is that if we managed to fluke a flag, the board take credit for it, rather than acknowledging that it was won despite them.
The only thing that concerns me is that if we managed to fluke a flag, the board take credit for it, rather than acknowledging that it was won despite them.

Cap, when was the last time you saw the board of a footy club (or any part of the administration for that matter) look for or take credit for a premiership. They shouldn't, and they don't.

It's always about the players and coaches, and won't be any different in our case, should we snag one in the next 3 years.
Cap, when was the last time you saw the board of a footy club (or any part of the administration for that matter) look for or take credit for a premiership. They shouldn't, and they don't.

It's always about the players and coaches, and won't be any different in our case, should we snag one in the next 3 years.
I heard Chapman on 5aa suggest the rise in membership was a vote of confidence in the board. So if anyone is capable of it, we are
I heard Chapman on 5aa suggest the rise in membership was a vote of confidence in the board. So if anyone is capable of it, we are

And if there was a gold medal for spin then ......Steven and Rob, come on down.

The number of full members (i.e. those with tickets to our 11 home games have fallen from a peak of 47,000+ to well under 40,000 last year. We have then joined our Victorian comrades and started counting 3 game memberships, kids memberships etc when quoting our figures. Last year we had less "Full members" yet Rob was quick to point out at the Faux-AGM what a great job Triggy had done to increase members in 2012 (i.e. we decided to include 3 game members). Funny how there had been no criticism of Stevie at previous Faux-AGMs for the fall in membership numbers.

After moving up from 14th to 3rd last year, it was clearly Stevie and Robby who are resposible for the rise in memberships. Now if only Rob could kick on his left foot we would be a great chance for a flag this year.
There's also the point that we've had a push to increase membership so people can secure their Adelaide Oval seats, that hardly has anything to do with the board.

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