Rumour Jack Steven Rumour

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This is why Gary Lyon, Buddy Franklin, all these people who have used 'depression' and 'mental illness' as excuses should be called out for their bullshit. People in the industry are too scared to say any of this, but that's cowardly as ****.

No clue whether Jack Steven is going through some shit or whether he's snaking his way out of something else.

What happens when a player goes through psychosis? Develops bipolar? He doesn't have to tell anyone why he's taking time out, but inevitably he'll be seen as a drug cheat or a cokehead unless he does.

The whole thing is just horseshit now. You basically have to say 'yeah tried killing myself' for it to be validated and honest.
What are you suggesting Jack Stephen is snaking his way out of? There's over 800 AFL players, if less than 5 per year take time otf for mental health reasons ,it's still well below the rest of the community. I suggest you take Stevens word for it rather than implying he could be a drug cheat.
He asked me for a cigarette at a bar on Chapel st about 2 years ago and I replied "Are you sure Jack?" He looked at me like **** he knows who I am and ran away
So what? How is a player having a cigarette a scandal?

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Are you an AFL player?
Why is it anyone's business if he wants to have a ***.Glen Archer smoked all throughout his career.Are you saying players should self report to the club doctor if they have a cigarette?
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What are you suggesting Jack Stephen is snaking his way out of? There's over 800 AFL players, if less than 5 per year take time otf for mental health reasons ,it's still well below the rest of the community. I suggest you take Stevens word for it rather than implying he could be a drug cheat.
I'm not. I'm just saying there's innuendo and these days when someone says they're stepping away for mental health reasons, most people will immediately wonder if it's legit or not. Or more likely they'll wonder what off-field issue is being covered up this time.

I'm just saying that this is the AFL's new favourite loophole. Because you can't touch someone who says they have a mental health issue, even if you know it's just a horseshit excuse. Now when someone genuinely has a mental issue, they're going to have to be clouded under the same sky – there'll be innuendo.
I'm not. I'm just saying there's innuendo and these days when someone says they're stepping away for mental health reasons, most people will immediately wonder if it's legit or not. Or more likely they'll wonder what off-field issue is being covered up this time.

I'm just saying that this is the AFL's new favourite loophole. Because you can't touch someone who says they have a mental health issue, even if you know it's just a horseshit excuse. Now when someone genuinely has a mental issue, they're going to have to be clouded under the same sky – there'll be innuendo.
I see your point but I think Stevens is genuine and anyone else who takes time off would be genuine in my book.There is still a stigma about mental health and I don't think players would put themselves through it for any other reasons imo.
Take it for what you will but Mcclure when he first reported this story on the radio said there is nothing sinister or funny going on and that it was a genuine mental health problem. There are always going to be rumours and theories when this sort of stuff happens now.
Why is the reported reason of "mental health issues" so unbelieveable?

Not just in this instance, but others too, why does everyone assume it's a cover-up for something else (usually assumed to be drug issues)?

Because so much stuff is covered up, with a various range of reasons. Clubs, players and the AFL have earned zero respect when it comes to the benefit of the doubt.

If you want to cover something up mental health is the greatest excuse there is, no one can question it without copping a public lashing.
He was at the Saints JLT game today so I find that rumour hard to believe, if he was that unpopular with the other players he wouldn't be there at all.

The footy media forgave Gary Lyons pretty quickly after doing something similar.
Did they? Lyon is a grub
I heard he's been rehearsing with the other blokes from Noiseworks for a surprise reunion tour later in the year.

No lies.
The players missus that he jumped on is known as a bit of a hot chili woman.

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Admitting you have a mental health issue to other people - in particular those who have control/power over you, is a very hard thing to do.

Likewise people who tear others down for admitting they have mental health issues, are genuinely shit humans who probably have their own demons they should face before throwing shade on others.

Just leave him be ffs. I was really happy to hear he was in Ballarat supporting the team. I hope he's back playing soon, but more importantly I hope that he's ok outside of football. Life's too short.
I see your point but I think Stevens is genuine and anyone else who takes time off would be genuine in my book.There is still a stigma about mental health and I don't think players would put themselves through it for any other reasons imo.

But drug issues are considered a mental health issue. Either way, there’s stigma attached and admitting to a drug problem is admitting to a mental health problem. Players get much more community support stating they’ve got a mental health problem. Even you choose to ignore that drug addiction is one of those in your fervour to support.
Take it for what you will but Mcclure when he first reported this story on the radio said there is nothing sinister or funny going on and that it was a genuine mental health problem. There are always going to be rumours and theories when this sort of stuff happens now.

We get told that players are using the mental health loophole to avoid the illicit drug testing regime. But when it gets bad enough for a player to have to step away for a bit and are therefore named, it’s 100% genuine, no funny stuff to see here folks. I remember numerous people yapping away about how Cuz never tested positive, blah, blah. We accept there’s reasonably widespread use of coke amongst players but not if they’re named as having a mental health problem, no siree, can’t be that form of mental health issue.
Seems to be the modern go to defence for anyone who gets caught doing the wrong thing, it's the best way to escape ridicule and gain pitty.

Humans are crafty ******s, if they see a socially accepted loophole they'll use it.
Flog a response if you ask me. Mental health is a serious issue in today's society and footballers are not immune to it. I hope you never have to deal with someone close to you harming themselves because of poor mental health because for them to hear that you think it's just for pity would be devastating.
I'm not. I'm just saying there's innuendo and these days when someone says they're stepping away for mental health reasons, most people will immediately wonder if it's legit or not. Or more likely they'll wonder what off-field issue is being covered up this time.

I'm just saying that this is the AFL's new favourite loophole. Because you can't touch someone who says they have a mental health issue, even if you know it's just a horseshit excuse. Now when someone genuinely has a mental issue, they're going to have to be clouded under the same sky – there'll be innuendo.
Curious, how do you know anyone's claims are horse shit?

I think you have no idea which ones are legit and which ones aren't.

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Flog a response if you ask me. Mental health is a serious issue in today's society and footballers are not immune to it. I hope you never have to deal with someone close to you harming themselves because of poor mental health because for them to hear that you think it's just for pity would be devastating.
I don't think anyone is making light of just how serious and debilitating mental illness can be.

What is being highlighted is the farcical loophole in the AFL drug code that allows positive drug tests to be be swept under the carpet under the guise of "mental illness" and how "mental illness" is being used as a catch all reason to keep player's indiscretions out of the public eye.

One suave ****
Seems to be the modern go to defence for anyone who gets caught doing the wrong thing, it's the best way to escape ridicule and gain pitty.

Humans are crafty ******s, if they see a socially accepted loophole they'll use it.
Humans are also crafty gossip mongerers looking to make one plus one equal three.
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