Rumour Jack Steven Rumour

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Why not? Pedophilia is as much a mental health issue as drug use. More, IMO.

Drug use isn't a mental health issue. Adults chose to use drugs and got addicted, their choice, their issue IMO. I have very little sympathy for an ice user, you know what it does and still chose to try it? Astute decision /s

As for pedophilia being a mental health disorder, thank christ you dont work for the WHO. 'They don't mean to f*ck innocent kids, they're just misunderstood and need our help'. GAGF
Drug use isn't a mental health issue. Adults chose to use drugs and got addicted, their choice, their issue IMO. I have very little sympathy for an ice user, you know what it does and still chose to try it? Astute decision /s

Couldn't agree more.
As for pedophilia being a mental health disorder, thank christ you dont work for the WHO. 'They don't mean to f*ck innocent kids, they're just misunderstood and need our help'. GAGF

Pedophilia and DSM-5
I think someone else summed up the mental health stories quite well. It's a life long battle, not "i'm taking a week off for mental health", or a day off like Fasolo did last year. You don't just 'get better' and get the all clear to play footy again. I can honestly say whenever I hear a footy player use 'mental health' for time off I immediately think he's done something wrong and that's a cover. They usually 'recover' suspiciously quickly and the issue never brought up again...

Or perhaps a short period of time off (even a day) could be part of an overall strategy of care and maintenance of their health and wellbeing. Once identifying an issue, clubs may be open to giving guys some leeway to get away from everything for a short period, to reset and refresh.

Why do we have weekends, public holidays, RDOs, annual leave, etc? To take a mental and physical break from work. Sometimes people need more time beyond the "standard breaks" to get themselves into the optimal state of health and performance for work.

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Its a disgrace for players to use mental illness as an excuse for anything.
Anyone with proper mental illness would not be able to play football. Needing a break is NOT mental illness. Mental illness is a LIFE long illness of the mind. Laugable these blokes claim they have mental illness for 2 weeks.
No idea about the subject.
If they need a break because of personal trauma then fine SAY that! but not mental illness thats a joke.
Id be very dissapointed if jack has done that to a team mate. We actually have a team thats building. With Jack (and harmony) we make finals this year. and prove every so called expert wrong.
To say that just shows how ill informed you really are.

On SM-G950F using mobile app
you thinknyou can have mental illness for 2 weeks do you? and then be completely fine again afterwards!?

a bout of
depression is NOT MENTAL
Who says they are completely fine?

Plenty of people live in the shadows with mental illness, some with higher degrees of functioning than others. Wayne Schwass was suicidal when he won a flag with the roos. Not everyone sits in bed like that show you watched on television a few years back

On SM-G950F using mobile app
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That's great. Any actual evidence that this is the case here?

As I said earlier in the thread, the almost automatic skepticism and doubt people have in these situations doesn't make it any easier for people to open up and get help when their mental health and wellbeing is compromised.

You’re missing the point. Can’t be mad at the general public for forming an opinion that has proven right on multiple occasions. You should, like I, be more angry at those who use the mental health excuse as a cover up for poor behaviour. They are the ones who make it hard for the real sufferers to open up.
You’re missing the point. Can’t be mad at the general public for forming an opinion that has proven right on multiple occasions. You should, like I, be more angry at those who use the mental health excuse as a cover up for poor behaviour. They are the ones who make it hard for the real sufferers to open up.
Are you able to provide specific examples of said multiple occasions where you have been proven to be right?

This is the perfect example of why it makes it more difficult. You may have a theory, but am sure there is zero real evidence to support your theory.
On SM-G950F using mobile app
Are you able to provide specific examples of said multiple occasions where you have been proven to be right?

This is the perfect example of why it makes it more difficult. You may have a theory, but am sure there is zero real evidence to support your theory.
On SM-G950F using mobile app

Garry Lyon - affair

Reported loophole to escape drug strikes - multiple players

Murderers, rapists, etc citing mental health as an excuse for their crimes - weekly in law courts.

Don’t be mad at me for having to summarise society for you

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I heard there was a vote- steven was subsequently gelded and has been welcomed back with open arms
Will be a late call up for The All Star Mile
And I think AFL players are underrepresented when it comes to mental illness compared to wider society. So if a player were to come forward and publically declare they are having some dramas, I'm inclined to think they are.

On SM-G950F using mobile app
I reckon there is a bit of a false equivalence equating the drug policy loophole to the same as a player such as Jack Steven publically declaring a mental illness and taking time off

On SM-G950F using mobile app

Isn’t that the reason this whole debate started?

People have different perceptions of a situation based on others previously in that situation and their behaviour which is my whole point. I don’t agree with it but surely it’s not hard to fathom how many reach that conclusion based on previous scenarios.
He's not the first example, but he's the most recent - how does someone recover from mental illness after a few weeks?

Some can handle it better than others, some have a mild case vs deep case, plenty of variables. No different to injury in the aspect that some people can recover quicker than others usually based on similar variables
He's not the first example, but he's the most recent - how does someone recover from mental illness after a few weeks?
Not sure where it has said he has recovered or any of the other high profile people who have admitted mental illness. He has simply returned to training.

He has likely had some treatment and therefor may be medicated, doing therapy, made changes to routine, meditating or all of the above etc

On SM-G950F using mobile app
He's not the first example, but he's the most recent - how does someone recover from mental illness after a few weeks?
Plenty would return to their normal routine after a relatively short rest. It’s not a matter of suddenly recovering. More that you’ve returned to a point where you can function. Returning to a routine - even part time - assists some people’s recovery. Particularly if your normal routine involves exercise which is about as good a strategy as you will get in terms of elevating mood and restoring sleep patterns.
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