Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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What is evident that it is only "cool" to hate on Jeff here.

Any contrary opinion is ridiculed with the poster being branded leftist, elitist and all sorts of other drivel.
How terribly "brave" and mature of supposed adults to conduct themselves that way.
Well done people.

I gotta ask, what purpose is the thread now serving?

over the years I have been constantly attacked for any kennet critique I had so it’s great to see.

and my initial stance was that a politician such as Jeff is a bad fit as a footy club president. I see the chickens are now coming home to roost. This announcement was pure spin trying to saying basic footy principals can be changed because we said so

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Shouldn’t have to wait until 2023 for Jeffrey Putin to finally p!ss off.

And that’s only if he’s true to hs word.

Can anyone think of examples of when he’s been true to his word?

I can think of multiple examples of him promising and failing to deliver.

He’s been too busy clowning around, picking fights and shaking his fist at the the clouds to have actually performed his duties with any diligence.

This all reeks of Jeff deciding for himself well in advance who the next coach should be. And then using Collingwood as an excuse. (Even though Jeff can’t tell his own arse from his face when it comes to football.)

And because Clarko is an honest man with integrity and foresight, he brought matters to a head.

Jeff is a selfish clown who lacks common sense and any football knowledge.

Jeff cannot be trusted to follow through on his empty promises. He is a retired politician, and clearly a master of manipulation and political in-fighting.

We can’t trust that he won’t install his own successor, and further this period of antagonism within the club.

Be needs to be removed now. 2023 is too late. But that is easier said than done, now that we’ve allowed Jeff to poison the club with his self-serving machinations.
Shouldn’t have to wait until 2023 for Jeffrey Putin to finally p!ss off.

And that’s only if he’s true to hs word.

Can anyone think of examples of when he’s been true to his word?

I can think of multiple examples of him promising and failing to deliver.

He’s been too busy clowning around, picking fights and shaking his fist at the the clouds to have actually performed his duties with any diligence.

This all reeks of Jeff deciding for himself well in advance who the next coach should be. And then using Collingwood as an excuse. (Even though Jeff can’t tell his own arse from his face when it comes to football.)

And because Clarko is an honest man with integrity and foresight, he brought matters to a head.

Jeff is a selfish clown who lacks common sense and any football knowledge.

Jeff cannot be trusted to follow through on his empty promises. He is a retired politician, and clearly a master of manipulation and political in-fighting.

We can’t trust that he won’t install his own successor, and further this period of antagonism within the club.

Be needs to be removed now. 2023 is too late. But that is easier said than done, now that we’ve allowed Jeff to poison the club with his self-serving machinations.

yep let’s get the last president back Richard Garvey you know the bloke that used to barrick for Essendon and appointing that dud CEO
yep let’s get the last president back Richard Garvey you know the bloke that used to barrick for Essendon and appointing that dud CEO

Or, you know, someone else...

I might have to add this to my CV...

"Widely regarded as better than the previous bloke, at least."
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yep let’s get the last president back Richard Garvey you know the bloke that used to barrick for Essendon and appointing that dud CEO
Wut? Who suggested that? So we should be happy with a loudmouth political moron who puts his own interests first? Because it’s all too hard?

Good solution. Putin thanks you for your apathy.
yep let’s get the last president back Richard Garvey you know the bloke that used to barrick for Essendon and appointing that dud CEO

You do know that Jeff Kennett appointed Garvey to the board dont you?

I mean it was 2010 and he was vying to be the Melbourne Chairman at the time :drunk:

In fact by 2008 Andrew Newbold and Jason Dunstall were the only presidents on the HFC Board which predated the Kennett take over.
What is evident that it is only "cool" to hate on Jeff here.

Any contrary opinion is ridiculed with the poster being branded leftist, elitist and all sorts of other drivel.
How terribly "brave" and mature of supposed adults to conduct themselves that way.
Well done people.

I gotta ask, what purpose is the thread now serving?
Yeah. We’re trying to be cool. In front of a bunch of obsessed Hawks tragics on a small internet forum.

That’s exactly it. You nailed it!

We shouldn’t question the actions (and failed promises) of a buffoon who doesn’t prioritise the interests of his constituents (Hawthorn players, staff, members and fans) so that he can further his own nasty, selfish ill-informed political agenda?

(But I just had my second vaccine dose. So what would I know. I think it’s the 5G talking. And now my shits stick to the side of the bowl, so I’m 100% sure they must be magnetic. That’s what Jeff told me anyway.)
I’ve always been a big Jeff fan, but watching him during the presser yesterday and seeing him laughing when Clarko was talking seriously made me sick in the gut.
It was like he wanted it to be all about him.

At first I was excited that Sammy will be our coach, but after sometime to sleep on it I feel devastated that Clarko, our Clarko the guy who punches hole in walls and made us the unsociable hawks back in our premiership years will no longer be our guy.😢
You do know that Jeff Kennett appointed Garvey to the board dont you?

I mean it was 2010 and he was vying to be the Melbourne Chairman at the time :drunk:

In fact by 2008 Andrew Newbold and Jason Dunstall were the only presidents on the HFC Board which predated the Kennett take over.
And newbold appointed Garvey as president. Your point being?

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And how's all the Jeff haters going hope you have had a good day. you blokes are hysterical or should i say person for those that are woke.
And newbold appointed Garvey as president. Your point being?

Newbold bailed on Hawthorn for the AFL commission.

Hawthorn, it is fair to say, has had terrible governance for a very long time.

I guess that’s why we renewed the Tasmanian deal when our membership, crowd and support in the apple isle is stagnant, lost out on an AFLW franchise which has impacted our capacity to grow our corporate base and committed to a multi million dollar development with little development experience on the board.

Good thing we have a 75 year old president more concerned about fighting back against the Old Boys Club and point scoring against the government that the club needs on side to secure a multi million dollar grant for the Dingley development :drunk:
As a supporter of Jeff, do you support his stance on a potential Hawthorn relocation to Tasmania?
That will never happen and you know that especially with Tasmania wanting their own team.
And how's all the Jeff haters going hope you have had a good day. you blokes are hysterical or should i say person for those that are woke.
From your blinded defense of Jeff you are happy with any decision he makes ,so Mitchell it is (and that is ok).

So if Clarkson hadn't gone to Reeves, who then went to the Board, Mitchell may have ended up at Collingwood. And Jeff would still be amazing, cause he did nothing and nearly let the coach he wanted walk out the door......

This only happened not because of Jeff but because of Clarkson. Let's repeat that again but in another way. In spite of Jeff's ineptitude Clarkson has tried to get the best outcome for Hawthorn.

The whole Board nearly got caught with their pants down here and you don't think they should be held accountable for it.

You continually use words like woke because you naively believe that this is a left or right issue. It ain't, it is a Hawthorn issue and Jeff is not on the ball here.
That will never happen and you know that especially with Tasmania wanting their own team.

You see this is the difference between Hawthorn and the big 4.

We have just as many members, raw support (check the socials), are financially stronger but we throw around our brand like it’s confetti or steak knives in sponsorship agreement.

It’s pathetic and unbecoming of a club that has 13 VFL / AFL premierships.

I for one think it’s time for the de facto opposition leader and ‘keen gardener’ to go

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Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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