John Winston Howard - what is his legacy?

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And I'm saying your claim that you can't find anything is ridiculous at best unless you are new to google.

Just put in the words 'hanson' and 'faruqi' and you get the history you keep asking about.
I actually did put in hanson v faruqi and what come up is what hanson said in this latest incident.

There was nothing about faruqi stating anything in this latest incident, just hanson unhinged.
Yeah wouldn't be surprised.

I'm just curious if Faruqi provoked her directly, can't find anything.
Wasn't that hard to find.

Hanson tweeted at Faruqi last year, suggesting she “p*** off” back to Pakistan (the country of the Greens senator’s birth), now the subject of an ongoing legal case about the Racial Discrimination Act.

Hanson declined to retract her statements, leading to a motion demanding she apologise for “foul and racially discriminatory things which amount to ‘go back to where you came from’.”

‘There’s a tissue here for you’

Hanson refused and read her comments into the Hansard a second time while denying they were discriminatory.

“There’s a tissue here for you if you’d like,” she said. “I used to make those same statements at immigration ceremonies to people, and they accepted.”

“If you don’t see yourself as loving this country and abiding by the laws of the country, I have no problem,” she said.

“I will actually take you to the airport and put you on a plane and wave you away.”

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Wasn't that hard to find.

Hanson tweeted at Faruqi last year, suggesting she “p*** off” back to Pakistan (the country of the Greens senator’s birth), now the subject of an ongoing legal case about the Racial Discrimination Act.

Hanson declined to retract her statements, leading to a motion demanding she apologise for “foul and racially discriminatory things which amount to ‘go back to where you came from’.”

‘There’s a tissue here for you’

Hanson refused and read her comments into the Hansard a second time while denying they were discriminatory.

“There’s a tissue here for you if you’d like,” she said. “I used to make those same statements at immigration ceremonies to people, and they accepted.”

“If you don’t see yourself as loving this country and abiding by the laws of the country, I have no problem,” she said.

“I will actually take you to the airport and put you on a plane and wave you away.”
Umm Maggie,

I already know this, and I've been clear as to what I'm asking, what provoked the one neuron leader to make these comments? If at all? >in regards to this instance<

If you had read this conversation since I originally asked you'd know I'd read the article, and you'd know I googled to find any provocation and you'd know I stated I couldn't find any on Faruqi's part >in this instance< (the post above yours is a clear indicator).

Even my post you replied to is a clear indication of my query, which is not in your reply > in regards to this instance<

What you've quoted was solely from the one neuron leader, and you'd know that wasn't was I was querying.
Umm Maggie,

I already know this, and I've been clear as to what I'm asking, what provoked the one neuron leader to make these comments? If at all? >in regards to this instance<

If you had read this conversation since I originally asked you'd know I'd read the article, and you'd know I googled to find any provocation and you'd know I stated I couldn't find any on Faruqi's part >in this instance< (the post above yours is a clear indicator).

Even my post you replied to is a clear indication of my query, which is not in your reply > in regards to this instance<

What you've quoted was solely from the one neuron leader, and you'd know that wasn't was I was querying.
Which post of yours stated you knew this?

You seem to want to believe that Hanson was provoked which still doesn't make it okay.
Which post of yours stated you knew this?

You seem to want to believe that Hanson was provoked which still doesn't make it okay.
I knew this? No I'm stating you would know what I was asking before you even replied, if you'd read the discussion.

No I'm not looking to absolve of hanson, merely asking if there was any provocation. This is a clear misinterpretation on your part.

Not sure how you can't grasp this, my posts are very clear. Especially my last reply to you.
I knew this? No I'm stating you would know what I was asking before you even replied, if you'd read the discussion.

No I'm not looking to absolve of hanson, merely asking if there was any provocation. This is a clear misinterpretation on your part.

Not sure how you can't grasp this, my posts are very clear. Especially my last reply to you.
Though my post was quite clear also.

Welcome to Howard's legacy. So much for creating an Australia that's "comfortable and relaxed" :rolleyes:.

Amazed that the lying s**tstain is even still breathing.
I hope he ends very soon.

Welcome to Howard's legacy. So much for creating an Australia that's "comfortable and relaxed" :rolleyes:.

The people whose votes he was buying at the time have done very nicely. Everyone else not so much.
It’s part of what is so ridiculous about the Howard government being such awesome economic managers.
All they did was sell everything not nailed down including a bunch of gold at ridiculously low prices and shovel as much money as they could to their voters without any regards to the consequences.

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So little Johnny just took us to war without proper documentation or a report on what it would entail or cost.
A war criminal who is complicit in the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and the collapse of a country's economy in the hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction that NEVER existed.


And no surprises that Scott Morrison is involved in the fact that the official documents from the time were not given to the National Archives and have now, conveniently, gone missing.

The misplacement of highly sensitive documents containing advice from the nation’s spy agencies used by John Howard’s government to go to war in Iraq in 2003 has prompted a high-level inquiry so they can be made public.

The National Archives on Monday released the cabinet papers of Howard’s government but this did not include the submissions relied upon by the national security committee (NSC) to justify the decision to join the “coalition of the willing” in a war that cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and destabilised the Middle East for years.

Andrew Wilkie (now an Independent Federal MP for the Tasmanian seat of Clark) resigned from defence intelligence knowing the WMD claim was a lie has blasted the absence of the documents as "another appalling dimension of this shocking period in Australian political history" & accused the government of "burying" evidence after decades of blaming the intelligence community.

The Murdoch press and Andrew Bolt played a key role in perpetuating the Howard lies lies and attacking Andrew Wilkie for his brave stance. History tells us that Andrew Wilkie was a bloody hero for standing up to John Howard and his fawning support for George W Bush.


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At the start of the conflict the Iraqi Air Force was either non existent or grounded for fear of being destroyed by the uk and us air forces who patrolled Iraqi air space regularly. Had done since the previous war.

Yet Saddam was a threat to security with wmd? Maybe in Saddam own mind

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John Winston Howard - what is his legacy?

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