Past Jordan "I don’t think Sydney fans should be nervous at all" Dawson: Grand Theft Completed, traded 2021 to Adelaide

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It's not a personal thing at all. If you don't like the truth stay off our board

I’m well aware of some people’s opinion of my home city/state. Doesn’t really bother me, I love it and that’ll do for me.

But going on a three paragraph long passionate rant about why you hate an entire city because a footballer moved to one of its teams isn’t exactly what you call healthy behaviour.
the PSD is not for equalisation. It has nothing at all to do with equalisation.

it’s sole purpose is to facilitate the movement of uncontracted players as a steam release valve in the draft/trade mechanisms. Without it the AFLPA and others may well have a case for restraint of trade.

it’s part of the suite of player movement mechanics, and in this case it’s the fallback to stop the system completely jamming up
It certainly has been helping you useless pricks

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Unhappily for the Cows they still have Toxic Tex and dinosaurs like Riccuitto infecting the culture.

Nicks is a breath of fresh air and Dawson seems a decent bloke and will win the next 4 BnFs at the Cows. However that breath of fresh air needs to be a gale.

The stale licorice allsorts are the lesser of the two Adelaide teams and until there is significant change there will be no success.
Interestingly enough, on the Cows board they have resurrected a post stating that Callum Toomey said that they are into Dawson. This was posted as far back as May. Adelaide have been cultivating him all season and Dawson pretends like it is a last minute decision based on going home.
Crows and Port are well aware of SA players who are interstate coming off-contract. This is a given that these discussions had been ongoing, and will be the same with the next few from up North who are ooc next year
Quite why any player would join the Crows, for any amount of money, is beyond me. Jordan's partner must have put some sort of ultimatum on the table. He'll look back on this decision with regret, as it dawns that he's playing with a bunch of bottom-dwelling racists. Nicksy's a great bloke but he's working with a team of rabble in trying to coach Adelaide. Perhaps he hopes Dawson can tell him how it's done, maybe even spill a little of Horse's secret sauce on his stable of duds. What he doesn't realise is Jordan's greatest success is his role as a part of a team machine. His contribution outside of the team is like the bonnet ornament from a Rolls Royce. It won't make a Commodore look better, or whatever sh*t they used to make in Adelaide before they all became unemployable. At least Dawson will always be free in September to cheer on his former teammates as they contest premiership after premiership in a dynasty like none before.

Adelaide may have seemed like a city of bright lights to a lad fresh off the bus from sleepy Robe, but after the hip harbourside and beach lifestyle of Sydney he'll quickly find Adelaide is just as sleepy as Robe. A town where listening to chruch bells is a big night out and getting mugged on Hindley St is the highlight, where haute cuisine is a pie floating in green/grey slop, excitement is a tram ride to the flat soup of Glenelg beach and culture is hating a better AFL team. The weather ranges from blistering unbearable heat in summer to howling freezing rain in winter. The distant Adelaide hills may offer some escape from the oppressive heat, unless some bored teen has set them on fire. On Ash Wednesday 1983 I watched the hills burn, on a day so hot it burnt the nostrils to breathe the hot air laden with red dust as it roared in from the desert. From the top floor of the Grenfell Tower, the most exciting event in Adelaide's history unfolded before me as I watched in horror.

The only real loser in this trade is Dawson. Adelaide is a soulless city, a city of ghosts, a place where ambition and dreams go to die. A forgotten city, an outlier, without the confidence of the black sheep Perth or the wild frontier town of Darwin. Adelaide is forgotten, it desperately claws for recognition, resenting its larger more cosmopolitan Eastern cousins and forever carrying a huge chip on its shoulder. Of course the fans of Adelaide get a thrill out of a small win over Sydney, every win counts when you have so few, and those in Melbourne, ever resentful of Sydney, are happy to see us disadvantaged, as long as the system works in the interests of the Vics. The Swans will bounce back, someone will slip into Dawson's role as new opportunities open up. We have a team of sharp ball users who can play in any number of roles.

Robe to Adelaide is about 350k and nearly a 4 hour drive.If his reasons for going home to be close to family not sure how much he will see of family in the footy season.A big loss for the swans but I think we have the players to replace him and perhaps long term his departure could end up being a bonus and not a loss.
Interestingly enough, on the Cows board they have resurrected a post stating that Callum Toomey said that they are into Dawson. This was posted as far back as May. Adelaide have been cultivating him all season and Dawson pretends like it is a last minute decision based on going home.
No different to Swans team keeping track of NSW lads and their contract status
Crows and Port are well aware of SA players who are interstate coming off-contract. This is a given that these discussions had been ongoing, and will be the same with the next few from up North who are ooc next year
Thats why they don't wanna give up their future first for next year. To try and get all the SA talent out of GCS
I think if North had given us even a hint Swans would have walked him to the PSD. Just the wrong year for it with too many clubs with salary issues.

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"I have spoken to a lot of the (Sydney) players, coaches. Obviously they're disappointed to lose me as a bloke and a player. But I have got a lot of great relationships there and I know for a fact that I will still have great friends after footy in Sydney."

Good for you tosser. You obviously have higher regard for yourself than many swans supporters would. I look forward to seeing your career go stale at that talentless ghost-town of a club.
"I have spoken to a lot of the (Sydney) players, coaches. Obviously they're disappointed to lose me as a bloke and a player. But I have got a lot of great relationships there and I know for a fact that I will still have great friends after footy in Sydney."

Good for you tosser. You obviously have higher regard for yourself than many swans supporters would. I look forward to seeing your career go stale at that talentless ghost-town of a club.
I'm hopeful that a lot of our players are more reasonable than a lot of our fans it seems, and don't cut/slag off a guy for moving to his home state.
Sorry to interrupt. I'm not trolling, I come in peace. Adelaide used a number of picks 23 and lower to get the Melbourne 1st round pick for next year. Did the Swans list team get a little lazy and not try to get those picks and negotiate a better pick themselves. Pick 23 iteself should have gotten Ladhams. H is late 2nd round at best. I hope he becomes a champ with you guys. They needed to let him go as their cap is tight. They still have a number of unsigned lesser players including Motlop. I think you overpaid moving your pick.
I'm hopeful that a lot of our players are more reasonable than a lot of our fans it seems, and don't cut/slag off a guy for moving to his home state.
Do you think people are slaging him off for moving to his home state? Maybe look more to the way he has gone about it to be the issue.
Sorry to interrupt. I'm not trolling, I come in peace. Adelaide used a number of picks 23 and lower to get the Melbourne 1st round pick for next year. Did the Swans list team get a little lazy and not try to get those picks and negotiate a better pick themselves. Pick 23 iteself should have gotten Ladhams. H is late 2nd round at best. I hope he becomes a champ with you guys. They needed to let him go as their cap is tight. They still have a number of unsigned lesser players including Motlop. I think you overpaid moving your pick.
Go away
Sorry to interrupt. I'm not trolling, I come in peace. Adelaide used a number of picks 23 and lower to get the Melbourne 1st round pick for next year. Did the Swans list team get a little lazy and not try to get those picks and negotiate a better pick themselves. Pick 23 iteself should have gotten Ladhams. H is late 2nd round at best. I hope he becomes a champ with you guys. They needed to let him go as their cap is tight. They still have a number of unsigned lesser players including Motlop. I think you overpaid moving your pick.
Not sure what your point is or I've totally misunderstood it.

We got Ladhams for a future 3rd and a 4 pick slide from 12 to 16. In your alternate world, we trade Dawson to you guys for 23 and the lower picks, pass 23 for Ladhams so we end up with the lower picks and pick 12 and kept our future 3rd instead of the future 1st from Melbourne with pick 16 but without the future 3rd. I don't see how we 'overpaid' or maybe I'm also a 'little lazy'
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Do you think people are slaging him off for moving to his home state? Maybe look more to the way he has gone about it to be the issue.
Given that no-one has been able to point to an instance where he lied or can show he was deceptive, yeah that's all they're slagging him off for. Everything else is in their heads.

What we know:
1) In July he said we shouldn't worry - maybe there was nothing for us to worry about then.
2) In September he talked up the future of the club. What a crime. Maybe he had just made the decision and was nervous about how it would go down, felt like he should talk us up in the way of gratitude.
3) In September, post B&F, he requested a trade to his home state. What a crime.
4) He then nominated Adelaide, which based on any reasonable take on employment (he'd fulfilled his contract), is annoying but OK. He supported them as a kid, they offered him more $$, maybe they sold a better future (I'm skeptical but wasn't there).

If he had made the decision between July and September, what do we expect him to do? Blurt it out and potentially derail our campaign? People would hate him more.
If he hadn't made the decision until very late, what's he supposed to do? Re-sign just to make the club/fans happy, regardless of how that impacts him/his family. Hahaha. Be serious.

I speculate as much as anyone. But I'm not going to hang a player based on guesswork. We bang on about loyalty, but the club is never expected to show it (e.g. Hewett or anyone we ever delist who works their guts out) and based on the fickle nature of fans appreciation of players that is on show, I don't think they really owe us anything more than their effort when they're at the club, which we got.
Given that no-one has been able to point to an instance where he lied or can show he was deceptive, yeah that's all they're slagging him off for. Everything else is in their heads.

What we know:
1) In July he said we shouldn't worry - maybe there was nothing for us to worry about then.
2) In September he talked up the future of the club. What a crime. Maybe he had just made the decision and was nervous about how it would go down, felt like he should talk us up in the way of gratitude.
3) In September, post B&F, he requested a trade to his home state. What a crime.
4) He then nominated Adelaide, which based on any reasonable take on employment (he'd fulfilled his contract), is annoying but OK. He supported them as a kid, they offered him more $$, maybe they sold a better future (I'm skeptical but wasn't there).

If he had made the decision between July and September, what do we expect him to do? Blurt it out and potentially derail our campaign? People would hate him more.
If he hadn't made the decision until very late, what's he supposed to do? Re-sign just to make the club/fans happy, regardless of how that impacts him/his family. Hahaha. Be serious.

I speculate as much as anyone. But I'm not going to hang a player based on guesswork. We bang on about loyalty, but the club is never expected to show it (e.g. Hewett or anyone we ever delist who works their guts out) and based on the fickle nature of fans appreciation of players that is on show, I don't think they really owe us anything more than their effort when they're at the club, which we got.
In my opinion, the least he could have done was give an indication at his exit interview that this was what he was thinking.To blindside the club the way he did, and announce it when in Adelaide was somewhat disappointing I think. I think he could have shown more respect to the club that nurtured him and his career. I don't have a problem with the decision, I do think he could have handled it better.
Clubs have to make plans & those plans rely on a certain degree of transparency.

By misleading the Swans, Dawson did the club a great disservice.

His former teammates will be angry, no matter how much Dawson would like to pretend otherwise.

The Swans Crows match in 2022 is going to be intriguing.

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Past Jordan "I don’t think Sydney fans should be nervous at all" Dawson: Grand Theft Completed, traded 2021 to Adelaide

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