Past Jordan "I don’t think Sydney fans should be nervous at all" Dawson: Grand Theft Completed, traded 2021 to Adelaide

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This may be an unpopular view but I wish Dawson all the best at Adelaide. I loved watching him when he was with us - he was a real joy. I think he is a young man who made a decision that he may regret or he may not. There may have been many reasons as to why he didn't leave in the manner we would have liked, but he may also one day look back on it as one of the things he would change if he had his time again. I am only glad that when I was his age all of my life decisions were wise, mature, and correct (not).
I really hope that he wins their B&F for the next 5 years, but that they are also firmly entrenched at the bottom of the ladder.
Good luck Jordan, I hope life turns out well for you.
This may be an unpopular view but I wish Dawson all the best at Adelaide. I loved watching him when he was with us - he was a real joy. I think he is a young man who made a decision that he may regret or he may not. There may have been many reasons as to why he didn't leave in the manner we would have liked, but he may also one day look back on it as one of the things he would change if he had his time again. I am only glad that when I was his age all of my life decisions were wise, mature, and correct (not).
I really hope that he wins their B&F for the next 5 years, but that they are also firmly entrenched at the bottom of the ladder.
Good luck Jordan, I hope life turns out well for you.
I agree. Seems a quality young man. He may regret his decision but sounds like he has moved on. So have we.
If the Swans moderators don't think it's appropriate please delete.

An article in today's Adelaide Advertiser might interest Swans supporters, it's paywalled unless you have a Newscorp subscription.

I think this is the kicker in the article for Swans people.

And Doughty had robust discussions with Adelaide that walking him to the pre-season draft was not an option.

Adelaide Crows off-season: The inside story of Jordan Dawson’s move back to South Australia
The pull of being back home close to family was too strong for Jordan Dawson. Go inside his difficult decision, contract negotiations and how the deal was done.

Thanks Mutineer for putting that in front of us.

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We got about 4 Birds in the hand for Dawson in the end.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the salary cap was the limit got players you could have on the field, rather than a squad? I would probably prefer 4 Birds to 1 Dawson on the field (appreciating points are not dollars, but the points equivalency got me thinking this way). But I would probably prefer 1 Dawson to 4 Birds in our squad.
I hope in hindsight this deal is considered a win/win/win for both Sydney and Adelaide and Dawson. Jordon get to club of choice, Crows get a quality player, Swans get an earlier than expected 1st rounder. I’m all about the death riding and Melbourne coming to the party would not surprise me one bit.
Spewing that we said no to 2

so no face to face just the phone call

Well we would have lost him in two so I know why we stuck with longer.
It would hurt more in two years as we can still develop someone in that role before we get to the real contending stage. Losing him them would sting more for sure.
Well we would have lost him in two so I know why we stuck with longer.
It would hurt more in two years as we can still develop someone in that role before we get to the real contending stage. Losing him them would sting more for sure.

Bottom line is Ted he was never going to finish his career with us.
At best we would've got a better deal from the crows, at worst we would've just done a Ladhams for Dawson or something similar. Either way it sounds like Dawson was requesting a trade no matter what. Can't dwell on it much apart from once again showing that PSD is an avenue that players don't want to go down, especially a good player.

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Dawson is yesterday's news. Will be even more yesterday's news when 2022 starts and the Crows bottom again and his numbers slide. Hope he enjoyed the momentary limelight because it will burn bright and die

He will be the only A grader on their list. Sorry (for all the Panihi and Bolt 'readers') - Toxic Tex does not count.
I hope in hindsight this deal is considered a win/win/win for both Sydney and Adelaide and Dawson. Jordon get to club of choice, Crows get a quality player, Swans get an earlier than expected 1st rounder. I’m all about the death riding and Melbourne coming to the party would not surprise me one bit.
“Earlier than expected 1st rounder”.

I hope in hindsight this deal is considered a win/win/win for both Sydney and Adelaide and Dawson. Jordon get to club of choice, Crows get a quality player, Swans get an earlier than expected 1st rounder. I’m all about the death riding and Melbourne coming to the party would not surprise me one bit.

Jordon is a ****ing sook. Good luck with him. He has reached his ceiling anyway the little grub.
Dawson will be moved to an inside mid role at Adelaide, struggle at AFL level then everyone will come out saying how he's not even worth the first rounder we got.

After half a season - and probably a shoulder injury - he'll be moved to the wing in which he'll thrive but at that point no one will notice him succeeding at the bottom dwellers.
Quite why any player would join the Crows, for any amount of money, is beyond me. Jordan's partner must have put some sort of ultimatum on the table. He'll look back on this decision with regret, as it dawns that he's playing with a bunch of bottom-dwelling racists. Nicksy's a great bloke but he's working with a team of rabble in trying to coach Adelaide. Perhaps he hopes Dawson can tell him how it's done, maybe even spill a little of Horse's secret sauce on his stable of duds. What he doesn't realise is Jordan's greatest success is his role as a part of a team machine. His contribution outside of the team is like the bonnet ornament from a Rolls Royce. It won't make a Commodore look better, or whatever sh*t they used to make in Adelaide before they all became unemployable. At least Dawson will always be free in September to cheer on his former teammates as they contest premiership after premiership in a dynasty like none before.

Adelaide may have seemed like a city of bright lights to a lad fresh off the bus from sleepy Robe, but after the hip harbourside and beach lifestyle of Sydney he'll quickly find Adelaide is just as sleepy as Robe. A town where listening to chruch bells is a big night out and getting mugged on Hindley St is the highlight, where haute cuisine is a pie floating in green/grey slop, excitement is a tram ride to the flat soup of Glenelg beach and culture is hating a better AFL team. The weather ranges from blistering unbearable heat in summer to howling freezing rain in winter. The distant Adelaide hills may offer some escape from the oppressive heat, unless some bored teen has set them on fire. On Ash Wednesday 1983 I watched the hills burn, on a day so hot it burnt the nostrils to breathe the hot air laden with red dust as it roared in from the desert. From the top floor of the Grenfell Tower, the most exciting event in Adelaide's history unfolded before me as I watched in horror.

The only real loser in this trade is Dawson. Adelaide is a soulless city, a city of ghosts, a place where ambition and dreams go to die. A forgotten city, an outlier, without the confidence of the black sheep Perth or the wild frontier town of Darwin. Adelaide is forgotten, it desperately claws for recognition, resenting its larger more cosmopolitan Eastern cousins and forever carrying a huge chip on its shoulder. Of course the fans of Adelaide get a thrill out of a small win over Sydney, every win counts when you have so few, and those in Melbourne, ever resentful of Sydney, are happy to see us disadvantaged, as long as the system works in the interests of the Vics. The Swans will bounce back, someone will slip into Dawson's role as new opportunities open up. We have a team of sharp ball users who can play in any number of roles.
Bungee, old mate. You should have been a poet
Respectfully bungee, I don't think we need to attack another posters personal life. I know Soggy2112 from another part of the forum and he's a good poster. All the posts of his I have read here have been respectful and we don't need to go personal.
The only personal attack was the aformentioned poster's questioning of my mental health. My only crime, in his eyes, was to describe Adelaide as a terribly dull city, a view shared by almost every sane person who's ever had the misfortune to visit the place. Most would consider visiting Adelaide as akin to stepping in dog fouling, a rather unpleasant experience that few would be keen to repeat. The same poster might just as well question my mental health simply because I don't care to wallow in dog excretement ?

As for the poster always being respectful, is it not disrespectful to imply that my post was the result of some mental scarring ? I concluded from the poster's vexed response, his questioning of my objectiveness and his, rather offensive, personal attack, that he may be blissfully unaware that he lives in the urban equivalent of a steaming pile of warm dog sh*t, at least until I popped his bubble. I too might have found my post unsettling. He clearly considers my views as iconoclastic, those of an outsider, threatening to unsettle and overturn his rather limited world view.

Is it a personal attack to reach out in an effort to politely confirm what I intuitively suspected ? The poster's lack of any subsequent reply suggests that he probably does still live in his parental home. Not that there's anything wrong with such an arrangement, as a parent myself I loathe the thought of my own children scattering to the four corners of the Earth*. To accuse me of lauching a personal attack is a bit of a stretch. I can forgive your haste to judge this time, but please pause before doing so in future.

*For Adelaide fans

The expression "the four corners of the Earth" does not imply the Earth is a flat square covered with a pale blue gingham table cloth, created by a beardy guy in the clouds during a particularly busy 6-day week a few thousand years ago, as you may have been taught at school. Earth is in fact about 4.5 billion years old, a watery globe with a mass of about 6 billion billion kg, it remains suspended in empty space, orbiting a giant fusion reactor, just one of hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy, all orbiting a super massive black hole at its centre.

Despite the many planets orbiting hundreds of billion trillion stars in our observable universe, astronomers, statisticians and exobiologists agree that it's extremely unlikely any intelligent life-form could evolve that might want to visit Adelaide.
The only personal attack was the aformentioned poster's questioning of my mental health. My only crime, in his eyes, was to describe Adelaide as a terribly dull city, a view shared by almost every sane person who's ever had the misfortune to visit the place. Most would consider visiting Adelaide as akin to stepping in dog fouling, a rather unpleasant experience that few would be keen to repeat. The same poster might just as well question my mental health simply because I don't care to wallow in dog excretement ?

As for the poster always being respectful, is it not disrespectful to imply that my post was the result of some mental scarring ? I concluded from the poster's vexed response, his questioning of my objectiveness and his, rather offensive, personal attack, that he may be blissfully unaware that he lives in the urban equivalent of a steaming pile of warm dog sh*t, at least until I popped his bubble. I too might have found my post unsettling. He clearly considers my views as iconoclastic, those of an outsider, threatening to unsettle and overturn his rather limited world view.

Is it a personal attack to reach out in an effort to politely confirm what I intuitively suspected ? The poster's lack of any subsequent reply suggests that he probably does still live in his parental home. Not that there's anything wrong with such an arrangement, as a parent myself I loathe the thought of my own children scattering to the four corners of the Earth*. To accuse me of lauching a personal attack is a bit of a stretch. I can forgive your haste to judge this time, but please pause before doing so in future.

*For Adelaide fans

The expression "the four corners of the Earth" does not imply the Earth is a flat square covered with a pale blue gingham table cloth, created by a beardy guy in the clouds during a particularly busy 6-day week a few thousand years ago, as you may have been taught at school. Earth is in fact about 4.5 billion years old, a watery globe with a mass of about 6 billion billion kg, it remains suspended in empty space, orbiting a giant fusion reactor, just one of hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy, all orbiting a super massive black hole at its centre.

Despite the many planets orbiting hundreds of billion trillion stars in our observable universe, astronomers, statisticians and exobiologists agree that it's extremely unlikely any intelligent life-form could evolve that might want to visit Adelaide.

Did a bloke from Adelaide steal your wife or something?
I’m well aware of some people’s opinion of my home city/state. Doesn’t really bother me, I love it and that’ll do for me.

But going on a three paragraph long passionate rant about why you hate an entire city because a footballer moved to one of its teams isn’t exactly what you call healthy behaviour.
The only personal attack was the aformentioned poster's questioning of my mental health. My only crime, in his eyes, was to describe Adelaide as a terribly dull city, a view shared by almost every sane person who's ever had the misfortune to visit the place. Most would consider visiting Adelaide as akin to stepping in dog fouling, a rather unpleasant experience that few would be keen to repeat. The same poster might just as well question my mental health simply because I don't care to wallow in dog excretement ?

As for the poster always being respectful, is it not disrespectful to imply that my post was the result of some mental scarring ? I concluded from the poster's vexed response, his questioning of my objectiveness and his, rather offensive, personal attack, that he may be blissfully unaware that he lives in the urban equivalent of a steaming pile of warm dog sh*t, at least until I popped his bubble. I too might have found my post unsettling. He clearly considers my views as iconoclastic, those of an outsider, threatening to unsettle and overturn his rather limited world view.

Is it a personal attack to reach out in an effort to politely confirm what I intuitively suspected ? The poster's lack of any subsequent reply suggests that he probably does still live in his parental home. Not that there's anything wrong with such an arrangement, as a parent myself I loathe the thought of my own children scattering to the four corners of the Earth*. To accuse me of lauching a personal attack is a bit of a stretch. I can forgive your haste to judge this time, but please pause before doing so in future.

*For Adelaide fans

The expression "the four corners of the Earth" does not imply the Earth is a flat square covered with a pale blue gingham table cloth, created by a beardy guy in the clouds during a particularly busy 6-day week a few thousand years ago, as you may have been taught at school. Earth is in fact about 4.5 billion years old, a watery globe with a mass of about 6 billion billion kg, it remains suspended in empty space, orbiting a giant fusion reactor, just one of hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy, all orbiting a super massive black hole at its centre.

Despite the many planets orbiting hundreds of billion trillion stars in our observable universe, astronomers, statisticians and exobiologists agree that it's extremely unlikely any intelligent life-form could evolve that might want to visit Adelaide.

I don’t recall questioning your mental health and tbh that’s a pretty severe accusation to throw at a person.

“Isn’t exactly what you call healthy behaviour” was what I said, in reference to a specific behaviour that you demonstrated. And I stand by that claim. However, I never once questioned your mental health, if you are struggling and for that reason my post struck a nerve then truly, I am sorry. But if you’re using mental health to point score then honestly get in the bin.

I didn’t respond to your post because you were clearly lashing out and it’s your board and I didn’t want to start a shit fight. But now you’ve accused me of going after your mental health which as I said, is a pretty serious accusation and I’m not gonna let it go.
The only personal attack was the aformentioned poster's questioning of my mental health. My only crime, in his eyes, was to describe Adelaide as a terribly dull city, a view shared by almost every sane person who's ever had the misfortune to visit the place. Most would consider visiting Adelaide as akin to stepping in dog fouling, a rather unpleasant experience that few would be keen to repeat. The same poster might just as well question my mental health simply because I don't care to wallow in dog excretement ?

As for the poster always being respectful, is it not disrespectful to imply that my post was the result of some mental scarring ? I concluded from the poster's vexed response, his questioning of my objectiveness and his, rather offensive, personal attack, that he may be blissfully unaware that he lives in the urban equivalent of a steaming pile of warm dog sh*t, at least until I popped his bubble. I too might have found my post unsettling. He clearly considers my views as iconoclastic, those of an outsider, threatening to unsettle and overturn his rather limited world view.

Is it a personal attack to reach out in an effort to politely confirm what I intuitively suspected ? The poster's lack of any subsequent reply suggests that he probably does still live in his parental home. Not that there's anything wrong with such an arrangement, as a parent myself I loathe the thought of my own children scattering to the four corners of the Earth*. To accuse me of lauching a personal attack is a bit of a stretch. I can forgive your haste to judge this time, but please pause before doing so in future.

*For Adelaide fans

The expression "the four corners of the Earth" does not imply the Earth is a flat square covered with a pale blue gingham table cloth, created by a beardy guy in the clouds during a particularly busy 6-day week a few thousand years ago, as you may have been taught at school. Earth is in fact about 4.5 billion years old, a watery globe with a mass of about 6 billion billion kg, it remains suspended in empty space, orbiting a giant fusion reactor, just one of hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy, all orbiting a super massive black hole at its centre.

Despite the many planets orbiting hundreds of billion trillion stars in our observable universe, astronomers, statisticians and exobiologists agree that it's extremely unlikely any intelligent life-form could evolve that might want to visit Adelaide.
Come on, it's a bit rich to bemoan someone allegedly questioning your mental health, then in the same post label people who like Adelaide (the city) as insane, or unintelligent. We can all take a joke at Adelaide's expense (we make them ourselves), but essays that labour the point and pretend to be anything other than filled with boring, old and inaccurate stereotypes, are a bit over the top.

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Past Jordan "I don’t think Sydney fans should be nervous at all" Dawson: Grand Theft Completed, traded 2021 to Adelaide

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