I would hardly call a few lines an essay and I certainly didn't label anyone as insane. I merely suggested that someone who took such a parochial view of Adelaide probably lacked a wider world perspective. By the standards of most world cities, Adelaide is rather dull. I've never known anyone to get excited over a trip to Adelaide.Come on, it's a bit rich to bemoan someone allegedly questioning your mental health, then in the same post label people who like Adelaide (the city) as insane, or unintelligent. We can all take a joke at Adelaide's expense (we make them ourselves), but essays that labour the point and pretend to be anything other than filled with boring, old and inaccurate stereotypes, are a bit over the top.
Most realise when my posts are tongue in cheek. You shouldn't condemn a piece of writing simply because it goes over your head. Don't be so quick to launch into criticism, so determined to play the role of thought police. Get a hobby.
Apology accepted.