Player Watch Josh Rachele - Sent To The Gulag!

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Interesting point.
On reflection, all our senior guys appear reserved and quiet in nature. Dawson, Fogarty, Laird, Crouch, Smith O'Brien might all be good fellas but not with a natural bigger and bolder personality.
Not sure about Tex but also looks the quiet type.

I am probably wrong with some of this but I can see the value of the big personality types around the club. Davis was renowned for this. Ned and Keays probably in a similar mold.

This stuff is peripheral in importance but having fun in what you do is an advantage. Particularly when times are tough onfield.

So over to all of you. Who is the most fun on our list?

Good leadership is all about figuring out what makes people tick and embracing and encouraging that. If being a bit over the top and playing to the crowd is what gets Rachele up and about and playing good footy then genuinely **** what anyone outside the four walls thinks.

It was a harmless joke made during a weekly radio segment. Then when the media piles on him rather than backing their man our “leaders” decide to pile on. FFS.

I get the idea that you might think he went over the top in the celebration but that’s the kind of conversation you would have internally.

And if Laird wants to get on his high horse about “what we’re about”, maybe he should have a look at how he sooks it up when he’s not given a sideways handball so he can bring up another meaningless stat.

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I think I would have been okay if Laird just said it's not how he would like to do things. But he went a step further and said that it's not how the club does things. That necessarily creates a division within the playing group, where media types can ask every player they interview which side of the line they are in.

It was unnecessary.
What a joke of a club someone shows a bit of personality and we don't like it 🙄

Wouldn't be surprised to see Rachelle ask for out in the near future, he came in looking like a star and the club is just sucked any personality out of him no wonder he looks disinterested at times.
Better way to put it from Fog than how Laird said it, but I’m still not entirely happy about the way we’re kinda publicly shaming the kid

Just say “that’s something we speak about behind closed doors, Rash is a great kid and great personality, we’ve spoken it over and we move forward”
I think I would have been okay if Laird just said it's not how he would like to do things. But he went a step further and said that it's not how the club does things. That necessarily creates a division within the playing group, where media types can ask every player they interview which side of the line they are in.

It was unnecessary.
Beautifully said. You can personally disagree with something without outright throwing him under the bus.

There have been so many things over the past few years worth marking a line in the sand over, and we choose this?

Our coach is floundering, everyone in public backs him, right man for the job.

Our senior players are past their use by date, everyone in public backs them, they provide good experience.

Our administration is sinking the club by hiring brain melting voodoo warriors? She's all apples. I'm a better husband and father since the camp.

Young player shows personality. That's now how we do things buddy.

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Get stuffed Rory you toothless wimp!!

Three things...

Firstly, "we try to let our footy do the talking". "He's misaligned with what we do".
To speak like this publicly about a teammate is disgraceful. Even if he's out of line, public humiliation and execution from a senior player against a junior is unacceptable. Zero leadership. Zero empathy. Zero courtesy. Just dumb, hurtful and divisive. Really poor form by Laird and he deserves all the rat coming his way. Coach should drop him for the last game and state it was for discipline reasons.

Secondly, Laird needs to visit the room of mirrors for a long look at his current football. Given that he wants to let his football do the talking, his form lately (most of this season) suggests he has little left to say. And very few now even notice he's speaking at all. The guys football has become so silent, he's becoming mute. Unless he can reinvent himself, he'll become irrelevant quicker than he thinks. And very few will notice the silence.

Lastly, Laird has been displaying an attitude of an entitled princess. Ever since he's lost the midfield, his form has be horrific and he panics, he makes skill errors and he makes consistently bad decisions. But even more distressing to watch is his attitude on the field. He's become an absolute sook!!! Whinging and whining all game with his arms out appealing to the umpires, his teammates for some damn thing and with the pathetic look of someone about to cry because the big boys aren't playing fair. So come on Rory. You talk the talk against a junior player but at your career stage and with your nearly 30 years of life experience, you should think about your own personality imperfections. They're not hard to see. Just play the tape.

And this one's for Nicksy... Its public now that you have a rift in the squad. What are you going to do? Back Laird? Back Rach? Do nothing? Say nothing? But whatever you do Matthew, our season ends on Saturday and after that, there are months for this to fester. FIX IT!!! It's actually part of the 25 preseason.
I find it ridiculous that Laird even feels he’s entitled to be a voice that anyone would pay attention to on such a topic.

Not in the leadership group.

Kicked out of the midfield permanently due to horrendous form.

Now stinking up the half back line with panic merchant play that I’d be concerned with from a 20 gamer, and will join his mate Smith in the twos in 2025. Maybe someone in the media should ask Rachele what he thinks about the complete failure of senior players such as Laird in 2024?

Rory should probably just focus on enjoying the final 10 or so games of his career and counting the money he’s thieving from the club rather than ripping into the future of the club.
I find it ridiculous that Laird even feels he’s entitled to be a voice that anyone would pay attention to on such a topic.

Not in the leadership group.

Kicked out of the midfield permanently due to horrendous form.

Now stinking up the half back line with panic merchant play that I’d be concerned with from a 20 gamer, and will join his mate Smith in the twos in 2025. Maybe someone in the media should ask Rachele what he thinks about the complete failure of senior players such as Laird in 2024?

Rory should probably just focus on enjoying the final 10 or so games of his career and counting the money he’s thieving from the club rather than ripping into the future of the club.
No one should be listening to him, from what I can tell it's pretty much common knowledge at the club that Laird isn't overly intelligent.

There was a tweet a few years ago where Laird bought one of those $1,500 basketball hoops and assembled it wrong and put a picture up on Twitter asking for help. He then found out that once you put the poles together you can't take them apart so he'd basically blown his money.

Seedsman and Matt Crouch absolutely took the piss out of him about it and joked that the manufacturers can only idiot proof something to a certain degree and said the fact that he couldn't put it together was proof that he wasn't smart enough to own one.
Considering our results over the past SEVEN ****ING SEASONS, "the way we do things" probably needs to change anyway. Our footy has been doing the talking through that entire period, but I don't think of us really like what it has to say.
We are too nice as a club. We have been for years.

Everyone talked about (and some despised) the 'unsociable Hawthorn' during the Clarkson era. Whether you loved or hated them (or the way they played) they won those premiership's by being ruthless and having great leaders both on and off the oval.

We need to be that.

And on the subject of Rankine being targeted by Port, well who gives a shit? Kudos to them if that's what they did. The question is why didn't we either 1) think about doing the same to Butters or JHF in our pre game planning (everyone knows that JHF loses his shit if he is harassed) or 2) why didn't our guys think to do it back to them during the game - after all they would have seen what was going on?

We need a harder edge.
Looks like us supporters need to rally around Josh because the club isn't right now
Yep. **** this club if the talk of him being dropped ends up being true.

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Player Watch Josh Rachele - Sent To The Gulag!

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