Player Watch Josh Rachele - Sent To The Gulag!

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Work with him over the offseason to fix those things.

You've made it ten times the story it was and put him into the spotlight.

It's going to be a story next year too.
If he starts poorly next year (if he doesn't leave) the media will jump down his throat.

If it's been happening all year, why now?
Nothing needs to be fixed. The club is just full of losers with no personality.

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"Body of work?"

As in, kicking 30 goals as a small forward, winning a game off his own boot a month ago, and playing "the best game of his career" a fortnight ago?

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Oh they’re bringing up his Monday to Friday habits now are they
They're doubling down now. I can't seem to recall a club throwing a youngster under the bus like the AFC have done with this guy. Do we have a deep hatred of our 1st round, non-SA draft picks.

This has been a membership cancelling move from the AFC. You can't keep supporting this garbage.
Question, why do people think "it was a leadership group decision" is at all better then it being a Nicks decision?

Isn't that infinitely worse? Just a confirmation of the maddening fact we all already know. That the senior players have way too much say in the selection of this team. And anyone who isn't a complete Crowbot is under threat of being dropped (and apparently thrown under the bus).

TBH Nicks being totally incompetent is the lesser of 2 evils in that scenario. You can fire a coach, but you can't fire a rotten system.
It's actually amazing how poorly this has been handled from even the most basic human level.

Even if you take the position of him doing something wrong or under-performing (which I disagree with). This is a textbook example of how to alienate and isolate a person, and how NOT to handle a team member you view as not behaving in a way you expect. This isn't even football talking, this is basic managerial competency. You don't pile up and publicly humiliate someone, shine the spotlight on them to highlight their deficiencies, or make them a scapegoat. There have been copious examples of other teams (as everyone has already said, stengle at geelong is the most obvious one) who have handled players they have felt needed re-focusing in a much different manner. You know, teams that have a reputation for a winning culture and professionalism. Surprisingly, they also end up having a great player retention and recruitment rate alongside flags to back them up.

The amount of gaslighting is phenomenal as well...he will be strong enough to get through this? As in, if he doesn't suck it up and tow the line he is weak. Piss off.

This is absolute amateur hour, and sadly a very common occurrence for this club.
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A club run by Adelaide private school tossers for Adelaide private school tossers

Every now and then we clear it out but like weeds, they come back and suffocate the club

Need another Blight/Walsh clear out and wake up call

Which Adelaide private school tossers are currently running the club?
Apparently he liked a social media post where a fan said they don't blame him for leaving AFC.

This is on you Nicks you idiot!

Anyone who thought this would inspire him to work hard over summer was kidding themselves.

He and Soligo probably sat around on the couch last night talking about how poor a coach Nicksy is and laughing at how average a player Laird is.

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Player Watch Josh Rachele - Sent To The Gulag!

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