Judd gets 3 weeks, escapes attempted murder charge

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Carlton captain Chris Judd claims his suspected gouge was martial arts move
By Jon Ralph

"He described the incident as "dumb" on Sunday, but said instead of attempting to eye-gouge Rischitelli he was working on the Brisbane midfielder's pressure point."

September 07, 2009

And why exactly was Rischitelli's pressure point requiring this 'work'? Just because he wouldn't release the tackle quickly enough for your liking to get a ball-up happening? There's competitive, and then there's ridiculous - this falls firmly into the latter category.

Dumb is an understatement, Juddy.

Open season on Aaron Joseph folks. Andy Lucimitis says its okay.

Simon Black gets tagged just as hard as Judd, never seen him go the eye gouge.

Oh God - grow up !

If you want open season on Aaron Joseph go right ahead - I'm happy for all taggers to be run out of the game. They are a blight on the game !!

I love how you throw Simon Black up - he's a champ no doubt !!

Lets take a couple of other names - Michael Voss, Jonathon Brown, Alistair Lynch - they also go tagged - do you reckon they have ever given a couple quick ones under a pack.
wrong. you only lose your chance of winning a brownlow if you get suspended in a premiership points game. final and preseason games dont cout towards the brownlow. so if he gets rubbed out in those games. he can still win the brownlow

True but it's a bit stupid that a for instance you could see a Barry Hall/Staker type incident on the Saturday and the bloke fronts up to receive the fairest and best a couple of days later.

And for whoever asked, no, NAB cup games don't count.

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2 weeks is fair. Absolutely no need to casually bend over a player on his back and do what Judd did. Whether it was an eye poke, attacking a pressure point :)confused:) or scratching his nose, I know if an opposition player did it to one of our boys I'd want them rubbed out, too.

Stupid by Judd but hopefully it means our mids will take some responsibility onto themselves knowing they'll start next year without Juddy by their side.

If you think it's worth anything more, you are kidding yourselves. While it was idiotic, it wasn't forceful enough to justify a larger penalty.

Well said!
After Barrassi said it was shocking Judd was gone, the AFL brass would have let thier love child go if thier was no publicity, after the injustace handed out to Buddy any player that does the slightest untoward thing is in big trouble these days as the AFL MRP dont want to be seen to be inconsistent, they bought this upon themselves now everyplayer has to live with the consequences.
After Barrassi said it was shocking Judd was gone, the AFL brass would have let thier love child go if thier was no publicity, after the injustace handed out to Buddy any player that does the slightest untoward thing is in big trouble these days as the AFL MRP dont want to be seen to be inconsistent, they bought this upon themselves now everyplayer has to live with the consequences.

Deadset, is there a special Hawks edition of Internet Explorer with a built in "Make this thread about Hawthorn" button?

Every tribunal decision in the last week is being somehow related back to the Buddy decision. Its utterly irrelevent in this case.
I would like to preface this by saying I don't at all agree with what he did and am disappointed that what happened with Brown wasn't the accident it may have been construed at first. However, I don't get people not being able to reconcile his punishment with that of Buddy. Buddy knocked Cousins out and gave him a concussion, though supposedly accidentally. On the other hand Judd did no damage. They were both brain farts, one purposely, the other accidentally. One with no damage, the other with damage. So, doesn't it make sense the punishments are similar??
first question?
was he found guilty of eye gouging, or reckless contact to the face.

IF he has been found guilty of eye-gouging, sure the penalty is not severe enough

Personally, i think the the time matches the crime. But if the tribunal actually thought he was eye-gouging, the penalty should be longer.
If that was behind the ear I'd hate to imagine what his missus has to put up with in the bedroom :eek:

Ha ha, well played !

I presume that Rebecca just shuts her eyes and hopes for the best ...


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What is with him and going for the eyes? did he used to get away with doing this in junior footy with no camera around? Can he still win the brownlow now?
first question?
was he found guilty of eye gouging, or reckless contact to the face.

IF he has been found guilty of eye-gouging, sure the penalty is not severe enough

Personally, i think the the time matches the crime. But if the tribunal actually thought he was eye-gouging, the penalty should be longer.

He was never charged with eye-gouging. It was intentional reckless contact to the face, which he has no case against as he has already admitted to doing it. Obviously had been discussed and admitting to this got him off the more severe and more fitting charge. Pressure points, what a load of crap.
"I was pushing my thumb into the pressure point behind his ear," Chris Judd said.

What he failed to mention was that he was trying to access that pressure point behind his ear, through his eye socket.:)

What "martial art" is Judd proficient in, because:

A. If he is proficient, it can be considered an assualt to use it in this instance.

B. If he is not proficient he is lying.

Very funny defense.
A rumour is floating around that Carlton and Chris Judd is going to challenge the 2 week ban. Just like him not to cop the suspension on the chin. The media's darling, would probably get off too, if they did in fact challenge. :(
Why do you think Campbell Brown got fined for admitting he lied? Your still expected to tell the truth at the tribunal even though it's not the supreme court.

Compare the two cases that year of Jeff Farmer and Chris Judd-
-Daniel Pratt and the north Melbourne medicos present the evidence and get Farmer suspended for 6 weeks
-Campbell Brown and the Hawthorn medicos lied and Judd gets off scott free

Judd wouldn't have got 6 weeks as he didn't have as bad a record as Farmer but he could have been looking at significant weeks had the truth emerged.

It's not 'under oath'. The AFL tribunal has no legal standing whatsoever. The AFL can fine AFL listed players because it says so in their contracts, not because the AFL have any kind of legal standing.

Anyway, I'm not sure if the AFL have any mechanism for dealing with something like this, because the actual impact of the contact was unquestionably low. The assesment was correct, but I think the rules are wrong (again). This is far worse than what Buddy or Lloyd did.

If a player intentionally tries to use a 'martial arts move' that has the potential to imobilise or kill, then I think there needs to be serious sanctions imposed. It's not the first time he's done shit like this. I think that players who play Carlton (or any other club) should not have to be subjected to this kind of thing. I think that the AFL need to create a rule to deal with this kind of thing, and make it clear that if it happens again, then Judd will be gawn.
2007: Judd cited for eye gouging.
"Nah! He was staging, the dirty slag."

2009: Judd cited for making contact to an opponent's face.

"Nah! I was ... um ... I was going for the pressure point ... behind the ear. Oops, my bad lol."

2011: Judd charged with rape.

"Nah Detective Senior Sergeant, I wasn't trying to rape anyone. I was going for the pressure point ... in her snatch ... with my dick. Oh yeah, and she's staging anyway, the dirty slag."
A rumour is floating around that Carlton and Chris Judd is going to challenge the 2 week ban. Just like him not to cop the suspension on the chin. The media's darling, would probably get off too, if they did in fact challenge. :(

Just heard he is challenging :eek:

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Judd gets 3 weeks, escapes attempted murder charge

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