I don't think they ever use this defence that they don't support Trump. You are inventing an argument they aren't even making.'Have you seen the many questions which have been asked of these people which are never answered properly?'
This is my point, just because they haven't answered properly does not equate to guilty of trump support.
Is it likely? Yeah of course, but you shouldn't use it as a 'I know you support trump', and claim it as an absolute, use absolute evidence instead.
You're not alone here btw, which is why there is opposition, not coz they don't endorse openly.
What you're doing here is giving them ammunition 'you don't have evidence of me supporting trump', I'll go so far as to say you're biased against their 'support for trump' (which is fine).
The point is you only have speculation (however likely it is)of their support. That immediately discredits argument against them.
Yeah I know it shouldn't but it does.
Even if they use that argument, what would it matter? They are just shit posters who only ever criticise the dems and laugh at any criticism of the GOP and Trump as hyperbole.