USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Agree. It’s not three dimensional chess.

Bannon was the strategist, that realised from callback radio, that there were a lot of disillusioned/aggrieved men out there - unable to handle a changing world, and susceptible to gaslighting. Just happened they were whining, ‘unappreciated’ soft ***** as well, and would see Trump as their talisman.

The political class underestimated the number of ‘perpetually aggrieved’ that didn’t care about reality, nor give a f**k about the ‘greater good’, not Trump’s abilities.
Sounds like a certain poster on here
Did someone say there isnt any policy?

- $25,000 Subsidy for First-Time Homebuyers: A federal subsidy of $25,000 for more than 1 million first-time homebuyers to assist with down payments.-

$6,000 Child Tax Credit: A $6,000 Child Tax Credit for the first year of a baby’s life, in addition to restoring the Biden administration’s Child Tax Credit that expired in 2021, which provided $3,000 per child (up from $2,000).-

Elimination of Medical Debt: Proposing to cancel medical debt for millions of Americans by using federal funds to buy and forgive outstanding medical debt from healthcare providers.-

Ban on Price Gouging for Groceries and Food:Introducing the "first-ever" ban on price gouging for groceries and food, including authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to impose fines on grocery stores that engage in excessive price hikes.-

Cap on Prescription Drug Costs: Expanding on provisions from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, Harris proposes capping out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs at $2,000 annually for all Americans, extending beyond just Medicare beneficiaries.-

Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion: Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower-wage workers by up to $1,500.

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- Affordable Care Act Subsidies: Extending subsidies for Americans on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges.-

Targeting Pharmaceutical Companies: Harris plans to target pharmaceutical companies that block competition and engage in abusive practices, supporting ongoing efforts by the Federal Trade Commission.
Did someone say there isnt any policy?

- $25,000 Subsidy for First-Time Homebuyers: A federal subsidy of $25,000 for more than 1 million first-time homebuyers to assist with down payments.-

$6,000 Child Tax Credit: A $6,000 Child Tax Credit for the first year of a baby’s life, in addition to restoring the Biden administration’s Child Tax Credit that expired in 2021, which provided $3,000 per child (up from $2,000).-

Elimination of Medical Debt: Proposing to cancel medical debt for millions of Americans by using federal funds to buy and forgive outstanding medical debt from healthcare providers.-

Ban on Price Gouging for Groceries and Food:Introducing the "first-ever" ban on price gouging for groceries and food, including authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to impose fines on grocery stores that engage in excessive price hikes.-

Cap on Prescription Drug Costs: Expanding on provisions from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, Harris proposes capping out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs at $2,000 annually for all Americans, extending beyond just Medicare beneficiaries.-

Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion: Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower-wage workers by up to $1,500.
But what’s her stance on Hannibal Lecter?
Mmmm…here is Trump.
Try following this meandering word salad. The guy has dementia.

Cos he said Important 3 times?

I see this is the new attack now Biden is now longer the nominee.

In any case, you'd think the most devastating thing for Harris to do would be to do an unscripted press conference of her own to show how with it and mentally competent she is.

There is a reason she hasnt and wont and it has nothing to do with Trump.
Cos he said Important 3 times?

I see this is the new attack now Biden is now longer the nominee.

In any case, you'd think the most devastating thing for Harris to do would be to do an unscripted press conference of her own to show how with it and mentally competent she is.

There is a reason she hasnt and wont and it has nothing to do with Trump.

I can’t stop laughing at how out of touch you are.

Are you suggesting Trump IS mentally competent?

Please answer that.

You won’t though, will you. 🤣

Even a potato is more mentally competent than Trump.

How can you ignore that he can’t stay on track?
He meanders.
You and the GOP have backed the wrong bus.
He talks like a primary school child, such a limited vocabulary, very concerning. He can’t hold trains of thought, even more concerning.

You know, I really thought you would be impressed that the Dems replaced Biden, after all …whenever Trump was mentioned negatively, your words, repeatedly, were that neither Biden nor Trump are suitable to be POTUS.
Yet here you are, now Biden has gone, showing your true colours.
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Nor is she Trump

I can’t stop laughing at how out of touch you are.

Are you suggesting Trump IS mentally competent?

Please answer that.

You won’t though, will you. 🤣

A potato is more mentally competent than Trump.

How can you ignore that he can’t stay on track?
He meanders.
There is zero substance to what he is all bluster agitprop and lies.
Try reading or god help you, listen, to any of his speeches. I dare you.

Trump doesn’t hold proper pressers or proper interviews, unless it is his sycophants who ask the ‘questions.’
Yet you demand Kamala does?
Trump chooses what he does and does not do to campaign. But Kamala can’t?

He just sprukes the same tired old tropes he has spewed for the past 8 years, with a bit of of Hannibal Lecter and sharks thrown in for good measure.
His pretend pressers consists of his RW ‘reporters’ asking questions, only the questions he allows them to, though, such a snowflake is he.

From what I have seen of Kamala, he is absolutely no match in either integrity, substance or intelligence, and certainly not in vitality or age.
You and the GOP have backed the wrong bus.
He talks like a primary school child, such a limited vocabulary, very concerning. He can’t hold trains of thought, even more concerning.

Kamala will do plenty of interviews in time.

You know, I really thought you would be impressed that the Dems replaced Biden, after all …whenever Trump was mentioned negatively, your words, repeatedly, were that neither Biden nor Trump are suitable to be POTUS.
Yet here you are, now Biden has gone, showing your true colours.
I cant get enough of posts like this.

Trump has always meandered. My take on what he is doing at the moment is that he is trying too hard to riff after each point he is making to show he doesnt require just a teleprompter and to juxtapose himself against Harris. I also think its the media's new attack to shield Harris. They ignored Joe's age and incompetence but now Trump is old they can do what they never did with Biden. MSM are nothing but predictable.
But as I said we have nothing to compare Harris with until she does a debate or an unscripted interview. If at the debate Trump does a Joe I might agree with you.

You talk about mental states, well the number he has done on so many people's mental states is astounding. What you have written above is proof of that. Its just dripping with a unhinged hatred that just isn't normal except to places like here where you can get 20 likes from just saying 'Trump bad'

You have all lived and breathed hatred of him for so longbthat he is isnt even Trump anymore, he's just this entity you can blame for everything that is wrong with your life. He:s become a Sauron like being. Once he is destroyed a massive cloud will be lifted on all your lives snd middle earth will have been saved.

I really hope it hasn't scarred you all for life and you'll return to some type of normality but I truly have my doubts. You'll just move on to the next person to demonise.

Final point. Trump is going to be jailed on Sept 18 without a shadow of a doubt. If this disqualifies him and someone else has to take over that is more Harris' age. Do you think the Dems will win?
I cant get enough of posts like this.

Trump has always meandered. My take on what he is doing at the moment is that he is trying too hard to riff after each point he is making to show he doesnt require just a teleprompter and to juxtapose himself against Harris. I also think its the media's new attack to shield Harris. They ignored Joe's age and incompetence but now Trump is old they can do what they never did with Biden. MSM are nothing but predictable.
But as I said we have nothing to compare Harris with until she does a debate or an unscripted interview. If at the debate Trump does a Joe I might agree with you.

You talk about mental states, well the number he has done on so many people's mental states is astounding. What you have written above is proof of that. Its just dripping with a unhinged hatred that just isn't normal except to places like here where you can get 20 likes from just saying 'Trump bad'

You have all lived and breathed hatred of him for so longbthat he is isnt even Trump anymore, he's just this entity you can blame for everything that is wrong with your life. He:s become a Sauron like being. Once he is destroyed a massive cloud will be lifted on all your lives snd middle earth will have been saved.

I really hope it hasn't scarred you all for life and you'll return to some type of normality but I truly have my doubts. You'll just move on to the next person to demonise.

Final point. Trump is going to be jailed on Sept 18 without a shadow of a doubt. If this disqualifies him and someone else has to take over that is more Harris' age. Do you think the Dems will win?
It would depend on who. Haley probably would have a chance I reckon to rally the GOP as she at least has a following, although she is proven dishonest.
I would be disappointed if whoever succeeded him promised to pardon him of his crimes and law suits though because it means there is no justice when such a criminal walks free, unscathed, after all the damage he has wreaked on his country.

My concern is that there is a massive machine behind Project 25 and how much would she support it. Awful for Americans if it comes to fruition.
Not sure who else though. And it would depend on her stance on abortion rights etc as I think that is a rallying cry for women. They don’t want to return to a time where they have less rights, and no privacy or rights over their own bodies.
You'd swallow anything if you believe this.
You are naive if you don’t. Have you such a short memory from when he lost last time?
They are much better organised for this election.
Groundwork is being layed and multiple in the know are saying it.

All Trump has to do is decry stolen election again and the cogs are in action.

Please tell me …do you honestly believe that he will accept the election results if he loses?
Come on, you know the answer. It’s not that hard.

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It would depend on who. Haley probably would have a chance I reckon to rally the GOP as she at least has a following, although she is proven dishonest.
I would be disappointed if whoever succeeded him promised to pardon him of his crimes and law suits though because it means there is no justice when such a criminal walks free, unscathed, after all the damage he has wreaked on his country.

My concern is that there is a massive machine behind Project 25 and how much would she support it. Awful for Americans if it comes to fruition.
Not sure who else though. And it would depend on her stance on abortion rights etc as I think that is a rallying cry for women. They don’t want to return to a time where they have less rights, and no privacy or rights over their own bodies.
You are a walking DNC talking point.

Amazing how weird got poll tested and even Australians on an AFL footy site just fell into line and started using it.
Hope the Dems dont say you all need to kill Republicans to save Democracy.

It's utterly bizarre and just proves you honestly cant think for yourselves.

Usually every poster on here has a style that is easily recognisable. I literally lose track of who Im replying to here because it is all exactly the same.
You are naive if you don’t. Have you such a short memory from when he lost last time?
They are much better organised for this election.
Groundwork is being layed and multiple in the know are saying it.

All Trump has to do is decry stolen election again and the cogs are in action.

Please tell me …do you honestly believe that he will accept the election results if he loses?
Come on, you know the answer. It’s not that hard.

I remember Biden getting into power and being inaugurated. I'm sure you all told us then that that wasnt going to happen.

Biden has even said unchallenged that Trump has said he'll be a dictator from day one. Can someone show where he has said that.

You guys spend so much time in here spouting the same thing and nodding in unison I honestly doubt you know what reality is. Which was my original point.
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Cos he said Important 3 times?

I see this is the new attack now Biden is now longer the nominee.

In any case, you'd think the most devastating thing for Harris to do would be to do an unscripted press conference of her own to show how with it and mentally competent she is.

There is a reason she hasnt and wont and it has nothing to do with Trump.

There is nothing she can do or say that would impact swing voters more than the 'unknown' she currently has.

There is nothing she can do or say that will ever change your position.
There is nothing Trump can say or do that will ever change your position.

You only demand an 'unscripted press conference' because you've been told it's important.
You can't ever answer questions, because you can't ever think for yourself. You can only repeat what you want to hear.
It would depend on who. Haley probably would have a chance I reckon to rally the GOP as she at least has a following, although she is proven dishonest.
I would be disappointed if whoever succeeded him promised to pardon him of his crimes and law suits though because it means there is no justice when such a criminal walks free, unscathed, after all the damage he has wreaked on his country.

My concern is that there is a massive machine behind Project 25 and how much would she support it. Awful for Americans if it comes to fruition.
Not sure who else though. And it would depend on her stance on abortion rights etc as I think that is a rallying cry for women. They don’t want to return to a time where they have less rights, and no privacy or rights over their own bodies.
Extremely doubtful that a 77 year old ex-president (prob 80+ after appeals) will be incarcerated for white collar crime.

It has been repeatedly stressed that a convicted felon is not disqualified from holding the office of POTUS, should the people give him the required electoral college votes.
It is always a choice between two. When have I not acknowledged that.

Kamala was the first out of the race in the Dem primaries because no-one warmed to her. Now that exact same person is the saviour. It will be an interesting few months.

Even in the Harris thread all you guys want to talk about is Trump. I usd yo post about Trump in his thread but I was banned because unless you REALLY REALLY REALLY hate Trump you're not allowed to post there.
It's sad you love trump considering he's a filthy racist, insurrectionist, rapist , liar and crook.
Don't you have any morals?
Cos he said Important 3 times?

I see this is the new attack now Biden is now longer the nominee.

In any case, you'd think the most devastating thing for Harris to do would be to do an unscripted press conference of her own to show how with it and mentally competent she is.

There is a reason she hasnt and wont and it has nothing to do with Trump.
So you're saying Harris is not mentally competent? Sounds like desperation stakes from you and Fox News.
I cant get enough of posts like this.

Trump has always meandered. My take on what he is doing at the moment is that he is trying too hard to riff after each point he is making to show he doesnt require just a teleprompter and to juxtapose himself against Harris. I also think its the media's new attack to shield Harris. They ignored Joe's age and incompetence but now Trump is old they can do what they never did with Biden. MSM are nothing but predictable.
But as I said we have nothing to compare Harris with until she does a debate or an unscripted interview. If at the debate Trump does a Joe I might agree with you.

You talk about mental states, well the number he has done on so many people's mental states is astounding. What you have written above is proof of that. Its just dripping with a unhinged hatred that just isn't normal except to places like here where you can get 20 likes from just saying 'Trump bad'

You have all lived and breathed hatred of him for so longbthat he is isnt even Trump anymore, he's just this entity you can blame for everything that is wrong with your life. He:s become a Sauron like being. Once he is destroyed a massive cloud will be lifted on all your lives snd middle earth will have been saved.

I really hope it hasn't scarred you all for life and you'll return to some type of normality but I truly have my doubts. You'll just move on to the next person to demonise.

Final point. Trump is going to be jailed on Sept 18 without a shadow of a doubt. If this disqualifies him and someone else has to take over that is more Harris' age. Do you think the Dems will win?
Would you let trump date your sister or mother?

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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