Karl Norman stuffs up again

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Originally posted by Mark Viduka
Normally who cares.... but when its someone who was caught drugged up to the eye balls on ecstacy tablets and being told u are on your last chance at the club.... it kinda is a big deal. You think you'd be keeping your nose clean for a while.

I've been pulled over and sprung 3 times in the last month with an expired liscence.. I know my own lazy fault. But the 1st cop gave me a 60 dollar fine.. i was stoked with that because he didnt search my car... Poor bugger never realised he probably missed out on a promotion there... lol. But the next 2 saw it for what it is.... And had the common decency to not fine me again, though it was well within their right.
He may have broken a law, but he hasnt done anything dangerous or imoral.

A liscence is merely a revenue earner, why the hell should we have to pay for a renewal every year or so, if we aren't being tested?

Im getting off the point here, sorry.

get over it people, this is the biggest non-thread ive come across, and stinks of desperation.
So did he have a licence and lose it or did he never have one. If it's former it's hardly worth mentioning. If the latter, its slightly more serious and would almost be worth getting the sack considering his record.

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I think the most logical explaination would be that he'd let it lapse, because I'm sure it would've been all over the media had he lost it in the time he's been an AFL listed player. I did see somewhere that he apparently has had a license previously.
I'm purely speculating though.
Originally posted by slyolddog
Friday's paper is reporting that Norman was caught driving while his licence was suspended

I can't beleive how blaise you people are about this. Im not suggesting hanging or sacking but if he was driving whilst his licence was suspended then i say take his suspended licence and write on it - "not to drive for a further 2 years" and let the courts fine him big time.
Look at the statistics - over 70% of licence suspensions are for driving over .05. Lets see how many of you idiots think its no big deal when one of your family members dies at hands of a drunken idiot behind the wheel.

It is big deal when you drive with a suspended licence.
I can't beleive how blaise you people are about this. Im not suggesting hanging or sacking but if he was driving whilst his licence was suspended then i say take his suspended licence and write on it - "not to drive for a further 2 years" and let the courts fine him big time.

Very true!!

The guy needs to be made to be responsible for his own actions!!

It's almost as if he's acting like he's untouchable because the CLUB will protect him/pick up the tab/make everything OK in his world!

That's not the way for him to develop moral values.

This guy is a perennial moron who has had many chances before and after he was dreafted by Carlton.

Anyone from his home town will tell you how happy a lot of creditors were to have the CFC draft a local guy and want him 'debt free'.
Originally posted by nutbeennn

I can't beleive how blaise you people are about this. Im not suggesting hanging or sacking but if he was driving whilst his licence was suspended then i say take his suspended licence and write on it - "not to drive for a further 2 years" and let the courts fine him big time.
Look at the statistics - over 70% of licence suspensions are for driving over .05. Lets see how many of you idiots think its no big deal when one of your family members dies at hands of a drunken idiot behind the wheel.

It is big deal when you drive with a suspended licence.

Would you like to know how I felt on Ash Wednesday 1983, when my Grandmother was killed by a sober and liscenced driver out the front of my very own home, while on her motor scooter?

I was 8, and I can assure you, I dont remember any fires!

EDIT: If he was driving while suspended then I agree, it is totally different and I take back a few earlier comments.
Originally posted by SaveFeriss
Would you like to know how I felt on Ash Wednesday 1983, when my Grandmother was killed by a sober and liscenced driver out the front of my very own home, while on her motor scooter?

I was 8, and I can assure you, I dont remember any fires!

EDIT: If he was driving while suspended then I agree, it is totally different and I take back a few earlier comments.

what galls me in all this - is the jumping to conclusions with so little information at our disposal.

"the most logical explanation is that he didnt have his licence on him"
logic usually requires you to look at all options adn explanations available.

is this any less logical " he blew 2.5 a while back and had his licence suspended" ?

There has been inadequate information given so far so before all the duds on here say its a beat up they should wait for the facts and until then should be saying

IF it is some as simple that he didnt have his licence on him then it is a beatup...IF he is driving whilst his licence is suspended for whatever reason then he should not be any less accountable than others and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
Originally posted by MarkT
Is he old enough to have a lapsed licence?

I thought he'd recently turned 21, but the papers are reporting that it's been suspended for racking up too many demerits, so my guess was clearly wrong.

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Originally posted by Jars458
DRiving without a licence is potentially very dangerous

People who can't control vehicles are on the road wiht a lethal weapon.

Karl Norman is obviously stupid and has no care for the consequences of his actions.
Depends why he lost his licence. I reckon I have driven over the limit more than four times. Each time would have cost me 3 points totalling 12 and loss of my licence if I had been caught. I have been done going downhill in a wide laned road that wasn't built up. Do that four times and I am gone. I can control my vehicle though. You can lose points for having a headlight out and not wearing a seatbelt too. Let's not assume that because he lost his licence he doesn't know how to drive. He has held a licence before so at one point definitely knew how to drive. Driving after losing his licence would probably make him more careful than driving without one you would think.

Having said that he must have done something else wrong to get pulled over and found out that he didn't have a licence. He's a silly boy.

The other question is who the hell is revealing these trivial offences? Some cop looking to give the media a scoop?
If you drive along the Monash freeway from Toorak rd to Scienceworks at 105km.. You will lose your license. However you will not know until a series of fines, and 'loss of demerit' notices appear in you mailbox.
Originally posted by The Old Dark Navy's
The other question is who the hell is revealing these trivial offences? Some cop looking to give the media a scoop?

Good point. Such breach of confidence and public duty is a disgrace.

I don't agree its trivial though. Just shows a blatant disregard for a law which is sensible. ie you shouldn't drive if you dont have a licence.
Originally posted by The Old Dark Navy's
Richmond and Carlton. Your point?

my point is this.
All sense of logic seems to go out the window when a player from the club supported does something wrong.

The cries of beat up and senseless thread on Karl Norman with the slightest shred of information to hand was laughable.

I said before and will say again. Before either condemning the player or condemning those for condemning the player maybe posters should be a little circumspect and get at least a bit of information ( even though most is coming from newspapers - do you beleive what you read).

If Karl norman was caught driving with his drivers licence in his pants pocket at home then its a beat up.

if Karl norman was driving when his licence was suspended for whatever reason then he is a moron and deserves to have whatever penalty the law dictates for such action and as such deserve the condemnation for everyone here for being a serial ********

But until the facts are out - codemnation or support should be withheld
Originally posted by nutbeennn
my point is this.
All sense of logic seems to go out the window when a player from the club supported does something wrong.
So the Richmond fan threw a spanner in that theory.

The cries of beat up and senseless thread on Karl Norman with the slightest shred of information to hand was laughable.
Well if they are wrong, is it not better to err on the side of innocence than err on the side of guilt considering that is a fundamental our society is built on?

I said before and will say again. Before either condemning the player or condemning those for condemning the player maybe posters should be a little circumspect and get at least a bit of information ( even though most is coming from newspapers - do you beleive what you read).
Agreed. Though these threads are always started because someone wants the player to be taken to task over the issue. Only natural you will get another element that will disagree.

if Karl norman was driving when his licence was suspended for whatever reason then he is a moron and deserves to have whatever penalty the law dictates for such action and as such deserve the condemnation for everyone here for being a serial ********
Unless of course some of those people have ever broken a traffic regulation and live in a glass house.

But until the facts are out - codemnation or support should be withheld
Would certainly be quiet around here if that were the case.

Would certainly be quiet around here if that were the case. [/B][/QUOTE]

never a truer word spoken

( and yes you are right about a richmond supporter blowing my theory)

on the glass houses - do the crime do the time - im not precious and i have bent laws but i dont harp when i get caught

I guess in simple terms ( this thread and the milne/montagna thread in particular) posters should be more circumspect in the scathing condemnation or unadulterated support until some more cards are laid on the table.

i can live in hope
Originally posted by nutbeennn
on the glass houses - do the crime do the time - im not precious and i have bent laws but i dont harp when i get caught
Yeah but the police don't run to the media to spill the beans. Pretty sure Norman isn't harping about it either.

I guess in simple terms ( this thread and the milne/montagna thread in particular) posters should be more circumspect in the scathing condemnation or unadulterated support until some more cards are laid on the table.
Putting it in perspective, sexual assualt vs unlicenced driving. Would be nice if people stated a view but withheld their guilty verdicts though.
Originally posted by The Old Dark Navy's
Yeah but the police don't run to the media to spill the beans. Pretty sure Norman isn't harping about it either.

Putting it in perspective, sexual assualt vs unlicenced driving. Would be nice if people stated a view but withheld their guilty verdicts though.

Whether footballers like it or not they are performers, entertainers and get paid large sums of money to do so.
Whether they and we agree or not, it is foolish for them not to believe that their activites will not be scrutinised and the clubs will have told all individual "break wind too loudly and it will appear in the papers". That police release this stuff is wrong but not surprising to anyone.

I would never ever compare sexual assault with unlicensed driving and penalties for both these offenses puts that into perspective but if everyone acted as you have succintly suggested i would be a little less terse.

State your view but withhold guilty verdicts or even go with my thought...IF he did this that and the other hang him by his whatsis but IF it is only this that or the other then move on and get a life !

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Karl Norman stuffs up again

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