Kayne Turner - DUI, Blood Alcohol of .133

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Be interested to know how far he drove? My mate lives around the corner 2 mins in a car. Not saying I drive home pissed from his house (I walk) but that's different to flat out driving across suburbs. Different in that one is incredibly dumb the other defies belief.

I wasn't liking where you were going for a second there, lucky you put that last sentence in. But its more than incredibly dumb, its the king of dumb acts.

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Obviously the club will impose a sanction of some variety on him, but this is a perfect opportunity for them to come down hard. Suspend him from playing for the season.
No. Too much.

Drink driving has zero place in society, it is one of the most selfish, arrogant and potentially damaging decisions a human being can make, and can completely rip apart families.
The law of the land reflects this.

If you've lost family members or friends to drink driving I'm sure you'd agree.
Should policy be formulated based on emotion?

I'm not a fan of North by any stretch, but if they come down hard on this they'll certainly earn my respect.
Someone should let the club know.
Yeah. With Hodge I could kind of understand why he'd think he was okay. Older guy, more used to it and all that. You can kind of see that. But Kayne would've KNOWN he was massively over and in no state to drive. And he still chose to.

It's just inexcusable. Really disappointing for a club that's had a really good recent history in terms of lack of off field issues. But this is entirely Kayne's mistake.

And as a P plater you can't even have one drink let alone the 8 in an hour or whatever it would have taken to get that reading.
I wasn't liking where you were going for a second there, lucky you put that last sentence in. But its more than incredibly dumb, its the king of dumb acts.
The sad thing is we do these things when young but wouldn't ever when we mature ...

I'm not defending him at all. Imagine if he hurt someone or worse.

But I empathise with young people making stupid decisions (a bit) because it's part of being young. Again not excusing this I just mean in general. We forget that as we age.
Club has said all the right things so far which is pleasing.

He deserves a tough sentence but equally needs to be supported. Given he was picked out of the bush by Ziebell's old man he'll feel like he owes the club a bit and is reported to be pretty embarassed (rightfully so).

20 year old Kayne Turner got caught drink driving, with a BAC of .133 while still on his P's. Turner was leaving his brother's house. Car impounded, could lose his license for up to 13 months and incur "a significant fine".

Obviously the club will impose a sanction of some variety on him, but this is a perfect opportunity for them to come down hard. Suspend him from playing for the season - I said the same when it was Hodge and I'd say the same if it was Josh Kennedy or Nic Naitanui. Drink driving has zero place in society, it is one of the most selfish, arrogant and potentially damaging decisions a human being can make, and can completely rip apart families. If you've lost family members or friends to drink driving I'm sure you'd agree. I'm not a fan of North by any stretch, but if they come down hard on this they'll certainly earn my respect.
Geez well if it will earn your respect then the should come down hard

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There is nowhere to hide for kayne turner. Indefensible.

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Kayne Turner - DUI, Blood Alcohol of .133

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