Kayne Turner - DUI, Blood Alcohol of .133

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And as a P plater you can't even have one drink let alone the 8 in an hour or whatever it would have taken to get that reading.

On this, I seriously question why we allow any sort of drink driving, at any level of license. Blanket 0.00 rule for all I say.
Good on the North posters not only rightfully condoning his actions but also not using it as an excuse to have a go at Hodge's stupidity.

Well it's a pretty serious subject where the actions could have resulted in the worst of consequences. Think even the MB is above that.

Throwing him to the wolves at his age does nothing but I hope is re-educated as much he is punished - which is severe.

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On this, I seriously question why we allow any sort of drink driving, at any level of license. Blanket 0.00 rule for all I say.
I'd be happy with that if they swapped it with a mandatory advanced driving test in order to get your license that really tests your ability and gets a significant amount of people off the roads who have accidents due to anything other than perfect conditions. Rain, fog, a drink, traffic.

Would make a much bigger difference than a 0 alcohol tolerance or our ridiculous speed limits.
Yep and if you have cough medicine then tough ******* shit eh?

******* wowsers

Yeah, lets base the rules around the odd occasion someone would blow a reading from cough medicine :rolleyes:

Nothing to do with being a "wowser". Have one beer, or drink till you can't stand for all I care. Just don't get behind the wheel after doing so. Pretty simple really.

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Yeah, lets base the rules around the odd occasion someone would blow a reading from cough medicine :rolleyes:

Nothing to do with being a "wowser". Have one beer, or drink till you can't stand for all I care. Just don't get behind the wheel after doing so. Pretty simple really.
Of course it's being a wowser. If I have one glass of wine I'm not even 1% impaired. Nanny state rubbish
Yeah. With Hodge I could kind of understand why he'd think he was okay. Older guy, more used to it and all that. You can kind of see that. But Kayne would've KNOWN he was massively over and in no state to drive. And he still chose to.

It's just inexcusable. Really disappointing for a club that's had a really good recent history in terms of lack of off field issues. But this is entirely Kayne's mistake.
Well I'm going to go out on a limb and say his judgement was impaired as he'd had too much to drink. I could be wrong and maybe he was just the first young bloke who ever thought he was bulletproof after a few drinks.
I'll bet your a fun date.

"No fun", because I don't want people to get behind the wheel of a car after having drank alcohol? Ok.

I love to drink, just don't think people should get behind the wheel after drinking.

Of course it's being a wowser. If I have one glass of wine I'm not even 1% impaired. Nanny state rubbish

Yeah, people can still drive fine after one or two drinks, but the leeway that 0.05 gives sees too many people "taking their chances",misjudging their limits and their own bodies, and favouring the "I'll be right" attitude while putting themselves and others at risk. A blanket 0.00 rule would cut a lot of that out IMO.
Did she give back half your stuff :)

In all seriousness happy for you mate. Sounds like that would have been pretty special.

Nothing worse than marrying someone else's ex.

Their clothes never fit you, they probably left golf clubs behind instead of fishing gear and you don't get your own house back.

There's clearly more to the story than I'll share on the BF Main Board though ;)
"No fun", because I don't want people to get behind the wheel of a car after having drank alcohol? Ok.

I love to drink, just don't think people should get behind the wheel after drinking.

Yeah, people can still drive fine after one or two drinks, but the leeway that 0.05 gives sees too many people "taking their chances",misjudging their limits and their own bodies, and favouring the "I'll be right" attitude while putting themselves and others at risk. A blanket 0.00 rule would cut a lot of that out IMO.

Wowser indeed.

Having one or two with a meal makes zero impact.
None, nada, zip.

I dislike the narrow minded deciding for society as a whole.
No I don't condone his actions either.
There's good scientific reason why the line is drawn at .05
That's the point where impairment appears in most.

If you can't handle it stick to 0
99% can and respect the limit

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Kayne Turner - DUI, Blood Alcohol of .133

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