Kayne Turner - DUI, Blood Alcohol of .133

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Silly boy, will get rightfully punished by the courts for that. Shouldn't be on the piss to that extent in season either, even if you are injured.

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hmm this still rankles with me and hangs around like a very bad smell. Just unitelligent and very useless not to mention
that it is holy crafted from being angry to women as well as offensive to people in general.

these things stick with you but you take a while to say what it means.
I...I don't know what to say. That was very confusing.
On this, I seriously question why we allow any sort of drink driving, at any level of license. Blanket 0.00 rule for all I say.
It gives people incentive to be able to have a drink or two. If the law was a blanket 0, you'd have deadbeat deso drivers saying "**** it, the penalty is the same whether I have 1 or 5". Its just that little carrot that tells people they can join in the fun to a reasonable level.
Silly boy, will get rightfully punished by the courts for that. Shouldn't be on the piss to that extent in season either, even if you are injured.
Especially if you are injured. Clubs hate injured players drinking. Usually a blanket ban at most clubs. I'd expect close to a month of club suspension for that reason. Nathan Karkouer got that at Port.
Luke hodge board, oh wait that was finals and he didn't lose his licence either :huh:
Hodge was also an idiot. His behaviour set a poor example to others and showed poor judgement but was on the lesser end of the stupidity scale. At the end of the day he would have known he would have been at best close to the legal limit. History shows he erred.

However he wasn't on P's and didn't blow nearly 3 times over the legal limit for a non P-plater. Hodge made a stupid mistake, this kid made a gigantic mistake.
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Especially if you are injured. Clubs hate injured players drinking. Usually a blanket ban at most clubs. I'd expect close to a month of club suspension for that reason. Nathan Karkouer got that at Port.

He is still "2 weeks away" according to the medical news, which for my club means 4-6 weeks, I doubt he is going to be getting a senior spot any time soon irrespective if the club makes a public banning or not.
It gives people incentive to be able to have a drink or two. If the law was a blanket 0, you'd have deadbeat deso drivers saying "**** it, the penalty is the same whether I have 1 or 5". Its just that little carrot that tells people they can join in the fun to a reasonable level.
The law would probably have to be adjusted so that 0.001 to 0.05 is low range, 0.051- 0.10 mid range, 0.11-0.15 high and anything above being extreme and facing car confiscation, permanent license loss or jail time. I don't think we need a 0.00 approach. People just need to make better decisions and not play with fire as to how much will have them just under the legal limit when they drive.

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I used to work with a company who processed the breath test reports.

In the city office the Vic Police had a white board of the all time top ten readings.

At the time the top two were women surprisingly at .4 ish plus and one of them had kids in her car. Unbelievable.

Those folk need an award. If I were to blow 0.4, I couldn't get the keys in the ignition. Top draw citizens! I think there is a reality show here, how drunk can you get and still drive your kids home from the pokies?
Those folk need an award. If I were to blow 0.4, I couldn't get the keys in the ignition. Top draw citizens! I think there is a reality show here, how drunk can you get and still drive your kids home from the pokies?
I got a pretty decent breath tester for a birthday present from a geeky mate.

Anyway no matter how much I drink I can't even clock 0.1.

I know I've always had a high tolerance for alcohol but 0.4. I just can't fathom it.
Luckily he didn't have a female passenger in the car, otherwise Rita Panahi would have been all over it. In recent times I have had to reassess my attitude to driving. Young fella I know had a massive night on the cans, woke up after a good night sleep, jumped in the car to get a serving of charcoal chicken to ease the nerves, pulled over for a random, and blew 0.06. It was lunch time and he reckoned it had been a good 8 hours since his last drink.

You are far better off making travel plans ahead of time, and leaving the car at home. I worked on the 1 standard drink = 0.01 rule. What I used to do is nip into the pub after work, have 4 standard shots of bar whiskey and a small beer in the space of about 20 minutes (which equaled 0.04-ish in my warped sense of the world) while having a chat with this old barfly who calls me Glen (not even my real name) and listening to him have a whinge about his plastic hip and how it limits his performance with the sheilas. I then jump in the Kingswood for the arduous 7 minute trip from the office to home.

I have since learned I have been mistaken in my BAC calculations all these years.

I have decided to up my post-work alcohol intake to 6 drinks, putting any notion of driving home out of the equation, thus ensuring I am not a public menace on our roads. On friday arvos I sometimes indulge and have about 10 drinks, and occasionally harrass the female bar staff. I catch a taxi if there is no PT available. One time I was forcefully evicted from the premises after admittedly having a few too many. My reading glasses were broken in the fracas, and I couldn't make head or tail of my phone contacts to make a call.

That night I limped home.
Let's see if we can have a quasi-sensible discussion on this incident. Unlike the last time.

There is no award for calling for the most severe punishment.
Damn, I was going to say "trade to Fremantle".
This is bigger than the rubber chicken sex fiasco of 2009.
Still can't believe our team's coach was involved in that! Simmo has another side.

A stance should be made but I reckon in this case it should be North that makes it. It would be unfair for the AFL to make a rule and apply it to Kayne Turner given Hodge played in last year's finals and captained the eventual premiership team.

By all means make a rule and announce it, even by drawing the connection to this case and Hodge's (ie. no need to hide the fact that it was motivated by these cases).

That way, all players and clubs are aware of the punishment in future, be it one week, four weeks or a whole season.

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Kayne Turner - DUI, Blood Alcohol of .133

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