Player Watch Lachie Schultz

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Apart from goals kicked (6 more for Bobby), Schultz has shaded him in every other metric. Check the stats.
This is not a beat down on Bobby. I love him. But the carry on about how bad Schultz has been is not warranted.
Do we want him to be better. For sure. But must our team are significantly down on last season. There’s been a funk around our performances all season.
I don’t have the answers but I know using one player as a whipping boy isn’t it.

Every other metric? Is that including goal assists and score involvements, two fairly important metrics for a small forward?

I agree that Schultz wasn't out only problem, but you'd be drawing a very long bow to say that he's been better as a small forward than Hill and I think we all universally agree that Schultz stunk it up badly last night.

Let's hope they both improve in 2025 and we end up with two different yet still dangerous small forwards having 35 goal seasons whilst giving opposing defenders nightmares with their pressure.
Yeah, it was only his shanked set shot that was the difference.

Every gettable shanked set shot ended up being the difference last night. Another consistent theme for us contributing to the malaise of never being able to put a foot on the opposition's throat when we are well in control of the game.

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Poor Shoota. I hope he and his family aren't reading any social media this weekend. I can only imagine the nastiness on twitter, FB, etc, if some of the stuff written on here is any indication.

And supporters wonder why not all players want to play for a club with the most supporters & media scrutiny.

Edit : I see we have our very own troll PieBeast back from suspension. Perfect example.
Piebeast is the biggest troll on here. Irrelevant and a legend in his own mind.
Is Schultz the old Chris Mayne?

Blame for our losses should be shared by others.

Maybe wait until next year before putting the boots in?
I mentioned that last night, when Mayney first came to the club he copped (rightfully imo) criticism and by the end of his deal/career he was a much respected and key part of our squad…..

The Mayne Effect we’ll call it
I'm not going to sink the boots in but he sure makes it hard to like and support him, when he puts in a stinker like that.

However, Lipinski imo was just as bad.

Early in the last quarter we had a beautiful passage of play and Lipinski bloody fumbles. Yet that appears to escape scrutiny.
Lippa has been absolutely atrocious for 90% of the season. I really like lippa but he's becoming more and more untenable.
I mentioned that last night, when Mayney first came to the club he copped (rightfully imo) criticism and by the end of his deal/career he was a much respected and key part of our squad…..

The Mayne Effect we’ll call it
I can put my hand up as being one that was extremely critical of Mayne.:(
To not have our first pick in the draft at year's end is a little tough to take. Schultz has not been anything to write home about. Can't see the upside I this whole situation, just ginnivans ducking and weaving

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To not have our first pick in the draft at year's end is a little tough to take. Schultz has not been anything to write home about. Can't see the upside I this whole situation, just ginnivans ducking and weaving
Look I think that’s the main thing. It ain’t Shootas fault he got traded for that pick, it’s on our list management and I think many on this board acknowledge that to a degree.
Look I think that’s the main thing. It ain’t Shootas fault he got traded for that pick, it’s on our list management and I think many on this board acknowledge that to a degree.

Definitely a Graeme Wright special.

But at the same time Schultz is underperforming even compared to others on our list with a 5 year contract. He is on comfortably the most generous contract out of all our small forwards and at the same time the most expendable in terms of output and ease of replacement.
Definitely a Graeme Wright special.

But at the same time Schultz is underperforming even compared to others on our list with a 5 year contract. He is on comfortably the most generous contract out of all our small forwards and at the same time the most expendable in terms of output and ease of replacement.
Who else on our list can play his role?
I ask this because clearly the match committee want him playing that role every week.

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Player Watch Lachie Schultz

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