Certified Legendary Thread Lions Players Instagram/Twitter catchup

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I think the thing that really annoys me is the number of people saying "Well duh, you're with a football player, of course he's going to cheat with all the girls throwing themselves at him."

To me, saying all football players are unfaithful is like saying all men are rapists. Yes, they're male, but they're also adults and able to make decisions for themselves. It's extremely sexist to paint footballers as sex-crazed maniacs that will jump at an opportunity, even if alcohol is involved. It's attitudes like that that make it harder for men who have been sexually assaulted to come forward - it'd be a million times harder if you were a football player.

To be fair, the line of argument isn't really, "footballers are sex-crazed maniacs that will jump at any opportunity." The argument is, footballers are males, who have way more opportunities than regular Joes. Hence the higher likelihood. Luckily for society not every guy had a busload of models in their social circles desperate to score.

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To be fair, the line of argument isn't really, "footballers are sex-crazed maniacs that will jump at any opportunity." The argument is, footballers are males, who have way more opportunities than regular Joes. Hence the higher likelihood. Luckily for society not every guy had a busload of models in their social circles desperate to score.

Honestly, it doesn't really matter how many opportunities a person is given, it's all down to the persons character. I chose to have a bit more faith in humanity. A lot of players outside of the big stars actually seem really down-to-earth and I would hazard a guess that there's a fair few that would be pretty uncomfortable with the attention. Also, a reckon a lot of players wouldn't be putting themselves in the position to have females throwing themselves at them, they're too busy playing video games lol.
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Seems the speculation in here about them having already broken up might bear substance, at least according to the Courier Mail.

Zorko and Salla have a young son together and The Courier Mail reports a source close to the pair as saying the two have been talking in recent weeks and had conversations “in which it was clear they were going to break up”.
Honestly, it doesn't really matter how many opportunities a person is given, it's all down to the persons character. I chose to have a bit more faith in humanity. A lot of players outside of the big stars actually seem really down-to-earth and I would hazard a guess that there's a fair few that would be pretty uncomfortable with the attention. Also, a reckon a lot of players wouldn't be putting themselves in the position to have females throwing themselves at them, they're too busy playing video games lol.

Yet more evidence that Mitch Robbo is the perfect AFL player - plenty of video game time happening there.


"Funny that your sister and all your friends were all behind this too" - really sounds like there's more to this, like she's just super shitty about being the last to know he's moved on?

I don't get any of it. The behaviour leading up to it, nor the accessing someone else's phone (whether she knew the passcode is not the point, it's not her phone and was not with his permission), and then posting that in a public domain - is this not precisely the type of reactive behaviour the revenge pr0n laws are supposed to stop?


"Funny that your sister and all your friends were all behind this too" - really sounds like there's more to this, like she's just super shitty about being the last to know he's moved on?

I don't get any of it. The behaviour leading up to it, nor the accessing someone else's phone (whether she knew the passcode is not the point, it's not her phone and was not with his permission), and then posting that in a public domain - is this not precisely the type of reactive behaviour the revenge pr0n laws are supposed to stop?
I blame it all on whoever devised "Big Brother".

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The first I knew of this Zorko "scandal" was when I picked up the Courier Rag from the front yard this morning. (I only get it delivered for the puzzles, the comics and whatever scant AFL news I might stumble across from time to time.......HONEST!!!)

The first thing that catches my eye, is the front page screaming at me:-




.....underneath a snap of the now "not so happy couple" , that was by inference, taken in happier times.

I gingerly turn to Page 5 and after reading a few lines......... don't bother with the rest, especially having noted the author, a person named Kristy Symonds is accredited with the sub-title of "ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR".....

Says it all really ......doesn't it????:rolleyes:

I don't give it much further thought, dismissing it as an archetypal CM "who gives a flying feck" beat-up

Until I log on here tonight and come across some of the most amazing self-righteous, judgemental, sanctimonious claptrap I've ever had the misfortune to read.

Some of you have made Kristy look like the outstanding candidate for the next Pulitzer Prize Award in Journalism. ("Entertainment" category)

It seems our propensity to be outraged as a society is not only alive and well but growing almost exponentially ,fed by our voracious appetites for finding out as much as we can about how fragile our "heroes" really are.

It makes me sad.

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Certified Legendary Thread Lions Players Instagram/Twitter catchup

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