Liverpool FC: Where to next?

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Chef currently preparing himself to terrace another thread.


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Midfield is an issue, waiting 12 months to try and sign Bellingham means the season is a write off in terms of a title challenge. Thiago and Keita are just not reliable enough. Todays midfield was bottom half standard.

I think Liverpool finish 2nd still.
Correct. Outside of Fabinho and youngsters all of your midfielders are either too old (legs have gone) or injury prone. Midfield needs investment. It's fine if Fabinho and Thiago are fit all season but Thiago is made of glass.
I wonder if there is an element of being running into the ground.

High intensity football, an ageing squad and Klopp doesn't tend to rotate a lot.

Might be nothing and they've just had a shit start to the season as well.
I'm a bit intrigued about this new injury management system they're using too.

I wonder if some of the injuries are just players deemed in a zone where an injury might happen and rested for that reason.

Seems to have been a few last minute injuries already.
They have no hope. Nunez is on a long contract and he's a total flop. Didn't take the opportunity to move on overrated pensioner Salah which is gonna burn them soon as well. He's not built like Ronaldo where he's gonna last into his late 30's on class, coz he's just a headless chicken runner. Gonna be big fallouts because of delusional fanbase and coach.
They have no hope. Nunez is on a long contract and he's a total flop. Didn't take the opportunity to move on overrated pensioner Salah which is gonna burn them soon as well. He's not built like Ronaldo where he's gonna last into his late 30's on class, coz he's just a headless chicken runner. Gonna be big fallouts because of delusional fanbase and coach.

The cycle might be coming to an end.
.hopefully klopp pisses off too
It's over I said it a few months ago on a thread and was laughed at by like ten players. Could see it late last season when we were struggling to score. Jota injury prone/hit his peak and is average. Mane was good but people going overboard with his influence if he was still here we'd still be struggling. Diaz doesn't score often. Salah is not the same player and I was hoping he'd piss off but the club gave him new contract. Got a Portugese headbutter for 120 million.

Midfield is all runners and some are injury prone. High intensity game too for so long as the 🤡@moomba said so this isn't helping.

Defence in the shits. Klopp to be sacked by March. Long road for Liverpool 5 year period of success got us one title and champions league thanks to the oil thugs from Manchester. Won't be long before we get in another manager who is a dud then connect it with owners who run the club responsibly and don't overspend when we need too to stay challenging and in time, we'll be starting with players like David Ngog and Martin Skrtel again.

Future looking bleak ☹️
It's over I said it a few months ago on a thread and was laughed at by like ten players. Could see it late last season when we were struggling to score. Jota injury prone/hit his peak and is average. Mane was good but people going overboard with his influence if he was still here we'd still be struggling. Diaz doesn't score often. Salah is not the same player and I was hoping he'd piss off but the club gave him new contract. Got a Portugese headbutter for 120 million.

Midfield is all runners and some are injury prone. High intensity game too for so long as the 🤡@moomba said so this isn't helping.

Defence in the shits. Klopp to be sacked by March. Long road for Liverpool 5 year period of success got us one title and champions league thanks to the oil thugs from Manchester. Won't be long before we get in another manager who is a dud then connect it with owners who run the club responsibly and don't overspend when we need too to stay challenging and in time, we'll be starting with players like David Ngog and Martin Skrtel again.

Future looking bleak ☹️
Which 10 players laughed at you?

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