News Luke Beveridge meltdown in post game press conference, launches an extraordinary tirade at Tom Morris, apologises

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Norm Smith Medallist
Feb 25, 2017
The Windy Apple
AFL Club
Full video: 'Gutter journalism': Bevo storms out after extraordinary outburst

Full transcript:

Speaking in his scheduled press conference afterwards, Beveridge was asked by Morris about the circumstances leading to Hunter's place in the side. He replied with the following comments:

"You've got the nerve to ask me a question and even be here. You've been preying on us the last two times. You barrack for Melbourne, Tom Morris. You've been preying on us. You've been opening us up, causing turmoil within our football club by declaring our team well before it needs to be declared. Is that the way Fox want you to operate? Is that what you're doing? Is that the gutter journalist you want to be? Is that who you want to be?

"We went in with a plan. We had some late stuff go on, with JJ unfortunately coming out in the warm-up. Everything other than that was according to plan from the Sunday, which somehow you found out about again. We need to get to the bottom of this. Obviously, we need to put our hand up and say that there's some leakage going on. But you're preying on it and it's a team you barrack for. Your conflict of interest here is considerable. And yet, your gutter journalism at the moment is killing us behind the scenes.

"The health and wellbeing of people in the game is caught up in all of this stuff. We've got things to concentrate on performance-wise, we've got to look after our own, and then you cause all of this muck-raking trash that happens behind the scenes. Names get brought up into it. All we're doing it planning for a football game. Are you proud of yourself? You're proud of yourself? Wow. That's enough, that's enough. Next question please. You're not welcome. Well, have you got enough boys and girls? I think we're probably done, aren't we?

"This is what happens, because I know … if you found something out, you'd ring (head of communications) Adrian Ceddia and say, 'look I know this … just so you know that I know … something has happened and it's got out'. The courtesy and the integrity and the ethical way to go about it has happened in the past. Now this bloke here and what he's doing, it's giving everyone else a bad name. Right when we're trying to stabilise our competition and what we do, with everything that's gone on behind the scenes and us as coaches and a football program with the soft cap situation as it is, and this sort of stuff happens. You're an embarrassment to what you do, mate. You're an embarrassment. An absolute embarrassment."

Beveridge then left his press conference without any further questions.


I have reflected on my comments and actions from the post-game press conference after last night’s game and acknowledge that my exchange with journalist Tom Morris overstepped the mark.

I want to apologise for my behaviour. I want to apologise to Tom Morris and all those present last night and to our members, supporters, partners and the wider football community.

We have strong values at the Bulldogs that we all sign up to. They are values that I believe in and support and live. My actions last night were not consistent with those values or the way we go about business as a football club, or I go about life as an individual.

I recognised that what I did was not okay. It was not representative of our club culture which is so special and means so much to me. While I was highly emotional in the moments after a difficult loss, it is no excuse to let those emotions spill over and get the better of me.

As people would know, I am extremely passionate about, and protective of, our players and our people, and I always have their welfare and their best interests at heart. I pride myself on being measured and thoughtful, however on this occasion I clearly didn’t handle it the way I should have, and I understand and accept that.

The last thing I want is for my actions to reflect negatively on the Western Bulldogs Football Club and our culture. As I’ve said many times, I want our members and supporters to be proud of their Club on and off the field and to be proud of the way we conduct ourselves at all times, and I’ll continue to strive for that.

I take accountability for my actions. We will work through that as a club and I will focus on getting the best out of the team for the remainder of the season, and my energies will be centred on preparing our players for our next game against Carlton.
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That was absolutely bizarre. I don't like Morris, but that was beyond embarrassing.

EDIT: As bad as that presser was, Morris' leaked comments are far worse, and should incur a much more significant penalty.

One's a bully, the other is misogynistic, racist and homophobic.

Oh the state of the boys club.
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Brief summary for those that missed it?

The Fox jurno, Tom Morrison? Asked some question, Bevo ignored it and launched into a 3 minute tirade calling him a gutter journalist, accusing him of having a vendetta against the Bulldogs for leaking stories about team selections. telling him he was not welcome at any more press conferences, Tom told him Bevo had no power over who attended press conferences, then Bevo stormed out.

This will be the only story out of the game tomorrow.
Say what you want about Chris Scott, but he's never done a thing like that before. Bevo seems to fly under the radar a lot with his antics, but he won't be able to hide after this one.

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rat GIF
I'm no fan of Tom Morris as a journalist either, but Bevo's attack was about as unprofessional as they come. It was totally uncalled for to do such a thing on the national stage. This will have the opposite effect Bevo wanted, he just gave Morris street cred. The AFL will be investigating this.
Some quotes:

"You've got the nerve to even be here, let alone ask a question."
“You barrack for Melbourne”.
“Your conflict of interest is substantial."
“You are a gutter journalist."
“Are you proud of yourself?”
“You are not welcome.”
“You’re an embarrassment, an absolute embarrassment.”

Absolute meltdown
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I'm no fan of Tom Morris as a journalist, but Bevo's attack was about as unprofessional as they come. The AFL will be investigating this.
I'd suspect a possible suspension, along with a fine, tbh. You can't go threatening journalists, anymore than you can go threatening umpires. If Toby Greene shoulder bumping an umpire is 'bringing the game into disrepute'...then that incident is basically 'turning the game into a dumpster fire.'

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News Luke Beveridge meltdown in post game press conference, launches an extraordinary tirade at Tom Morris, apologises
