Luke hodge= A poor mans Gary ablett

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Spin it whichever way you like Geelong_Crazy26 - just think how great Ablett going to look in a Gold Coast jumper next year!
Im sure you wont be on here speaking of the 'little masters' brilliance when you lose your best player and come to the realization that Geelong is quite simply a one man band.

Im sure his 39 soft/cheap touches at the back of the pack will sorely be missed.

Weasel signing off.

WEASELSHIT. You don't know whether you're coming or going. I'd suggest your hand is on it and you're coming...and now you must be going....for the good of the city.



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a number of hawk fans keep on talking about hodges 2008 GF performance and i agree it was very good.IMO because hawthorn won and hodge played a role in that he should of won the norm smith medal.

however the problem with luke hodge and in fact the whole hawthorn footy club is they are not brlliant in anyones books.

In 2008 we didnt know that hodge would struggle so much when given a close tag and that his body was not up to physical pressure and theirfore hes struggles to use his skills when hit hard.

in 2008 we didnt know that franklin couldnt use the right side of his body to save himself

in 2008 we didnt know just how slow sam mitchell was and thta his disposal by foot is ordiany

in 2008 we didnt know how bad roughead is at reading the play and how poor his defensive efforts are

to be considerd a great team you need to win at least 2 premierships , hodge has failed to help hawthorn do that.geelong are know great and ablett has played a massive role in that
a number of hawk fans keep on talking about hodges 2008 GF performance and i agree it was very good.IMO because hawthorn won and hodge played a role in that he should of won the norm smith medal.

however the problem with luke hodge and in fact the whole hawthorn footy club is they are not brlliant in anyones books.

In 2008 we didnt know that hodge would struggle so much when given a close tag and that his body was not up to physical pressure and theirfore hes struggles to use his skills when hit hard.

in 2008 we didnt know that franklin couldnt use the right side of his body to save himself

in 2008 we didnt know just how slow sam mitchell was and thta his disposal by foot is ordiany

in 2008 we didnt know how bad roughead is at reading the play and how poor his defensive efforts are

to be considerd a great team you need to win at least 2 premierships , hodge has failed to help hawthorn do that.geelong are know great and ablett has played a massive role in that

I tend not to take people too seriously when they struggle to develop any basic, coherent argument.

However, with that being said, you make one good point, the rest are just pathetic and embarrassing stabs at Hawthorn: Ablett is the best player in the competition, or at least very close to it.

There is no questioning this. Anyone who doesn't believe he's at least in the top 3 best players in the league is kidding themselves, or ultimately in denial. Calling Hodge a poor man's Ablett though? What are you, high?

Hodge would also rank among the best players in the competition. Not only that, he's a completely different player to Ablett. In before "THEY'RE MIDFIELDERZ THO LOL!!!!11!!!" That makes absolutely no difference. Their game styles are contrasting in the extreme.

You got the general gist of it right, Ablett is the best player in the league (or close to it), but we've known this for what, three years now? And your pathetic attack on another fantastic player shows you for the mildly biase fanboy you really are.

Also, I have no idea as to why you'd be putting this bloke on a pedestal above the rest of your team; he won't be there for much longer. Enjoy it while you can.

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