No Oppo Supporters Marc Murphy unsportsmanlike

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So Murph gets upset when people talk about his Mrs getting dirt roaded. Now the whole comp knows lol.

That's the ridiculous thing, he's made it public knowledge and made it known he's going to be off his game from it. Geary said that we crossed the line with sledges but also said Carlton players did too. What a surprise they were doing it too but the media report it as poor little Mark.
Sometimes incidents happen that turn clubs future matches into big rivalries. This is one such incident.
If you think Saints fans will stop booing Murphy next time think again. Nothing wrong with this. It´s usually both clubs
that have a major gripe with eachother as Carltank and us do. The fact that Murphy refused a call to make peace says it all.

If Carlton are one day able to get their act together (doubtful) and a become a contender at the same time we are it´s gonna be on like donkey kong.
Even if they are still rubbish they will be itching to get a win against us now as they are jealous as hell of our rebuild and path we´re headed.
Just my opinion but heated rivalries are good for the game. Makes smashing their dreams and little blue peahearts all the more satisfying. Go Saints !!
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Freedom of speech should only be restricted againstcthings one does not choose. Race, sexuality, some aspects of appearance, probably not religious choice.

If somebody chooses to marry a certain person knowing their past, then, well.... what do you think?

I think it is no one elses business. As long as you are happy to cop it about your partner then that's ok. I wouldn't cop it and I doubt many on here would.
Bloody John Ralph just compared st Kilda sledging Murphy to other teams giving Riewoldt a sledge about Maddies battle with cancer. How the **** is this imbecile in the media. Maybe we went too far on the day, maybe it's football wide and not just us like the media has made out for 2 days but **** me. Absolute scum Ralph. I would ring in but they wouldn't take the call

That just goes to show the incompetence of our media. Comparing Maddie's sledge to Murphy's missus - is a joke. One had a debilitating illness, was struggling with that illness, and was the much loved sister of Riewoldt. The other was just another notch on the ducks belt - who Murphy decided to keep. If Murphy doesn't like what is said then don't take her back. Good on Carlisle for highlighting it, I would too. If I were coaching against Carlton next week I would instruct all the players to sledge Murphy about it again, and again, until he snapped again. Then he is out of the midfield. Good result. This is football. The aim of the game is to win, it isn't to pander to sooks like Marc Murphy just because his feelings are hurt.
That's the ridiculous thing, he's made it public knowledge and made it known he's going to be off his game from it. Geary said that we crossed the line with sledges but also said Carlton players did too. What a surprise they were doing it too but the media report it as poor little Mark.
Dont expect any blues fans to read that part though cause all their players were angles
I think it is no one elses business. As long as you are happy to cop it about your partner then that's ok. I wouldn't cop it and I doubt many on here would.
But should it be outlawed?

Let me tell you, plenty of people not shaking up with others in their 20s due to this sort of thing.
Bloody John Ralph just compared st Kilda sledging Murphy to other teams giving Riewoldt a sledge about Maddies battle with cancer. How the **** is this imbecile in the media. Maybe we went too far on the day, maybe it's football wide and not just us like the media has made out for 2 days but **** me. Absolute scum Ralph. I would ring in but they wouldn't take the call
That is absolutely poles apart. Anyone that sledged a player over something like that deserves a career ending injury. Jon Ralph to even suggest this should be booted from the media. I´m astonished. What an ass.
I think it is no one elses business. As long as you are happy to cop it about your partner then that's ok. I wouldn't cop it and I doubt many on here would.
What would you do if you were playing and someone sledged you in the same way? I wouldn't give a ****, my wife is her own person and her sexual history is not going to make me upset. If it was me I would have said something worse back and laughed at him. People use mothers, gay sledges all sorts of thing in can actually hear them if you sit at ground level.
Ha. Try being a teacher in a tough school and learn to let the sledging go through to the keeper.

My 11 year old son played a SMJFL game last week and the opposition club were calling our kids "bitches, ****s, saying we were rich w***ers" etc. One of them kicked one of our players as they were walking off the ground. The kids are ****ing feral these days.
What would you do if you were playing and someone sledged you in the same way? I wouldn't give a ****, my wife is her own person and her sexual history is not going to make me upset. If it was me I would have said something worse back and laughed at him. People use mothers, gay sledges all sorts of thing in can actually hear them if you sit at ground level.

Well they are dumb. The best sledge is something funny not a personal attack. I hear many things when umpiring. Some are disgraceful and some start fights. A funny sledge never starts anything but laughter.

Its strange that most people without bias said it went to far. I suppose that is because we are St Kilda and everyone else hates us. Or maybe people without bias think it went to far as did Murphy on Carlisle.

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Bloody John Ralph just compared st Kilda sledging Murphy to other teams giving Riewoldt a sledge about Maddies battle with cancer. How the **** is this imbecile in the media. Maybe we went too far on the day, maybe it's football wide and not just us like the media has made out for 2 days but **** me. Absolute scum Ralph. I would ring in but they wouldn't take the call
What. The. ****.

Look, I'm not saying that one cancels the other out, but he seriously wants to compare what was said about Murphy's wife to a rare medical condition that ultimately claimed Maddie's life after 5 years?

You are the sexist, somehow Murphy's wife having a sexual history damages his domain over her. Perhaps it's not the 1950s where it was bad to have had sex. I don't really give a shit who my wife was banging before I married her, she had no commitment to me then. If someone mentioned it while I was playing sport against them I certainly wouldn't let it get to me because I would have the sense to know they were trying to get me off my game.

What the **** are you talking about? I wasn't suggesting Murphy would be upset because his domain has been challenged, I was suggesting that he may be upset to hear somebody he respects and cares about be denigrated by a group of fully grown men.
Haha, oh my. Would you like to exchange resumes and see who is more qualified from a psychological perspective? Really backed the wrong horse there my friend. Given that you are so familiar with the evolutionary theories of human psychology I am sure you are also aware of the principles of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias, both of which have been illustrated enough in this thread to pen a thesis on.

Also you are right, not everything is about women. I just think that a series of comments about a women is one of those rare little examples when something can be about women... crazy I know.

While we're throwing around unfounded assumptions about other posters, perhaps you could venture out of the basement, shave that beard off your neck, lose the fedora and try and understand that not everything is a PC vendetta against men... sometimes it's just nice to act like a decent human being...

I have to say this is one heck of a thread and testament that opinions CAN be changed with good enough arguments, or mine can at any rate.

Coming into this, my opinion was that it's just sledging, don't be so precious, if Murphy wasn't so insecure about his team's lack of success and the fact they were second best all day he would have simply brushed off the comment, etc. I'm not normally a "Political Korectnus Has Gawn Mad" type of man, but I had thought that just joking about a player's wife's sexual history was not that offensive, not to the level that any of the -isms are. It certainly doesn't offend me, which is unfortunately the standard most people use to judge the offensiveness of a comment.

However, after reading a few of the more modern theories about this culture it occurs to me that it probably is time for players to take another step up the evolutionary ladder, in the same way that only a couple of decades ago it was more or less acceptable to refer to a player's race and then finally the AFL got involved, mediation sessions were had, and players and the public were made aware that that kind of talk was thereby deemed unacceptable. We have reached a true* sliding doors moment, so here's the tip for the Purple Headed Warrior:

IF we let this sledge through to the keeper THEN we tacitly accept that insulting the family of players with sexual themes is acceptable WHEREAS IF we stand up and say that it isn't on anymore THEN we take the opportunity to raise the bar of player behaviour from rowdy men's club banter to something approaching the rest of society.

(* THAT is how to word a sliding door situation: it doesn't work unless there are TWO actions and TWO consequences, you purple dickhead)

Chapeaux! to the posters who have posted their disgust with the Saints' players' behaviour and the reasons for that are brave enough to state that on a Saints fan board, and to accept that the players we love have made a mistake and are accountable - that takes guts. The reasons are good too: when you think about how public that sledge has become - despite the best interest of all involved - it becomes clear that this is a different era than the days where what was said on the field stayed on the field. Just from reading this forum, I now know about Marc Murphy's wife and the allegations that she was carrying on with another man during the time that she was engaged to Mr Murphy. Previous to this weekend I didn't even know he was married. Who knows the situation, but one might suppose he feels very strongly about his wife and doesn't like having her used as a joke, but that's not even really the point...

The point is so many of us are viewing this though RWB glasses; if it were Murphy saying that about Geary's missus and Geary was running about like a bee in a bottle (#steelyresolve) and clearly upset enough to get stuck into another Blues player while he lay prone, we'd probably be defending him to the hilt. The poster who used the Malthouse/Milne incident as reference is bang on here. Though it sucks to go against our club and for the club for which I have the most enduring blind emotional hate, I choose not to be a hypocrite on this occasion.

And finally, any time one of those Men's Rights campaigners (I did actually type 'campaigners' that time but both meanings apply) harks up with a snipe about not everything being about women, I just laugh in pity... until I remember that the worm is turning and that sadcases like them got a president elected in one of the world's most powerful countries, and I'm reminded that this kind of thought is starting to resurface from the caverns of internet forums and show its face. How dare we discuss women's feelings and by extension the feelings of her partner/brother/father/friend when broaching a subject that has at the heart of it a sledge about a woman and her history, right?

The question most of us are now asking is "Well if that's now not acceptable, what IS acceptable? I'm scared that we as a society are getting too soft" But actually, back in the old days is it naive to believe that people were even more decent? Sledges seemed to be less explicit, more coded and jocular rather than below the belt. There was a unspoken code of conduct that rarely got transgressed upon because players had pride in being decent and those that weren't were referred to in derogatory terms like "dog" or not a man type ideas.

TL;DR ----- Let's accept that our players made a judgement call that is out of date, and this should probably be addressed internally, but neither is it a hanging offence. Let's also accept that while Murphy's subsequent actions were less than honourable, he was reacting to unfair provocation that, while having the desired effect, was out of bounds according to the general concensus to which we may or may not personally agree. Finally, let's accept that we as fans are one-eyed and duty bound to defend our man, but in the cold light of day we can view a situation objectively and accept fault as well as accuse.
I have to say this is one heck of a thread and testament that opinions CAN be changed with good enough arguments, or mine can at any rate.

Coming into this, my opinion was that it's just sledging, don't be so precious, if Murphy wasn't so insecure about his team's lack of success and the fact they were second best all day he would have simply brushed off the comment, etc. I'm not normally a "Political Korectnus Has Gawn Mad" type of man, but I had thought that just joking about a player's wife's sexual history was not that offensive, not to the level that any of the -isms are. It certainly doesn't offend me, which is unfortunately the standard most people use to judge the offensiveness of a comment.

However, after reading a few of the more modern theories about this culture it occurs to me that it probably is time for players to take another step up the evolutionary ladder, in the same way that only a couple of decades ago it was more or less acceptable to refer to a player's race and then finally the AFL got involved, mediation sessions were had, and players and the public were made aware that that kind of talk was thereby deemed unacceptable. We have reached a true* sliding doors moment, so here's the tip for the Purple Headed Warrior:

IF we let this sledge through to the keeper THEN we tacitly accept that insulting the family of players with sexual themes is acceptable WHEREAS IF we stand up and say that it isn't on anymore THEN we take the opportunity to raise the bar of player behaviour from rowdy men's club banter to something approaching the rest of society.

(* THAT is how to word a sliding door situation: it doesn't work unless there are TWO actions and TWO consequences, you purple dickhead)

Chapeaux! to the posters who have posted their disgust with the Saints' players' behaviour and the reasons for that are brave enough to state that on a Saints fan board, and to accept that the players we love have made a mistake and are accountable - that takes guts. The reasons are good too: when you think about how public that sledge has become - despite the best interest of all involved - it becomes clear that this is a different era than the days where what was said on the field stayed on the field. Just from reading this forum, I now know about Marc Murphy's wife and the allegations that she was carrying on with another man during the time that she was engaged to Mr Murphy. Previous to this weekend I didn't even know he was married. Who knows the situation, but one might suppose he feels very strongly about his wife and doesn't like having her used as a joke, but that's not even really the point...

The point is so many of us are viewing this though RWB glasses; if it were Murphy saying that about Geary's missus and Geary was running about like a bee in a bottle (#steelyresolve) and clearly upset enough to get stuck into another Blues player while he lay prone, we'd probably be defending him to the hilt. The poster who used the Malthouse/Milne incident as reference is bang on here. Though it sucks to go against our club and for the club for which I have the most enduring blind emotional hate, I choose not to be a hypocrite on this occasion.

And finally, any time one of those Men's Rights campaigners (I did actually type 'campaigners' that time but both meanings apply) harks up with a snipe about not everything being about women, I just laugh in pity... until I remember that the worm is turning and that sadcases like them got a president elected in one of the world's most powerful countries, and I'm reminded that this kind of thought is starting to resurface from the caverns of internet forums and show its face. How dare we discuss women's feelings and by extension the feelings of her partner/brother/father/friend when broaching a subject that has at the heart of it a sledge about a woman and her history, right?

The question most of us are now asking is "Well if that's now not acceptable, what IS acceptable? I'm scared that we as a society are getting too soft" But actually, back in the old days is it naive to believe that people were even more decent? Sledges seemed to be less explicit, more coded and jocular rather than below the belt. There was a unspoken code of conduct that rarely got transgressed upon because players had pride in being decent and those that weren't were referred to in derogatory terms like "dog" or not a man type ideas.

TL;DR ----- Let's accept that our players made a judgement call that is out of date, and this should probably be addressed internally, but neither is it a hanging offence. Let's also accept that while Murphy's subsequent actions were less than honourable, he was reacting to unfair provocation that, while having the desired effect, was out of bounds according to the general concensus to which we may or may not personally agree. Finally, let's accept that we as fans are one-eyed and duty bound to defend our man, but in the cold light of day we can view a situation objectively and accept fault as well as accuse.

Great Post. If I could write that is what I would say.
Anyone gonna mention the very personal sledging of Murphy by the saints players on the weekend? Don't rate what Murphy did to Carlisle but it sounds like we were right campaigners to him. Don't really want us to be that team. We can be great without being arseholes.

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No, no ones going to mention it. They're definitely not going to create a thread specifically discussing it. :rolleyes:
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