Matt Rendell...

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Re: Matt Rendall...

OK - let's say he did only mean what he said as an example.

Who the f*** thinks that up to begin with. Doesn't the thought have to be in one's head in order to make that comment in the first place?

Surely Matt Rendell, to make that comment (no matter how off-handed it was) had to have thought to himself that all the club's troubles would go away if indigenous players had a white parent.

So, regardless of whether or not he meant what he said, he's a bloody idiot.

Brilliant - first he's criticised for something he didn't actually say, now you're criticising him for something you assume he thought. Poor bloke can't take a trick.
Re: Matt Rendall...

You're right - his apology should have been worded: "I'm sorry that some people, including the AFL did not understand what I actually was saying.

He shouldn't need to apologise purely because he was quoted completely out of context. What a joke.

That's the kind of quote which will get you fired.

He didn't resile the comments and his had two days to think of his story, what makes you think he resiled after a few hours of been given the opportunity to do so?
Re: Matt Rendall...

.. And Hutchy? I guess his esteemed footy career gives him more of a right to discuss footy than Caro.

While i agree that she was going for the jugular in the interview, which given the emotional nature of Rendell's adress, came across as completely insensitive, reckon people get a bit over the top with the Caro bashing on this site. Lyon tried to set Rendell up with his questions too..

Some posters come across as a bit insecure that a woman dares to have an opinion about footy.
Caro was disgraceful tonight; not 10 minutes after that interview finished, she had a crack at Dane Swan over nothing, went on a grandstanding rant about Essendon, and then 'fired her arrow' at Alistair Clarkson and Hawthorn, simply because she was offended over a passing comment by Clarko regarding her beloved Tigers. Can guarantee you if Alistair Clarkson had said that about any other club, she would not have cared (and probably would have praised him in the case of North Melbourne!)

Simply put, people don't hate Caro because she's a woman, people hate Caro because she's a ****ing moron who can't go 5 minutes without pushing an agenda or fishing for a headline.

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Re: Matt Rendall...

Everybody is forgetting that he is still hasn't apologised for these comments. The comments which he said that they had a laugh about and then he said they didn't have a laugh about.

Really Rendell? Nobody in the AFL is racist, so you make throwaway lines like that and then come and gives us conflicting reports in the same interview?

"Well... If I offended anybody" Rendell says at the very end even though he had been asked several times and even at the start about his comments.

You don't understand you offended anyone? Seriously? Your long time mate Misfud, The AFL, an article in the paper, the general public outrcry, you then lose your job and you haven't realised if you offended anyone? :rolleyes:

Seriously you people are buying his sob story even though he continually contraticed himself during the whole interview? When asked if he would recruit an indegenious player over a white player both of equal ability he said they cannot be equal. Muhaha, more racism!

And then finally after a long pause he says, "it would be a bonus for the aboriginal player". :D

This is why the AFL need be 100% diligent. People now believe a racist, crying, poor and unemployed man because he said he had a big ball in his stomach. Rendell, that's called GUILT and you ruined 35 years of hard work in 3 minutes.

All you had to say. I am sorry, I shouldn't of said that, in hindsight I realised it was a stupid thing to say and this is not my intention. My intention is...
and that would've been fine. But he didn't.

The underseeded of racism is fairly permutated in the minds of people still in this country.

When he said near the end of the interview that he would be mortified if any Aborigine he had dealt with considered him racist you didn't consider that a mea culpa?

As for upsetting Mifsud.
The conversation was in January.
He didn't mention it until March, again in what appears to be in a throwaway context in a presentation to Demetriou.
According to Thomas & Rendell, Mifsud remains a friend. Hardly likely if he was offended.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Can anyone tell me who the 'third person' in the room was with Mifsud and Rendell?

Was there a grassy knoll?
Re: Matt Rendall...

OK - let's say he did only mean what he said as an example.

Who the f*** thinks that up to begin with. Doesn't the thought have to be in one's head in order to make that comment in the first place?

Surely Matt Rendell, to make that comment (no matter how off-handed it was) had to have thought to himself that all the club's troubles would go away if indigenous players had a white parent.

So, regardless of whether or not he meant what he said, he's a bloody idiot.

No he's not, this is just crazy. It wasn't even an "off-handed" comment as you put it, it was a deliberate use of a ridiculous scenario to make a point.

You're trying to make up an issue now. Give up.
Re: Matt Rendall...

OK - let's say he did only mean what he said as an example.

Who the f*** thinks that up to begin with. Doesn't the thought have to be in one's head in order to make that comment in the first place?

Surely Matt Rendell, to make that comment (no matter how off-handed it was) had to have thought to himself that all the club's troubles would go away if indigenous players had a white parent.

So, regardless of whether or not he meant what he said, he's a bloody idiot.

By that logic those who are against guns, and those who write laws are all closet Psychos with guns

Hmm lets make sure guns arent available at all corner shops, that will keep people safe...
Oh we are going to have to do that because the you thinking the very thing of people shooting others, means you would do it if you had the chance..

Seriously think before you speak

Oh look ive used a massive exageration to prove my point, gotta go the media are here to hang me in the streets and call be a terrorist!
Re: Matt Rendall...

Wow, anyone watching Footy Classified? Jesus Christ...
Disgraceful AFC. All Demetriou and Trigg are trying to do is protect Corporate image. Rendell is honest as they come as Footy Classified tonight showed. After hearing this in its full context rather than the one line it more than tells me the AFL is corrupt. If Rendell didnt come across as thruthful then i dont know what truth is . Demetriou can just have a smirk on his face and talk about that one line.

What they have done here does not sit well with me as a supporter. I work in the corporate world and I see this everyday , that is Political correctness rather than honesty and saying how it really is. Just shows that being honest does not get you anywhere in life.

Trigg stand down and Andy D should stand down also . The next time Andrew Demetriou is introduced somewhere I hope the crowd booos him . The Vince cheering on Saturday showed the AFC that their supporters want their club to support their own.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Surely Matt Rendell, to make that comment (no matter how off-handed it was) had to have thought to himself that all the club's troubles would go away if indigenous players had a white parent.

So, regardless of whether or not he meant what he said, he's a bloody idiot.

No, it means he thinks other clubs' recruiters will think that.
That's the kind of quote which will get you fired.

He didn't resile the comments and his had two days to think of his story, what makes you think he resiled after a few hours of been given the opportunity to do so?

I still think this guy just has a weird sense of humour because no one can be that dumb.
Re: Matt Rendall...

By that logic those who are against guns, and those who write laws are all closet Psychos with guns

Hmm lets make sure guns arent available at all corner shops, that will keep people safe...
Oh we are going to have to do that because the you thinking the very thing of people shooting others, means you would do it if you had the chance..

Seriously think before you speak

Oh look ive used a massive exageration to prove my point, gotta go the media are here to hang me in the streets and call be a terrorist!

Maybe Matt Rendell should have followed your advice.
Re: Matt Rendall...

So...lets just not even float any possible ideas around then? Yeah, that'll make things happen. :rolleyes:
Exactly! Good reply.

Are you being serious? Rendell is the most genuine bloke you could meet in AFL circles. Get your head of the 'Port must hates anything to do with Crows' arse and see the real issue here for once.
I really shouldn't be responding to you but yeah, he is well known for his yearly "We picked up player xxxxx who we think should have been top 10" type comments.

Thats about the only time we hear recruiters speak so I don't know where you got the idea he is always upfront and honest...

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Re: Matt Rendall...

Who the f*** thinks that up to begin with. Doesn't the thought have to be in one's head in order to make that comment in the first place?

Surely Matt Rendell, to make that comment (no matter how off-handed it was) had to have thought to himself that all the club's troubles would go away if indigenous players had a white parent.

Or maybe, he saw an example in his own Club. Every Crows fans knows who Andrew McLeod is, they know his history, they know Jock, they know Jock has worked for the Club.

How many Aboriginal footballers have played 300+ games and had the longevity in the game as Macca did. Andrew McLeod is very involved in the AFL on this issue, he also mentors a large amount of Aboriginal footballers in all States, some who made it, some who didn't.

Andrew McLeod has backed Rendell 100%.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Pretty sure you are confusing yourself between facts and racism.

You don't understand you offended anyone? Seriously? Your long time mate Misfud, The AFL, an article in the paper, the general public outrcry, you then lose your job and you haven't realised if you offended anyone? :rolleyes:

When Rendells single sentence about the Aboriginal recruitment and having one white parent is cut out of the original conversation and pasted alone, yes it looks racist.

Seriously you people are buying his sob story even though he continually contraticed himself during the whole interview? When asked if he would recruit an indegenious player over a white player both of equal ability he said they cannot be equal. Muhaha, more racism!

How can 2 players be equal? Regardless of whether 1 is white and 1 is aboriginal, their skill level would not be equal. And if their skill level is similar, then what is honestly wrong about selecting the player who is most likely to have a career at the club. Thats his job as a recruiter.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Maybe Matt Rendell should have followed your advice.
Get off your high horse for christ sakes, did you even watch the interview in full? Probably not, but I'll continue anyway. Rendell is just extremely passionate about the indigenous community as a whole, always has been, and he will always be extremely passionate discussing it. Misfud simply asked to come see him when he was in Adelaide, Rendell said that is fine, and they had a good open conversation about aboriginal recruiting. I bet you don't even know how the conversation went, so I'm gonna stop here as I'm arguing against a stupid wall.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Clear as day that Demetriou and (to a lesser extent) Trigg saw an opportunity to make a politically correct stance and went for it at the expense of fairness, due process or common sense.

Vlad's comments (''Context does not matter'' or words to that effect) are just moronic and proof of his agenda. Context always matters, especially when he now a) challenges the wording of the comments themselves and b) pretty clearly does not hold the comment itself to be true in his own mind. Not to mention the fact that his concern for young aboriginal draftees is genuine.
Re: Matt Rendall...

That's the kind of quote which will get you fired.

He didn't resile the comments and his had two days to think of his story, what makes you think he resiled after a few hours of been given the opportunity to do so?

Firstly, he says he wasn't given that opportunity.

His story is the only one that makes sense. Seriously, with all of his experience in recruiting, and with all of the supporting being offered to him from former indigenous players, you cannot actually think he floated this as an option to the crows?
Re: Matt Rendall...

No he's not, this is just crazy. It wasn't even an "off-handed" comment as you put it, it was a deliberate use of a ridiculous scenario to make a point.

You're trying to make up an issue now. Give up.

Pretty sure the issue's been out in the open for quite a while now.

And I stand by the point I made earlier - that Matt Rendell's an idiot.

You can say all you want.

That he was misunderstood (true)
That he's not a racist (true)
That the comment was an exaggeration to prove a point (probably very true)

Still doesn't take too much brains to know that in the footy world, nothing's secret, and that anything you say will probably come back to bite you on the ass. Matt Rendell's no stranger to this, what with his random comments a couple of years ago that GC and GWS will probably win 9 premierships in a row. That comment blew up and got plenty of attention.

Why wouldn't his comment now (whether or not it was used as an example) attract the same attention?
Re: Matt Rendall...

We need to take action now, or IN THE FUTURE Clubs may only draft aboriginal kids with at least one white parent.

Now this is hardly the slanderous racist comment it has been painted as.

Err... yes it is.

He's directly implying that in his view 'white people' make better parents than Aborginal people.

Like it or not, thats a racist comment.


If I (as HR manager) say to my employer, "If the State doesnt do somthing soon, its going to get to the point where I will only hire people with one white parent" then what am I saying about black parents? There is a pretty clear implication here that 'race' leads to bad (or good) parenting.

Of course, I think we all know what he was trying to get at re the socio economic divide, problems with some members of remote Indigenous communities adapting to the big smoke etc

He probably could have said it better and without the racial implications. Dont get me wrong here, Im not suggesting that he is secretly the grand wizard of the Adelaide KKK. It was a poor choice of words, and poor judgement to say it the way he did more than a malicious statement.

I was hoping he was gonna say something like 'What I was trying to say was that many in the industry have expressed concerns about cultural divide between people living in remote commmunities and the requirements of professional football, and wished to highlight the unique challenges that presents AFL clubs."

Rather than: 'If we dont do something soon, we are going to only draft kids with white parents'
Re: Matt Rendall...

Somebody's head had to roll on "Indigenous Issues" but the AFL isn't game to take on Paul Roos, James Hird and Nathan Buckley all at once. Take an easy target, one that you can push over. Whoops - Rendell won't play that game!
Re: Matt Rendall...

Exactly! Good reply.

I really shouldn't be responding to you but yeah, he is well known for his yearly "We picked up player xxxxx who we think should have been top 10" type comments.

Thats about the only time we hear recruiters speak so I don't know where you got the idea he is always upfront and honest...

Ya know, some people actually get actively involved with their club and meet and speak with people there...
Re: Matt Rendall...

Caro is simply a bad person.

How she attacked him and didn't listen to anything he said was pathetic.

Also at the end when she said Hawthorn should apologise to Richmond over Clarko's comments about Hardwick is a joke.

Clarko was just trying to stick up for his mate and yet she makes out like he disrespected Richmond so badly. Honestly Caro you are a germ.

The woman is a complete moron ..she listened to Rendells re telling of what was said and still asked the most stupid inane questions ...she is a Joke.

Demetriou's ego has gotten out of control ..he is acting like some demi god...he hears something he doesn't like (understand) and orders the bloke sacked without asking to hear the full story ...he needs to go as soon as possible ....he's an arrogant cretinous self inflated arseh*le.
Re: Matt Rendall...

If Matt Rendell is a racist, then anyone who has ever invoked Godwin's Law is a dyed in the wool Nazi.

Extraordinary interview, and an unconscionable crucifixion (ah, I must be a Roman following this logic) by the AFL. The lack of comprehension from Caro et al is exhausting - she misinterpreted the Roos/Hird comments completely and utterly, and then she completely misunderstood what Rendell was saying as well. She is a feather duster, and nothing more.
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