Expansion Media reaction: SL-NRL expansion vs. AFL two-team expansion plans

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I didn't say that . That's your interpretation .
You seem more reasonable than your fellows ,
but I have yet to see any anything that you're against errand conduct .
Instead you point out other instances and attack me for my position.
That only re inforces my position .

You guys look like you have your head in the sand on this one . Fine .
It'll be a detraction on your code as is all the other negative behavior
of all the codes on themselves . You can't isolate supporters from the package .
You think I'm a wuzz . Fine . Like I said I know of a number of
people who don't engage in public over one negative situation .

I'll run with your position for a moment.... because of European soccer supporters rioting constantly and giving the game bad press around the world, would I refuse to attend a soccer/football match on principle? Let me think. If I was a wowsing do-gooder, maybe. I reinforced my position as well. When the negatives outweigh the positives you may have a point, but not when the negatives are an isolated minority swimming amongst largely positives.
cos789 said:
I didn't say that . That's your interpretation .

You said:

In Australian Football we have the code of conduct for all players ,coaches and supporters . That is the direction . Bury your heads in the sand at your own peril .

Then you go on...

cos789 said:
but I have yet to see any anything that you're against errand conduct .

That's simply your interpretation of what I wrote and a comment clearly without foundation. Basically, your far too biased to see much else.

FTR, Rugby league has a code of conduct for players, spectators, officials etc. are they're actively encouraged to abide by them. So, it's not just an AFL thing, but obviously something other codes use.

cos789 said:
You guys look like you have your head in the sand on this one . Fine .

No, that's your interpretation.

cos789 said:
It'll be a detraction on your code as is all the other negative behavior
of all the codes on themselves . You can't isolate supporters from the package .

Ratbags are a part of life. You'll never eradicate all of them, despite codes of conduct.

cos789 said:
You think I'm a wuzz . Fine . Like I said I know of a number of
people who don't engage in public over one negative situation .


Yes, I think you're a wuss because you bag the game and write it off for a bit of name calling and yet you sit here and say nothing when Aussie Rules fans do the exact same thing back time and again.

Being put off a game because of the actions of a few are, quite frankly, silly and childish.

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Yes, I think you're a wuss because you bag the game and write it off for a bit of name calling and yet you sit here and say nothing when Aussie Rules fans do the exact same thing back time and again.

Being put off a game because of the actions of a few are, quite frankly, silly and childish.
Again , I haven't seen you say anything agianst errant behavior .
Doesn't mean you haven't . Correct me if I'm wrong .
When that situation is in the domain of AFL I certainly don't condone it .
If my sport was to lose patrons because of the actions of a few I would be upset at those few not the people leaving .
You think I'm being being "quite frankly, silly and childish" by the actions of
people who are quite frankly, silly and childish.
But you choose to criticise me , not them , ironic .
IMO you have your head in the sand on this issue and as I stated before
sport is forever evolving and demanding more of all parties .

cos789 said:
Again , I haven't seen you say anything agianst errant behavior . Doesn't mean you haven't . Correct me if I'm wrong .

If you want to go through my 1800 odd posts go ahead. I'm pro code of conduct and anti spitting, punching and foul and abusive language at Aussie Rules games around children.

It's something we actively promote at our local club too.

Support the concept across all sports
cos789 said:
When that situation is in the domain of AFL I certainly don't condone it .

Same here.

I'm pro code of conduct and anti spitting, punching and foul and abusive language at Aussie Rules games around children.

It's something we actively promote at our local club too.

Support the concept across all sports.

cos789 said:
You think I'm being being "quite frankly, silly and childish" by the actions of
people who are quite frankly, silly and childish.
But you choose to criticise me , not them , ironic .
IMO you have your head in the sand on this issue and as I stated before
sport is forever evolving and demanding more of all parties .

And that's where we differ I guess.

I refuse to let people who spit, swear around kids, and lash out at each other at games put me off a code, unlike you.

Harden up.
I refuse to let people who spit, swear around kids, and lash out at each other at games put me off a code, unlike you.

It doesn't put me off the code , it puts me off NRL .
As I said I did frequent the WARL until it got too predictable .
Some people react to one bad situation .
I react to persistant errant behavior by avoiding it.
Pretty simple strategy really .

Again , I haven't seen you say anything agianst errant behavior .
Doesn't mean you haven't . Correct me if I'm wrong .
When that situation is in the domain of AFL I certainly don't condone it .
If my sport was to lose patrons because of the actions of a few I would be upset at those few not the people leaving .
You think I'm being being "quite frankly, silly and childish" by the actions of
people who are quite frankly, silly and childish.
But you choose to criticise me , not them , ironic .
IMO you have your head in the sand on this issue and as I stated before
sport is forever evolving and demanding more of all parties .

The issue here is not about whether or not you condone idiots and ratbags. The issue is whether its reasonable to turn away from a sport because of a minority of idiots and ratbags.
The issue here is not about whether or not you condone idiots and ratbags. .

So you're saying you do condone idiots and ratbags ?

The issue is whether its reasonable to turn away from a sport because of a minority of idiots and ratbags.

It's perfectly reasonable to not attend something you don't enjoy
especially when you are paying for the priveledge of doing so.

cos789 said:
It doesn't put me off the code , it puts me off NRL .

As I said, this is where we differ so much. I don't let instances like that put me off attending AFL games.

cos789 said:
As I said I did frequent the WARL until it got too predictable .

I used to watch my local club get beat fairly regularly, but never stopped attending just because we kept losing.

cos789 said:
Some people react to one bad situation .
I react to persistant errant behavior by avoiding it.
Pretty simple strategy really .

Yes, you keep telling us how it hurts you so much. All I can do is hope that eventually you harden up a bit.
Yes, you keep telling us how it hurts you so much. All I can do is hope that eventually you harden up a bit.

Stop attacking the wrong side .
I'm far from hurting .
It's not a question of " hardening up ."

I react to persistant errant behavior by avoiding it.
Especially when I have to pay for it .
Pretty simple strategy really .
You don't want to change your boorish behavior , fine .
Don't expect anyone else to be a part of it except other boors .

cos789 said:
I react to persistant errant behavior by avoiding it.
Especially when I have to pay for it .
Pretty simple strategy really .

I wont let w***ers ruin my experience at AFL games. You prefer to run and hide. Your call. I think it's pretty weak.

cos789 said:
You don't want to change your boorish behavior , fine .

I'm pretty mild mannered at the footy. In the end, it's only a game.

cos789 said:
Don't expect anyone else to be a part of it except other boors .


Well, If you can't handle it, then obviously you're better off not attending.

Probably no great loss given your anti rugby league diatribe anyway.

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cos789 said:
Again you kill the messenger .


cos789 said:
I react to persistant errant behavior by avoiding it.
Especially when I have to pay for it .
Pretty simple strategy really .

As I said, if you prefer to run and hide, then well and good. I wont let a few w***ers stop me attending AFL games, ever.
I don't know what this has to do with the thread but just to correct
a common misapprehension . Australian Football has always been officially cally Australian Football or Football . Though briefly it was called Australasian Football when it was the national game of NZ . Originally it was just called football because there was no need to differentiate and then only occassionally against Rubgy rules and Cambridge rules .

You can apoligise now .

come on .

cos789 said:
I can't believe the amount of energy you're expending

Typing's pretty easy and requires little energy.

cos789 said:
The more you try the more you convince me nothing is going to change .


Unlike you, I actually attend NRL games and have, seldom, if ever had any problems. That includes sitting in amongst "allegedly" the worst supporters in Rugby league.

It seems to me that, most sporting codes problems these days stem from the players and not the fans.

As I said earlier, Rugby league really doesn't lose anything with you deciding to stay away. It's not like you really support the code anyway.
I don't know what this has to do with the thread but just to correct
a common misapprehension . Australian Football has always been officially cally Australian Football or Football . Though briefly it was called Australasian Football when it was the national game of NZ . Originally it was just called football because there was no need to differentiate and then only occassionally against Rubgy rules and Cambridge rules .

You can apoligise now .

come on .



I don't know one single person who tells me they are off to the "Australian Football" on the weekend.

99.9999999% are off to the "footy" though. :thumbsu: :thumbsu:
I don't know what this has to do with the thread but just to correct
a common misapprehension . Australian Football has always been officially cally Australian Football or Football . Though briefly it was called Australasian Football when it was the national game of NZ . Originally it was just called football because there was no need to differentiate and then only occassionally against Rubgy rules and Cambridge rules .

You can apoligise now .

come on .

Why does the correct name of "Australian Rules" offend you so much that you constantly feel the need to rewrite history????
Stop attacking the wrong side .
I'm far from hurting .
It's not a question of " hardening up ."

I react to persistant errant behavior by avoiding it.
Especially when I have to pay for it .
Pretty simple strategy really .
You don't want to change your boorish behavior , fine .
Don't expect anyone else to be a part of it except other boors .

If a particular venue for example is notorious for silly behaviour in the outer, etc or whetever stupidity might tend to occur regularly wherever... then by all means avoid it.... but your argument is that isolated incidents of stupidity (which happen in all sports) forced you to avoid an entire sport. Your argument is nonsensical and the obvious response is "harden up" "you have the skin thickness of Tally Ho paper".
Why does the correct name of "Australian Rules" offend you so much that you constantly feel the need to rewrite history????

Mickey, big fella, no re-writing of history is needed.
This plaque was laid at the MCG in 1958, commemorating the code's 100th year. Just check out that name of the game they celebrated back then:


"Melbourne/Victorian/Australian Rules", "Aussie Rules" ... nicknames given to the game by some journalists which caught on, but officially, Australian Football is its correct term.

That year, a carnival including the then major football States was held in Melbourne to celebrate the game's 100th year. 50 years later, 2008, we're celebrating its 150th. :thumbsu:

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Expansion Media reaction: SL-NRL expansion vs. AFL two-team expansion plans

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