Are Connections really going to pass up the allure of a Cups double? Will join elite company and be the first horse in 20 years to do so. Absolute madness if they avoid it to try and tackle Zaaki head on.Quotes
“I’d say it’s not off the agenda but it’s not a part of my thought process at the moment,” Moody said of the Cox Plate, in which he is a 15 chance.
“The Caulfield Cup is front and centre and he will run in that by hook or by crook. Does he then then back up in the Cox Plate? It’s a big call but I wouldn’t say no.”
“I know he can run a mile and a half but I don’t know about two miles. I’m just full bore for the Caulfield Cup and whatever happens after that, we will wait and see,” Moody said.
Moody said this morning’s gallop was as much about continuing to familiarise Incentivise with the left-handed Melbourne way of racing “and to have a trip away from home.”
Melbourne Cup favourite Incentivise remains an outside chance to run in the Cox Plate, according to trainer Peter