Miller, dead set Genius

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I asked you a direct question as to why Miller was unable to get Judd to consider the Tiges, even though he nominated the Dees, Dons, Pies and Blues in his initial 4. But NOT the Tiges. I think you know the answer to the question. This IS the reason Judd won't be playing for the Tiges in 2008. You had room in your salary cap, plus you were offering the best draft picks plus you had PSD #1. The only thing that prevented you getting Judd, was Miller's inability to get Judd to even remotely consider the Tiges. That is why you didn't get him. :)
If he nominated Richmond it would have left his former club in a no win situation.We have the 1st selection in the PSD.Hence why he didnt go to his preferred club in Collingwood.For Collingwood to land him it would have cost them an arm and a leg.So instead he went for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,s
- where to start, Thorton, O'hAilpin, Jamison,

- Murphy has already proved he is a gun, 2006 was leading the NAB rising star before needing a shoulder reco....still could have won it after playing 12 games....ask the experts
- Lets not forget that Murphy got the number 1 tagger from each club in every game in 2007, next year he'll get the 3rd behind Judd and Stevens, lets look forward to round 1 against the Tigers
- what has Deledio done since his first year??? This year he learnt what is was liek to be a Richmond Footballer....a loser!!! God help the poor kid!!
Lmao at this statement.You hyprocite.You make up excuses that Murphy was tagged.then take a swipe at Deledio.Well hello Lids gets tagged if he is within 10mtrs of the centre square.
The big difference between Lids and Murphy.Lids can cause damage up fwd or in defence

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If he nominated Richmond it would have left his former club in a no win situation.We have the 1st selection in the PSD.Hence why he didnt go to his preferred club in ..

Do you actually believe that? lol. That excuse doesn't even make sense, especially when Miller publically offered picks #2, plus the 2 2nd round picks, so the Weagles would have been better off. BUT Judd refused to have anything to do with the Tiges, and wasn't even in the Tiges top-4, so the offer meant nothing, and was used as a face-saving PR stunt late in trade week. Miller stuffed this trade up big time, possibly the bigest trade of the past decade. Some serious questions need to be asked about Millers performance with the Judd trade. :)
Some serious questions need to be asked about Millers performance with the Judd trade. :)

more to the point some serious questions would have been raised had Miller managed to trade our first 3 picks plus a considerable amount of the salary cap for such a high risk proposition. Millers efforts were superb in ensuring that Carlton paid a market rate, failing badly in their bid to secure Judd for little more than No 3 pick. Great work once again mr Miller, couldn't have done it better myself
...Millers efforts were superb in ensuring that Carlton paid a market rate, ...

lol. Market rate was pick #1 and pick #3, and #20. Miller failed to apply any leverage because he was unable to get Judd to nominate the Tiges. We actually offered the Weagles pick #3, JK and #20 BEFORE trade week started, and thats what we ended up giving them. So Miller's PR stunt meant nothing, and we kept our pick #1. :)
God who cares, carlton got judd we did not!!! Everyone move on he chose Carlton because he wanted to go to Carlton.... If it was for money!!! WHO CARES.... We have our own players and i don't think missing out on Judd will be a huge loss...

He is carltons icing on the cake, the only problem is the cake has not finished baking yet....
Do you actually believe that? lol. That excuse doesn't even make sense, especially when Miller publically offered picks #2, plus the 2 2nd round picks, so the Weagles would have been better off. BUT Judd refused to have anything to do with the Tiges, and wasn't even in the Tiges top-4, so the offer meant nothing, and was used as a face-saving PR stunt late in trade week. Miller stuffed this trade up big time, possibly the bigest trade of the past decade. Some serious questions need to be asked about Millers performance with the Judd trade. :)
Parrot you are a master of only seeing & hearing what you want to see & hear. Try and follow along:
Carlton offered at the start of trade week picks 3 & 20 thats it no ifs buts or maybes.
WCE fired back they wanted picks 1, 3 & 20 plus Kennedy.
Carlton said up yours picks 3 & 20.
Richmond offered picks 2, 18 & 19/player.

Has also been mentioned by Nisbett that Richmond were trying to trade for another first round pick and were close to getting one, where they would have then offered 2 first round picks plus 18. Beats Carltons original 3 & 20 offer.

WC said we'll send Judd to the PSD and take Richmonds offer unless you include Kennedy. Carlton then basically told Kennedy to go and meet WC. After that the kid was in a no win situation, either accept the deal or get abused by Carlton fans for being the kid that stopped Judd from going to Carlton. So in the long run we have kept you honest to a degree. If Kennedy had of refused the deal WC would have taken the Richmond offer and Judd would have played for Richmond.
Carlton said up yours picks 3 & 20.
Richmond offered picks 2, 18 & 19/player. ...

Now, the Weagles said publically that they would have preferred to trade with the Tiges because they were offerring more. Do you realise they couldn't do this though because Miller had failed to convince Judd to nominate the Tiges. That is the key point. Yes, it's history now, but the point is this guy stuffed up the Judd trade big time IMO. I'm sure many Tiges fans know this, and won't be fooled by his late-trade pseudo-bid, which was a face saving measure. If Swann handled the Judd trade like Miller did, I would suprised if Pratt didn't sack him. :)
Was Miller the genius who didnt draft Buddy Franklin? oops

You just added more soft players to your soft list. Thursfield, Foley and Lids = The only good youth coming through your list

Roughie you silly girl, if the Hawks had pick 4 and Richmond pick 5, we would have ended up with Franklin. You guys were lucky, not smart....

...or are you really that lucky??

'here's the 3-2 pitch to Franklin.... swing and a miss, Sttteerrrrikkkkee 3'
Now, the Weagles said publically that they would have preferred to trade with the Tiges because they were offerring more. Do you realise they couldn't do this though because Miller had failed to convince Judd to nominate the Tiges. That is the key point. Yes, it's history now, but the point is this guy stuffed up the Judd trade big time IMO. I'm sure many Tiges fans know this, and won't be fooled by his late-trade pseudo-bid, which was a face saving measure. If Swann handled the Judd trade like Miller did, I would suprised if Pratt didn't sack him. :)
parrot you silly girl, Miller had nothing to lose, Swann had everything to lose.

A sea snail could have done the Judd deal, it really wasn't that hard. He nominated you guys, you were always in the box seat.
Was Miller the genius who didnt draft Buddy Franklin? oops

You just added more soft players to your soft list. Thursfield, Foley and Lids = The only good youth coming through your list
Your now on your 2nd strike Roughie.One more and your toast.;):D

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Now, the Weagles said publically that they would have preferred to trade with the Tiges because they were offerring more. Do you realise they couldn't do this though because Miller had failed to convince Judd to nominate the Tiges. That is the key point. Yes, it's history now, but the point is this guy stuffed up the Judd trade big time IMO. I'm sure many Tiges fans know this, and won't be fooled by his late-trade pseudo-bid, which was a face saving measure. If Swann handled the Judd trade like Miller did, I would suprised if Pratt didn't sack him. :)
Overlooking it again Parrot if he declined the deal in trade week Richmond still could have done the deal (see Veale deal) and gained Judd in the PSD. Get it now. Doesn't matter if Judd didn't nominate us as a club of choice prior to trade week because he knew he could very well end up there if trade week went bad. Which it almost did when our offer trumped your clubs opening trade week bid of picks 3 & 20. That was when it became obvious to Carlton it was either add Kennedy or give up pick 1.

Or are you believing the spin?.
Do you actually believe that? lol. That excuse doesn't even make sense, especially when Miller publically offered picks #2, plus the 2 2nd round picks, so the Weagles would have been better off. BUT Judd refused to have anything to do with the Tiges, and wasn't even in the Tiges top-4, so the offer meant nothing, and was used as a face-saving PR stunt late in trade week. Miller stuffed this trade up big time, possibly the bigest trade of the past decade. Some serious questions need to be asked about Millers performance with the Judd trade. :)
Can you imagine West Coast,s reaction if he nominated Richmond.Judd said it himself he wanted the best deal possible for West Coast.Nominating Richmond as one of his clubs would have made at the very least his new club cough up more than they need too.Carlton giving up picks 1 & 3 in Judds eyes as compromising any success in the future.So please dont come onto this board with your half assed assumptions that Carlton was his preffered #1 destination.Fact of the Matter Collingwood was his #1 option but like i,ve said the pies would have had to give up the Farm to get him.
Get use the idea Parrot.Judd is at Carlton for one single reason.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Can you imagine West Coast,s reaction if he nominated Richmond.Judd said it himself he wanted the best deal possible for West Coast.Nominating Richmond as one of his clubs would have made at the very least his new club cough up more than they need too.Carlton giving up picks 1 & 3 in Judds eyes as compromising any success in the future....

The Blues were never going to trade pick #1. The reason Judd didn't nominate the Tiges was because he didn't rate your list or management or future. That's the real reason. He rated the Dees, Dons, Pies and Blues ahead of your Club. And that's the point. Do you agree with Judds assessment? :)
The Blues were never going to trade pick #1. The reason Judd didn't nominate the Tiges was because he didn't rate your list or management or future. That's the real reason. He rated the Dees, Dons, Pies and Blues ahead of your Club. And that's the point. Do you agree with Judds assessment? :)
Judd nominated Carlton because of the money. End of story.
He named the other three clubs as a smokescreen to deflect the attention away from the fact that he was chasing money, but even then he failed in doing that.
Nobody would choose Carlton ahead of Collingwood in a simple list comparison. Taking Richmond out of the argument for a minute, the truth is that Carlton's list is ordinary and Judd knew that but chose to follow the money, which is his perogative and completely his decision. he should have just come out and said Carlton full stop and not turned on the charade that he was interested in going anywhere else.
The Blues were never going to trade pick #1. The reason Judd didn't nominate the Tiges was because he didn't rate your list or management or future. That's the real reason. He rated the Dees, Dons, Pies and Blues ahead of your Club. And that's the point. Do you agree with Judds assessment? :)

He rated them ahead of Richmond based on the draft picks/players they would have given up to get him. If he said I want to play for Richmond and thats it, what would have WC got in return, a big FU we'll take him in the PSD for nothing thats what. By nominating your club he ensured WC got the best possible deal for losing him and in the process got himself the best possible deal money wise. But keep telling yourself that Carlton underpaid for him Parrot if it makes you feel better.
Parrot you can say what you want but the fact is you spend most of your day on big footy! You only know what has been said in the media nothing more nothing less.... Get over it he picked carlton be happy, go on your board and say how excited you are don't come here and try and rub salt into a non existent wound....

Stats from 2000 to 2007 (both sides made 1 finals series in which Richmond knocked Carlton out )

Carlton: Wins Losses Spoons
.............58 ...116.5..... 3

Richmond: Wins Losses Spoons
................68.. 107.5 ....2

So this decade we have been better , not that its a win but shut up and move on! :D
- where to start, Thorton, O'hAilpin, Jamison, Carrazzo
- but if Richmonds rookies are that much better name them??

I did - Foley. None of yours are in the same class.

Thursfield will be better than Thornton.

King will be comparable to Carrazzo after next season and is already way ahead of Jamison.

O'hAilpin is an unreliable 25yo going into next season who is yet to prove anything of note beyond the fact he has potential.

Fev is younger the Richo of course he hasn't kick as many....

And the fact is he could mentally implode at any moment given his track record. So let us know when he's among the greatest forwards of all time, not when he's halfway there.

Richo's best year was 96 with 91 goals...Fev best year so far was 06 with 84...

Whose argument are you trying to support here! :p

I don't recall Fev having a knee reco or anywhere near the same problems Richo has had with injury. I do recall him squibbing out of games because of minor injuries so you could tank better, while Richo played with a fractured cheekbone and didn't miss a game. Richardson has heart and guts, Fevola is a spoiled, feral, soft little wuss.

- Fev doesn't have to kick more goals...

Ah right, it's all the other things he does at FF averaging 10 possessions a game, waiting for the ball to be served up on a silver platter.

Richo = legendary forward.

Fevola = MAY get there one day.

To even suggest Fevola is a better player is ridiculous when he has so much left to prove. Kent Kingsley had similar goal haul season's at similar points of his career. Where is he now?

- i was asked to compare the best of each team, Brown is in your best and best matches up with Judd, onballer who can play forward!!!

One has spent the majority of his career as a small forward, the other has always played as a midfielder when he wasn't injured. They're apples and oranges and you know it.

- Pettifer has potential....but what output are you talking about....have a look at someone like Brad Fisher or O'hAilpin...before making stupid remarks!!

LMAO...O'hHailpin has kicked 15 goals in his career. Fisher has had one good season.

- comparing the best players, have you forgotten that Judd played for WC...he is now at he has played, just cause he hasn't played at Carlton yet doesn't mean he hasn't are a bigger fool!!!

Until he's played a season or two, you can't begin to classify him as a great Carlton player. Is Gardiner among St Kilda's best ruckmen ever when he's yet to play a game?

- are you serious?? i seen lots of teams lining up for Foley (he's palyed one good year, lets see 2008 before you make stupid arse comments).....get real buddy, why was it that when stevens wanted to come to Melb clubs lined the streets for him...wake up before you go into a coma!!!
- can Foley hit a target over 50m like stevens???

You know that right now Foley is considered way more valuable - which is why you dodge the question. Not only did Foley get more possessions last year than Stevens has since he played at a real club, but he won his own footy for many of them - something Stevens has always struggled with in comparison.

- Murphy has already proved he is a gun, 2006 was leading the NAB rising star before needing a shoulder reco....still could have won it after playing 12 games....ask the experts

The 'experts' gave him 13 votes...not even close.

First you start off saying it's too early to call Murphy ahead of Deledio and vice-versa, now you're arguing you can.

Like I said, you've got nothing.
... we never wanted the
%#@%, we simply wanted the Lions to bust their chops to keep him meaning there was prescious little left in the cookie jar when it came to signing someone like Brennan that we would seriously like to see in the yellow and black. Now that Mr miller is one hell of a card trick:p

Wallace, McRae, Tambling and Miller all flew up to Brisbane to try and convince him to leave. That's a fairly elaborate 'decoy'.

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Miller, dead set Genius

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