Hi, I am not going to say why I was I reading about Benjamin Franklin last night.
It is sad and pathetic tale.
However I truly believe for a man who died in 1790, in Philadelphia, he should be our spiritual leader.
This is what he had to say about (the) Eagles.
Besides he is a rank Coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the District.
You may have seen him perch’d on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk [Osprey]; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.
Not a big fan of eagles was our ben.
Watch out you don't get struck by lightning flying that kite on BF.