MRP is a flip flopping circus

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They haven't though. Their arguments have been along the lines of "He didn't mean it" or "Other people got less". Both these things may well be true, but that isn't how the tribunal works. If you want to plead not guilty or challenge the verdict, then you need to actually be able to illustrate why the charge should not apply, either through video or medical evidence that the charges laid by the tribunal are erroneous.

If Fremantle though that they had any evidence along those lines then they would have presented it and pleaded not guilty.

Instead we did the only thing we could do, which was to plead guilty and ask for the minimum penalty.
Arms not pinned, head didnt even hit the ground hit his shoulder. Tackle was definitely not conclusively two actions. Gray may play next week so clearly the doctors have said his 'injuries' were incredibly minor. Literally bucket loads of very similar tackles getting 1 week. The case is decent either way, these ways are the Nyhuis/Freo supporter view or the ****wit know it all fake news trumpet old campaigner self hating nonsupporter way.
If you look at it at this angle.

You can understand why the media is so upset with that tackle. He should have got weeks months.

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3 weeks is fair, Nyhuis didn't need to dump him like that.

I don't think he wanted to hurt him that badly, but it was excessive.

Are you for real ?
Ever played the game ?

Stick to netball you Nancy - tackles just like this happen 5 to 10 times a game in most games, just a few unlucky factors all occurring simultaneously which led to this outcome.

I am absolutely raging at the AFL that this has been made such an example of.

No name player hurts big name player equals triple the normal penalty.

I’m seriously sick of the double standards shown by the AFL - and to any of the soft **** flogs that take umbrage to a guy being hurt in a tackle like this - go watch another sport.
Seriously- feck off and leave our game alone before it becomes “PC ball” .
F@ck me sideways
Stick to netball you Nancy - tackles just like this happen 5 to 10 times a game in most games, just a few unlucky factors all occurring simultaneously which led to this outcome.
No they don't and nor should they. This isn't the 80's, i and the vast majority don't want to see people's heads driven into the turf knocking them unconscious. Seriously can't believe some of the reactions in here. We'd be baying for blood if the same thing happened to one of our players, let alone our best player.
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No they don't and nor should they. This isn't the 80's, i and the vast majority don't want to see people's heads driven into the turf knocking them unconscious. Seriously can't believe some of the reactions in here. We'd be baying for blood if the same thing happened to one of our players, let alone our best player.
I don't think anyone is suggesting Nyhuis has zero responsibility. But I do think a heap of people got overly emotional (resorting to calling it a dog act etc) because a star player got injured and at full speed I agree it looked pretty terrible. Unfortunately the MRP/Tribunal, media and a heap of footy fans, have taken the easy road of going on a witch hunt based on first impressions (and the media uproar) rather than looking in detail at the real facts of the incident and investigating how we might avoid incidents like this in the future.

I wrote this, this morning, on the MB...


The argument though is whether it was a sling [or dangerous] tackle. There was a lot said in the media and even by Gleeson at the Tribunal that wasn't actually true. They first said both arms were pinned. Then later it was just the one. And then you look at the picture (above) taken just before contact with the ground and neither arm was pinned before impact.

Secondly it was alleged he threw him head first into the ground. Also not true, as you can see from the picture his arm and body hit the ground first. Thirdly in that picture you can see Gray's leg up in the air well above the rest of his body. Given Nyhuis has one arm on the ground and another around his torso how did he get the leverage to make that happen? What you will find is that Gray flicked both his legs up off the ground to try and back heel the ball and in doing so caused himself to tilt forward exposing his head. And also for whatever reason grabbed on to Nyhuis arm with his right hand so he didn't have time to brace with it either.

Us Freo supporters are used to wearing penalties at the MRP/Tribunal and Nyhuis is a great lad that will take it on the chin and move forward - you'd have to be an idiot to think he tried to hurt him based on the evidence though. If you move past the emotion of a great player getting injured (nobody likes that), we really do need to have a discussion about players protecting themselves when being tackled. The reality is (based on physics) if he didn't try and back heel the ball and grab an arm he probably wouldn't have hit the ground with his head. This isn't victim shaming, this is just a conversation that needs to be had to avoid head injuries, just like we did with ducking.

Some Port fans were upset because they thought it happened over the boundary. But it didn't. The tackle was started well within the boundary line but they ended up over it from the momentum (ie they were both running toward the boundary line at the time). If it had of happened over the boundary I could understand the anger.

The other argument made was that Nyhuis should have stopped after hearing the dropping the ball call. But the call actually didn't happen until they'd already hit the ground. You can see it in the footage, the umpire comes into shot and blows his whistle, pointing free kick to us, as Nyhuis is already getting himself off the ground. Then they realise Gray is hurt and they reverse it. Umpires really need to be quicker with the HTB calls - tackles linger because the players are told to play to the whistle.

This is the kind of analysis that both the media and AFL should have done on this matter. But no, let's just throw a 21yo young guy under the bus like he's some kind of criminal.
No they don't and nor should they. This isn't the 80's, i and the vast majority don't want to see people's heads driven into the turf knocking them unconscious. Seriously can't believe some of the reactions in here. We'd be baying for blood if the same thing happened to one of our players, let alone our best player.

With the verdict 3 weeks, it seems most think that was about right. There are a number of tackles like that each week, if it didn't knock Gray out it wouldn't have even been looked at (IMO). Once he was knocked out, my issue is that the furore around Nyhuis is very different to plenty of examples that haven't been punished as hard (Gibbs, NN as two examples). I look forward with interest to the next time someone is tackled to the ground, knocking them out.

NN got 1 week for a tackle that didn't knock the guy out but had the same potential risk (his drove the head into the ground). The inconsistency between the two decisions (1 week v 3) and a number of others through the year (no penalty at all) is what frustrates me most in the AFL. The media were baying for blood. Nyhuis was never getting off, he was crucified in the media for 2 days. Next time it happens, I'm sure there will be a good guy card played by the same media (if it's some big name player). As has been mentioned many times, penalise the action not the outcome. Look at Walker's penalty for his hit, which IMO is much more thuggish and deserving of suspension (not saying Nyhuis shouldn't be penalised). The media were immediately playing the good guy card and the penalty reflected that.

If Gray did that tackle to Nyhuis in R23 there is no way the AFL would penalise him 3 games (effectively the finals).

Anyway, on to this week, where no doubt the umpires/MRO/AFL will do a fantastic job at applying the rules.
With the verdict 3 weeks, it seems most think that was about right. There are a number of tackles like that each week, if it didn't knock Gray out it wouldn't have even been looked at (IMO). Once he was knocked out, my issue is that the furore around Nyhuis is very different to plenty of examples that haven't been punished as hard (Gibbs, NN as two examples). I look forward with interest to the next time someone is tackled to the ground, knocking them out.

NN got 1 week for a tackle that didn't knock the guy out but had the same potential risk (his drove the head into the ground). The inconsistency between the two decisions (1 week v 3) and a number of others through the year (no penalty at all) is what frustrates me most in the AFL. The media were baying for blood. Nyhuis was never getting off, he was crucified in the media for 2 days. Next time it happens, I'm sure there will be a good guy card played by the same media (if it's some big name player). As has been mentioned many times, penalise the action not the outcome. Look at Walker's penalty for his hit, which IMO is much more thuggish and deserving of suspension (not saying Nyhuis shouldn't be penalised). The media were immediately playing the good guy card and the penalty reflected that.

If Gray did that tackle to Nyhuis in R23 there is no way the AFL would penalise him 3 games (effectively the finals).

Anyway, on to this week, where no doubt the umpires/MRO/AFL will do a fantastic job at applying the rules.
Sarcasm. Its the lowest form of wit
My footy freind was busting the umpires as they walked through the chase. They all looked up at her. #You. You were ok. You. Yes. I'm keeping my eye on you. But you. You are very naughty. Very naughty. Funny as but you had to be there.
Possibly Nyhuis just wanted to accept. We have no way of knowing.

And not joking? I'm sure Freo had his back. I'm sure Ross gave him a cuddle. But the defence was hardly strident and merely went sycophant.

I like the player, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see him delisted. He hasn't been amazing in his few games (bar one as a forward, which isnt likely to happen again). And he's very frequently the first to be dropped. I also would t be surprised if he were to be retained. But every year there are players that get delisted that you'd think could have come good, but the club has drawn the line for whatever reason.

This unfortunate incident hasn't helped his cause, and I'm sure he knows it. So yeah, I feel bad for him.

Before pleading guilty, I hope Rossco assured him that a new contract would definitely be placed in front of him at the end of the season.

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Before pleading guilty, I hope Rossco assured him that a new contract would definitely be placed in front of him at the end of the season.

I hope so, but I doubt it works like that.

I hope we keep him. In my very limited playing of sports that very quickly progressed to 'sitting on the couch' the only thing I was ever good at was the 'dour defender'. So I appreciate the lock down defender, and I hate hate small forwards destroying us.
If he plays, medico's are going against their professions advice to clubs on concussion.

Isn't Kingswood a medico, what would he advise ?.
Kingswood is :) I guess it all boils down to the concussion tests. I would expect that he is having the tests administered daily. Studies have shown that a brief LOC does not necessarily mean more chance of concussion...
There was a report that says Robbie was "groggy"
There is also the risk that after a LOC, another hit to the head could result in a worse injury.
I wouldnt play him this week....
No they don't and nor should they. This isn't the 80's, i and the vast majority don't want to see people's heads driven into the turf knocking them unconscious. Seriously can't believe some of the reactions in here. We'd be baying for blood if the same thing happened to one of our players, let alone our best player.

they happen all the time, every game. Take your netball singlet off for just a second and take a deep un-PC breath...
At what point did Nyhuis “drive his head” into the turf ?
You’re inference is this was a spear tackle which it clearly was not.
If you seriously can’t believe some of the reactions in here maybe, just maybe, you should consider pulling your head out of your ass for a moment and realise your wrong.
It’s footy, we tackle, sometimes the geometry of a tackle is slightly off and with high performance athletes this stuff happens.
But nah, let’s ban tackling hey, maybe whack a few Velcro tags on everyone’s shorts and make it touch footy instead ...
FWIW, I would have no issue whatsoever if it was Fyfe that was on the receiving end. None. Whatsoever. No a single feck given.
Mitchell, Hodge, Franklin have got away with more on a footy field, that was thuggery, yet Nyhius tackle was
Feel for the guy because it was accidental.
Even Judd's hit on Pavlich was a joke.

The AFL treats all players equally, just some players are more equal.

With umpiring & MRP / tribunal, all we ask for is consistency !!!!!!. Set a standard and stick to it.
they happen all the time, every game. Take your netball singlet off for just a second and take a deep un-PC breath...
At what point did Nyhuis “drive his head” into the turf ?
You’re inference is this was a spear tackle which it clearly was not.
If you seriously can’t believe some of the reactions in here maybe, just maybe, you should consider pulling your head out of your ass for a moment and realise your wrong.
It’s footy, we tackle, sometimes the geometry of a tackle is slightly off and with high performance athletes this stuff happens.
But nah, let’s ban tackling hey, maybe whack a few Velcro tags on everyone’s shorts and make it touch footy instead ...
FWIW, I would have no issue whatsoever if it was Fyfe that was on the receiving end. None. Whatsoever. No a single feck given.

Those tackles don't happen every game, just an embarrassing comment.
At no point did i say i wanted the tackle banned.

Go back to bed.
Think some people are forgetting that AFL is an entertainment business and does not operate a court of law. They will do whatever is best for them and their business. I'm sure they wouldn't want any player suspended and not entertaining the masses, but they have a legal case running against former players who have head trauma, and have seen what has happened against the NFL. So, they put cases up like this one to show they are making a stand against concussion, benefit from the mid-week theatre of the tribunal to keep people talking about AFL 24/7, and let off cases like Cotchin/Hall because there is more value in having them play in a GF than not. It's not right or fair for players like Myhouse but that is their business model and some employees (usually the ones that bring more value to the company) are always looked after better than others in most businesses. Fyfe got a bit of a good run in 2015 for the same reason. I'm a realist, that's all.
Those tackles don't happen every game, just an embarrassing comment.
At no point did i say i wanted the tackle banned.

Go back to bed.

I’m in Europe FYI.
And have played the game for over 20 years, they happen every weekend, on every footy field around the country.

You stated you didn’t want to see people’s heads driven into the ground, which this was not, it was a relatively normal tackle.
so how are we meant to interpret it....
Because I know it has been a source of debate on here, I asked Nyhuis at training this morning if it was his or the clubs decision not to challenge the charge and he said it was the clubs since he doesn't understand the ins and outs of the system.

He also didn't seem overly pleased with the length of the suspension which is understandable.

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MRP is a flip flopping circus

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