Multicultural Round - Why?

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It could only happen if their husband consented. Sometimes he just wouldn't show up (one guy had left his wife with six kids and married someone else but wouldn't give his first wife a divorce). Quite a balance view I thought but a bit shocking to see it happening now in western Sydney - all the conversations with the sheiks were in Arabic

Quiet!!! - Don't you know that only Nazis question this sort of thing, and that we should all celebrate the "vibrant cultural diversity" of misogyny and chavaunistic 8th century superstitions
I suppose I,m saying that racism is inbuilt in humans , of course you should get along with your fellow man and not be concerned with race or colour , but life in reality doesn,t work that way for all people.
I know and work with some seriously racist people in a very mixed work force , some of these people will never change, its just in them. They are decent people but they have unreasonable ideas of others that their parents and grandparents and all the way back through generations have had.
Look, it maybe sounds silly but in nature you don,t have a wolf running with a pack of jackals, nature doesn,t allow it. In the human being we may well evolve past any kind of racism one day and we have that higher intelligence to do that . But it will take a long long time . I doubt a wolf will run together with a jackal in the general form of existance ever , we should be non racist and we try, but there is 6-7 billion of us and so far mixing totally different people hasn,t worked for many. Maybe I,m wrong but its what I see going on around me.
I agree some people will always display innate "racism" - we probably all have thoughts sometimes. But there's a difference between that and instutionalised descrimination; and there's no doubt Australia have been very good in reducing this and improving harmony. We're not perfect, and it never will be, be we are immeasurably enriched by being a mulitcultural, rather than monocultural, nation - and I can't see how anyone could argue against that

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The ironic thing about all of this is that "multiculturalism" doesn't deserve to be celebrated. In fact if Australia had any sense at all and any ability to analyse the situation unfolding Europe, we would be running from 'multiculturalism' as fast as we possibly could.

Multiculturalism is a failed social engineering experiment carried out on Western countries by the 70s free love brigade.

Multiculturalism has been a failure in every single country it has been attempted in. It leads to increased social disharmony, which is never a good thing and leads to a whole host of other problems.

The problem with multiculturalism is it wants you to 'celebrate' all the 'positive' differences between cultures, but you are expected to ignore and forget about all the 'negative' differences. Ignoring the negative differences between cultures is a recipe for disaster.

No one says Japan should be more multicultural. No one says Nigeria needs more 'ethnic diversity.' These countries are apparently diverse enough already. No, it's Western countries and Western countries only which apparently will not be 'acceptable' until they reflect the culture of every single nation in the world besides their own.

Multiculturalism is just another word for ethnic replacement.

Call me a moron, a bigot, a racist, an inbred hick naziwhowantstokillsixmillion jews....come at me with all your PC shaming tactics. Whatever. It doesn't change the fact that multiculturalism is a proven failure and will continue to be proven a failure, because no matter how much the inner city latte sippers want it to happen, you just cannot put every single culture and all their inherent differences into a country, mash them together, and expect them to get along like paradise. Doesn't work in reality, never has and never will.
Unfortunately I,m pretty sure your right.
I like multiculturalism round, it doesn't hurt anyone and is no worse than the other round themes. With the game only existing in Australia it is worth highlighting people from other cultures, players, supporters, whoever that have embraced it.

I dislike the prayer rooms at grounds because I despise all religion and I don't see why it should have any connection to football whatsoever. Im sure this makes me a bigot or racist to some people since there is one religion you can't criticse. Though having been in contact with a many hardcore muslims and hardcore christians I always found the christians much worse.

I took a taxi today and the driver was wearing a giant cross, and everytime we passed a church he would do that cross over the chest with the hand thing. Sure enough when we pulled up to my destination he tried to rip me off.
Check this one still going hard at the man not the ball...started calling anyone that didnt agree bogans...then they must be failed ignoramous bogan school dropouts from under priveleged families. Bewdy.
Noone has said anything even remotely racist yanno...just a few that dont giveashit about it (which is akin to racism in here), a few that would like it to be all encompassing, plus the odd one that thinks multiculturalism hasnt worked at all...which whether u like that or not is also a valid debatable argument and opinion.

Looks to me like you're the one too "socially disadvantaged" and and "poorly educated" to be able to debate it.

Then why debate it if you dont givashit about it? Please, lay out the examples that multiculturalism has failed? I get animated when narrow minded people express their views bc I hear it all the time at work etc. And guess what they all are? So I want facts! Not the usual tripe but facts.
Yep.. it was some of the most hilariously predictable rubbish I've seen on TV. Show's like this do not ease tensions, it's all done to appease simpletons like yourself. Show a selection images and quotes from rednecks and finish it off with the Cronulla riots.

I'd love to see a story on racism in India too. Perhaps some heartwarming interviews with Pakistani's or Northern Eastern Indians, with whom the general populas feel look 'too chinky'... Or perhaps the Bihari people, who in 2000 and 2003, were subjugated to anti-Bihari violence which led to the deaths of up to 200 people and created 10,000 internal refugees..

Yeah it was predictable, but it still doesn't hide the fact that there is a severe problem with intolerance and ignorance in Australia. I wouldn't say being concerned about that makes me a simpleton, and I've gone to long lengths to become more educated on it especially following Cronulla. The show didn't alter my opinion on the situation at all, because the situation hasn't changed.

I'd also like to see some insight into racism in other countries, but the issue I'm most worried about is people being literally afraid to come here on authorised terms because of an ignorant minority.
I like multiculturalism round, it doesn't hurt anyone and is no worse than the other round themes. With the game only existing in Australia it is worth highlighting people from other cultures, players, supporters, whoever that have embraced it.

I dislike the prayer rooms at grounds because I despise all religion and I don't see why it should have any connection to football whatsoever. Im sure this makes me a bigot or racist to some people since there is one religion you can't criticse. Though having been in contact with a many hardcore muslims and hardcore christians I always found the christians much worse.

I took a taxi today and the driver was wearing a giant cross, and everytime we passed a church he would do that cross over the chest with the hand thing. Sure enough when we pulled up to my destination he tried to rip me off.

That is fair enough and I agree with you. But this prayer has only got so much publicity and negaive raving bc it was targeted at we all know which religion! Would've been interesting to see how much oxygen would've this news gotten if these prayer rooms were to have big crosses in there. That's where the racists usually surface.

Same as the hysteria surrounding boat people. If they were all coming from for instance England (pfft no chance), we would welcome them with open arms.
If you don't like it then don't pay attention to it. Simple. Just watch the footy. It's not like they alter the rules for these rounds, it really has no effect on the games themselves.

But I agree with comments earlier that if it helps some people feel included or pushes a few more people to watch the AFL then why the hell not?
That is fair enough and I agree with you. But this prayer has only got so much publicity and negaive raving bc it was targeted at we all know which religion! Would've been interesting to see how much oxygen would've this news gotten if these prayer rooms were to have big crosses in there. That's where the racists usually surface.

Same as the hysteria surrounding boat people. If they were all coming from for instance England (pfft no chance), we would welcome them with open arms.

There's a sad truth to this. It's not all people, but plenty still think like that. Usually the morons that blindly follow everything they hear on talkback radio and read Andrew Bolt religiously.

The whole prayer room story was ridiculous. I wasn't remotely surprised when Jeff Kennett came out and had a good old rant about it.

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Quiet!!! - Don't you know that only Nazis question this sort of thing, and that we should all celebrate the "vibrant cultural diversity" of misogyny and chavaunistic 8th century superstitions

I don't even know where to begin with this kind of post.

Go bombard talkback radio with your nonsense please and spare the good folk here.
we need a Rant Round - you are allowed to bring any banner you want to the ground and just shout incoherently for the whole game

Good. I'm bringin' Bruce Banner with me so that I can rant incoherently without fear of a knuckle sanger

I don't even know where to begin with this kind of post.

Go bombard talkback radio with your nonsense please and spare the good folk here.

Mind telling me where the nonsense is?

The author described a cultural practice that is expressly misogynist and reinforces female subjugation.
Quiet!!! - Don't you know that only Nazis question this sort of thing, and that we should all celebrate the "vibrant cultural diversity" of misogyny and chavaunistic 8th century superstitions

Are you being thick on purpose? Or do you actually think you make sense?

Just because some genuinely repulsive comments get called out doesn't mean people with sincere views don't get respect from their opponents, or that factual (if kind of irrelevant) material won't be accepted.

As this thread has illustrated, your views don't have much support. Suck it up, be open to learning something, whatever. You're looking kind of pathetic with this kind of comment.
Mind telling me where the nonsense is?

The author described a cultural practice that is expressly misogynist and reinforces female subjugation.

If you can't see one thing wrong with your comment then it's not worth it.

It would be like trying to teach religious tolerance to a member of the Taliban.
Just a load of PC bullshit and in keeping with the process of this country bending over to please pricks who aren't worth the effort.
If you can't see one thing wrong with your comment then it's not worth it.

It would be like trying to teach religious tolerance to a member of the Taliban.

So you havent got a response then. The theocratic subjugation of hundreds of millions of women continues...defended and celebrated by so-called "progressives".

What a disgrace

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Multicultural Round - Why?

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