Werewolf MWORPS' Hunger Games Werewolf - May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favour - DAY 8 - THE VILLAGE (CITIZENS OF PANEM) WIN!!!!

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Theatre. You'll notice that I did not bold the vote...

Hahahaha...still, that's quite an unbelievable vote count. I spent all day thinking "if I say something after being accused of being inactive, I'll look suss for not being inactive".

She didn't know why she had killed them. Well, she did know why. It was to ensure her survival. She had sent Effie, Caesar and Rue poisoned crimson berries, the kind that grew wild in District 5, the kind she knew well enough to avoid ever since she was a child. She never even dreamed the recipients would have been foolish enough to eat them, but they had. And now she was on the run. Someone had discovered her dark secret, and word had spread throughout Panem. She had managed to hitchhike her way to the edge of the woods of District 12 undetected. She planned to travel towards District 13; perhaps someone was leading the charge after Coin's death. But before she could make up her mind, she heard voices, shouts, calling her name. Without a second thought she ran - and hard - straight into the heart of the forest. She was not scared of mutts or other such creatures, she knew she could evade them by climbing trees. But people? They were different. Foxface ran for hours and hours, until she couldn't run anymore. She had come to a dry river bed fringed by ferns that had seen better days. The sun shone brightly down. Completely spent, she reached into her rucksack only to discover she was running low on water. Thinking quickly, she ran along the water's edge; perhaps she could find a small pool or spring. Ten minutes later she spotted something bright and red amongst the shrubs along the river's edge. Berries! Completely delirious with hunger and thirst, the idea of the fresh, tasty juice on her tongue was almost too much to bear. She reached the bush and immediately began gobbling them down, elated at her find. However, soon she realised something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong with these berries...


I Dont Care (Foxface/Serial Killer) lynched by citizens of Panem

It is now night. Please have all night actions in by 9am AEST tomorrow morning.

The following people must vote tomorrow to avoid a modkill: HawkAussie NaturalDisaster

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Werewolf MWORPS' Hunger Games Werewolf - May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favour - DAY 8 - THE VILLAGE (CITIZENS OF PANEM) WIN!!!!

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