NFNL 2023 Div 1 discussion

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Maoirana to Greensborough? Or do you mean people just talking about it at Greensborough.
Would have thought Bundoora would lock him away. Perfect replacement for Chopper. Hopefully that keeps a chunk of there players there. There one priority has to be to keep that group of 20-25 year olds. Then they can build around them and get some depth.
I think Marshall is the key in player movement. Has alot of relationships down there. Rumour was he was looking elsewhere at a lower division. But if he stays another year, that may keep a few.
Has Ghazi even been moved on? Nothing on their Facebook

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But how much does your AFL membership cost . I get an AFL finals ticket for next to nothing via MCC membership but pay an arm and a leg annual subscription .
Bundoora and Heidelberg good value at $17.50
Did anyone else witness the Mont Mega Headed School Principal making a complete goose of himself by bagging the entire Bundoora bench all day, nearly starting a big blew?
You would think a so called community leader and school principle would perhaps know how to behave at a local footy game.
Seems he doesnt as most are aware as he has form in this area.

Will he have the courage to do it to the Doggies this weekend is the big question??
Im thinking a few old NH enforcers will be standing close by.
See Cameron Cloke came out of retirement on the weekend to play a Prelim Final
More retirements than John Farnham
And also had a war of words on the club Facebook page with a volunteer of the footy club who had the credits in the bank for the work he’s done for the club . With all the going to media clokes done about being whacked he prob should keep a lid on this sort of stuff
Did anyone else witness the Mont Mega Headed School Principal making a complete goose of himself by bagging the entire Bundoora bench all day, nearly starting a big blew?
You would think a so called community leader and school principle would perhaps know how to behave at a local footy game.
Seems he doesnt as most are aware as he has form in this area.

Will he have the courage to do it to the Doggies this weekend is the big question??
Im thinking a few old NH enforcers will be standing close by.
Hasn’t he got history of this stuff

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Did anyone else witness the Mont Mega Headed School Principal making a complete goose of himself by bagging the entire Bundoora bench all day, nearly starting a big blew?
You would think a so called community leader and school principle would perhaps know how to behave at a local footy game.
Seems he doesnt as most are aware as he has form in this area.

Will he have the courage to do it to the Doggies this weekend is the big question??
Im thinking a few old NH enforcers will be standing close by.
Was that after the game? I saw both teams throwing verbal insults at each other as they were walking off
The fact that he played leaves a lot to be desired after coming out saying hes had too many head knocks. Obviously the club didnt want to make the tough call of saying sorry mate not with your history. Wasnt he told not to play again? Weird.
re reading the articles he was advised by specialists to retire and he declared "he cant let his family see me get hurt anymore"
re reading the articles he was advised by specialists to retire and he declared "he cant let his family see me get hurt anymore"
Just read the article on Heraldsun and surprise surprise he was cleared by Drs , medics and Dean Limbach made way for him, thats odd in itself was he dropped ?? Or personal issues? Weird weird situation by the club . It says the coach asked him for 1 more game, It was a prelim so is he saying that they win he doesnt play Grand Final? What an absolute joke and farce that is. I reckon Anthony McGregor will be quietly laughing his backside off.
Just read the article on Heraldsun and surprise surprise he was cleared by Drs , medics and Dean Limbach made way for him, thats odd in itself was he dropped ?? Or personal issues? Weird weird situation by the club . It says the coach asked him for 1 more game, It was a prelim so is he saying that they win he doesnt play Grand Final? What an absolute joke and farce that is. I reckon Anthony McGregor will be quietly laughing his backside off.
1 more game? therefore cancelling any hope of winning a legal case against the AFL for previous head knocks???
it does make a mockery of players who are genuinely suffering from concussion issues.

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