Autopsy North lose a heartbreaker to the Saints by 8 points

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I haven't seen any of St Kilda and so Mason Wood this year. What surprised me most from yesterday's game was the lack of product in his hair.

He's moved from one extreme to another on the hair product spectrum. I'm not the type to be fickle and criticise him for this drastic move just because he left the club. I just thought he'd have ended up in the middle somewhere.
I haven't seen any of St Kilda and so Mason Wood this year. What surprised me most from yesterday's game was the lack of product in his hair.

He's moved from one extreme to another on the hair product spectrum. I'm not the type to be fickle and criticise him for this drastic move just because he left the club. I just thought he'd have ended up in the middle somewhere.

I’ve seen a few games of theirs and I must admit that now he has removed his Down Hill Skiers helmet the buffant is looking as you described

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It was stunning how St Kilda players were awarded free kicks for tackles, while North players were lucky to earn a ball up. Similar for holding the man. The frees were not paid with equity.

The AFL cannot possibly be unaware of the imbalance.

We need a neat 30 second [mention]giantroo [/mention] umpiring package that highlights the inconsistencies and it needs to be passed on to media people like Kingy to air to a wider audience. If the work is done for the media makes it much easier to get the story out.
Anyone keep count of the " north didn't want him " comment ?
Every disposal ?
You couldn’t blame anyone at the club that made the decision to move him on. At the end with us he was cooked and looked a shell of a footballer.

It’s one of those classic cases where a player has benefitted from a change in environment and a reality check.

The way it was going I couldn’t see him playing the same level of footy with us, he was done.
Exactly, i would argue the male umpires today were actually very bias, but unfortunately because she's the easy target, apparently it's her fault.
I actually thought she was quite good today and it was the male umpires who were s**t.
There is an issue with her umpiring, that's why she has been demoted twice and doesn't get the top gigs, but there's as many other umpires just as bad and it's been proven quite often. We saw that yesterday. It doesn't really change anything that I said yesterday, we get the shit game and the shit timeslot, so we get the shit umpires.
We need a neat 30 second [mention]giantroo [/mention] umpiring package that highlights the inconsistencies and it needs to be passed on to media people like Kingy to air to a wider audience. If the work is done for the media makes it much easier to get the story out.
Screw that. 30 minutes more likely, then Kingy can just edit to what he needs to make a point.
There is an issue with her umpiring, that's why she has been demoted twice and doesn't get the top gigs, but there's as many other umpires just as bad and it's been proven quite often. We saw that yesterday. It doesn't really change anything that I said yesterday, we get the s**t game and the s**t timeslot, so we get the s**t umpires.
Thats what im trying to say. It's not just her, and the male umpires are just as bad.. It's not fair just to single her out.
I also thought yesterday was one of her better games towards us. Obviously others disagree and that's fine.
Because it's not a level playing field in the first place. For every Eleni there's probably 100 young girls who quit umpiring in the junior ranks because they don't want to deal with all the bullshit that comes with being female in sports that have been traditionally male. If fast-tracking her keeps junior girls in the system it's not necessarily a bad thing.

We cop s**t male umpires most weeks and they don't seem to get the same vitriol. If she was the only bad umpire out there then maybe all the carry on would be justifies, but she's not. She's just the easy target.

She's garbage.
Thats what im trying to say. It's not just her, and the male umpires are just as bad.. It's not fair just to single her out.
I also thought yesterday was one of her better games towards us. Obviously others disagree and that's fine.
Just out of curiosity, how did you end up in Dragon Island? Or is it just a bit of BigFooty bullshit?

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Just out of curiosity, how did you end up in Dragon Island? Or is it just a bit of BigFooty bullshit?
I joined them from the Gumbies many years ago. Apart from a loan deal with the Swamprats I've lived there ever since.
It's a bit of bigfooty bullshit but it's fun though.
Cunners looked ordinary in his first couple of years. Even after 50 games he was only just going.
Really started to hold his own at the start of 2014. Swallow was still out injured after snapping his Achilles the year before so Cunners had a good stretch of games to stake his claim in the coalface.
Anyone keep count of the " north didn't want him " comment ?
Every disposal ?
It’s how many hours after the game….result…we lost
Feeling: still 🤬🤬 last time l checked. ….something green people…something
As for commentary …..
lm absolutely convinced deeeeerwayne or any other commentator have these pointers when it’s us.
Does the opposition have an ex player….if so mention they were unwanted,shafted, insert stupid comment here
And Repeat like a broken record Like it’s Fact.
Call any play by our players like your In. The. Middle of A Stroke. Or A. brain Fart. Because it. Sounds. Cleaver.
Or my personal favourite…. Chatter on about some play that occurred 2 minutes ago, missing the entire A: linking passage down the feild or B: lead up to a shot on goal in play ….where they quickly go….shiii connect brain…. And state …..kicks a valuable goal."..well dahhhhh.
l digress but yep commentary from the peanut gallery combined with the Benny hill show of decision making officials ….it’s a wonder we’re not as supporters under investigation for running a bootlegging operation to cope with this amazing package they dish up to us footy fans each week. One can only dream comprehendible commentary that doesn’t sound like it’s come from a backyard thunderbox.
Nah, that was a brainfart from Cooper and the 50 was valid.

The umpire's call was 'stand'. Cooper was dancing around on the mark. Can't do that. (It's a dumb rule, but it's been around for long enough that players should know better).
100% incorrect Chad.

Going the 'outside 5' option was a clear tactic today. Cooper was already back from where the mark was taken and was clearly pacing backwards to get outside 5 before she first said stand. At no point did he 'stand' and then change his mind.

Just an awful decision from Eleni.
Call me overdramatic
You're overdramatic.
Drama Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Fair enough. Might take a step back from footy, cos for some reason it's taken this long for me to feel true despair about the club's situation
It's a really tough time for the club and as a supporter but that doesn't mean we should be in utter despair.

There are some positives with the crop coming through and some of the more youthful leaders - Sheezel, Wardlaw, Archer, Phillips, LDU, TT, Goater, Larkey, Ford, Harvey are a decent bunch to get excited about for what the future holds.

We're also yet to get a look at Brayden George and Hansen Jr.

No doubt the Clarko situation has been a setback but I expect him to be firmly in charge going forward and that he'll drive a shift in standards now that he's had most of a season to see exactly where our list is at. I expect there will be more cutting of deadwood and we'll see some exciting young players and a few role players come into the team.

Once things start to gel with those younger players there's the potential to see a marked improvement in our fortunes. I'm still thinking bottom six for 2024 but 2025 and beyond hold on to your hat, it's gonna be a helluva ride.
You couldn’t blame anyone at the club that made the decision to move him on. At the end with us he was cooked and looked a shell of a footballer.

It’s one of those classic cases where a player has benefitted from a change in environment and a reality check.

The way it was going I couldn’t see him playing the same level of footy with us, he was done.
How about our player development or the coaches at the time? They obviously didn't get anywhere near the best out of him or play him in his best position.
Time for a rant. It's been a couple of days now since I was there at the stadium to witness yet another loss.
As far as posters on this forum go I'd definitely put myself in the fringe minority. I don't post an awful lot.
A little restrained perhaps but my passion for this club runs deep. Probably too deep.

I've been going to games since my late Grandma started taking me to Arden St. games in the late 70s as a 5 year old.
Been through many tough times. Been through the ecstasy of the 90s. I was even in the cheer squad in 1993 as a relative youngster.

Like all of us the last 5 years have been extraordinarily tough, the toughest in all my 50 years as a North supporter (I classify myself as a North supporter since the day I was born). Week after week of disappointment, pain, often embarrassment, disbelief at turnovers that happen right in front of my eyes. There have been weeks, too many, where our side has been completely bereft of competiveness, and then sometimes a few quarters where we've shown something.
Unfortunately it was very predictable (for me anyway) that we'd find a way to lose that game on the weekend. Yes the umpiring was diabolical to the point of suspicion at times, but the fact of the matter is we lay down at the beginning of that last quarter and allowed easy goals. For too long it has been our senior players who have let our club down, not through a desire to win, but through dumb football, substandard skills and an inability to remain calm under even perceived pressure.
It's our younger generation only that can show the way now and it appears that maybe they have already begun to show exactly that. It will need to start on the training track however.

My anger at this team's performances over the last 5 years has built to the point that it's probably not healthy. What have we won now, 9 games out of 80 in the last 4 years. Something close to that. Take away the interstate wins and the only way a North supporter/member has ever had the chance to sing the song is to get to a game early.

Two weeks ago after our team's embarrassing loss to Hawthorn I stood there with my family and friends and witnessed North supporters applauding our players as they walked off. I must admit to this awaking an irrational spark inside of me. I looked at many of these supporters in amazement. Yes of course the players were not 'not trying' however I thought, sorry that performance was not good enough. If our supporters were going to accept that then, as a club we truly are doomed.

So it brings me to this and I'm happy to be called out here. On the weekend, again we found ourselves sitting near the player's race. Yes we were incredibly improved on the Hawthorn game, despite numerous turnovers and skill errors throughout the game (St Kilda just happened to be worse) however we'd played really well. There was hope but there was resignation that we'd find a way to lose. As we all know, we did. I'm a very calm family man in the real world (except for occasional road rage and at the footy). Our club awakens sometimes unhealthy passions in me however.
Again, as the team was walking off, and perhaps, a rational person would say there was nothing wrong with this, supporters were clapping them off. They'd played their hearts out yeah?

I couldn't accept this however. Without screaming my lungs out I decided to make some rather theatrical 'holding the ball' like motions to say 'not good enough'. I think some of the players would have seen me. For me now, nothing short of a win is acceptable. A VFL/AFL record of consecutive losses is not good enough. Losing again is not good enough. I was so angry and clearly that anger is still there. A guy standing near me at the time looked at me and questioned me like I was a traitor/idiot (and perhaps I was) as to why I was criticising our players. I said to him "are you kidding me, are you just going to continue to accept mediocrity, 9 wins out of 80?". My question is, was it wrong to do this?

I support our players and our club through thick and thin. I've been a paid up member since the early 90s. I've not missed a game in years, except for being interstate or overseas. If I won Powerball I'd give the club millions (if my wife let me). North Melbourne however is a club that needs to win games to be relevant. Too many outside forces (insert AFL/media) would rather we just go away, despite a small though incredibly resilient and passionate supporter base. Though I'm not suggesting that we are in danger of ceasing to exist I was at the Keep North South rallies and the gig, was there at Dallas Brookes Hall when Brayshaw announced we would remain on our own two feet. I remember 95 when we almost merged with the Bears. I cannot continue to applaud our footballers when they continue to lose games and not show improvement.

A part of me can understand why supporters were clapping off the players on Sunday as they walked off after yet another loss, yeah they tried, however it makes me angry and incensed that they did. I wonder sometimes if the players really know how much our supporters are hurting. Other club supporters would not accept this. For some reason ours do. North has accepted mediocrity for too long.
Time for a rant. It's been a couple of days now since I was there at the stadium to witness yet another loss.
As far as posters on this forum go I'd definitely put myself in the fringe minority. I don't post an awful lot.
A little restrained perhaps but my passion for this club runs deep. Probably too deep.

I've been going to games since my late Grandma started taking me to Arden St. games in the late 70s as a 5 year old.
Been through many tough times. Been through the ecstasy of the 90s. I was even in the cheer squad in 1993 as a relative youngster.

Like all of us the last 5 years have been extraordinarily tough, the toughest in all my 50 years as a North supporter (I classify myself as a North supporter since the day I was born). Week after week of disappointment, pain, often embarrassment, disbelief at turnovers that happen right in front of my eyes. There have been weeks, too many, where our side has been completely bereft of competiveness, and then sometimes a few quarters where we've shown something.
Unfortunately it was very predictable (for me anyway) that we'd find a way to lose that game on the weekend. Yes the umpiring was diabolical to the point of suspicion at times, but the fact of the matter is we lay down at the beginning of that last quarter and allowed easy goals. For too long it has been our senior players who have let our club down, not through a desire to win, but through dumb football, substandard skills and an inability to remain calm under even perceived pressure.
It's our younger generation only that can show the way now and it appears that maybe they have already begun to show exactly that. It will need to start on the training track however.

My anger at this team's performances over the last 5 years has built to the point that it's probably not healthy. What have we won now, 9 games out of 80 in the last 4 years. Something close to that. Take away the interstate wins and the only way a North supporter/member has ever had the chance to sing the song is to get to a game early.

Two weeks ago after our team's embarrassing loss to Hawthorn I stood there with my family and friends and witnessed North supporters applauding our players as they walked off. I must admit to this awaking an irrational spark inside of me. I looked at many of these supporters in amazement. Yes of course the players were not 'not trying' however I thought, sorry that performance was not good enough. If our supporters were going to accept that then, as a club we truly are doomed.

So it brings me to this and I'm happy to be called out here. On the weekend, again we found ourselves sitting near the player's race. Yes we were incredibly improved on the Hawthorn game, despite numerous turnovers and skill errors throughout the game (St Kilda just happened to be worse) however we'd played really well. There was hope but there was resignation that we'd find a way to lose. As we all know, we did. I'm a very calm family man in the real world (except for occasional road rage and at the footy). Our club awakens sometimes unhealthy passions in me however.
Again, as the team was walking off, and perhaps, a rational person would say there was nothing wrong with this, supporters were clapping them off. They'd played their hearts out yeah?

I couldn't accept this however. Without screaming my lungs out I decided to make some rather theatrical 'holding the ball' like motions to say 'not good enough'. I think some of the players would have seen me. For me now, nothing short of a win is acceptable. A VFL/AFL record of consecutive losses is not good enough. Losing again is not good enough. I was so angry and clearly that anger is still there. A guy standing near me at the time looked at me and questioned me like I was a traitor/idiot (and perhaps I was) as to why I was criticising our players. I said to him "are you kidding me, are you just going to continue to accept mediocrity, 9 wins out of 80?". My question is, was it wrong to do this?

I support our players and our club through thick and thin. I've been a paid up member since the early 90s. I've not missed a game in years, except for being interstate or overseas. If I won Powerball I'd give the club millions (if my wife let me). North Melbourne however is a club that needs to win games to be relevant. Too many outside forces (insert AFL/media) would rather we just go away, despite a small though incredibly resilient and passionate supporter base. Though I'm not suggesting that we are in danger of ceasing to exist I was at the Keep North South rallies and the gig, was there at Dallas Brookes Hall when Brayshaw announced we would remain on our own two feet. I remember 95 when we almost merged with the Bears. I cannot continue to applaud our footballers when they continue to lose games and not show improvement.

A part of me can understand why supporters were clapping off the players on Sunday as they walked off after yet another loss, yeah they tried, however it makes me angry and incensed that they did. I wonder sometimes if the players really know how much our supporters are hurting. Other club supporters would not accept this. For some reason ours do. North has accepted mediocrity for too long.
Hey Jasemon. Pretty visceral read.

We're down for a host of reasons but since we're here we just need to fill our boots with top end talent and place faith in the younger players. No other choice really.

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