Certified Legendary Thread Official ROOSISTENCE GIG thread

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Great work Sco. I tuned in from 1am, when I returned from the gig, till around 3am. It was hard enough to sleep after the buzz of the gig, but when Brett mentioned that HS headline it was bloody impossible!!!!!! I was so friggin irate at it's inaccuracy!!

Well done too with the replaying of the crosses between Finey and Francis, when Finey told him about the headline and asked if it were true. Francis agreed that "no, that's not what I've been hearing tonight at all..........in fact, quite the opposite!" It was good to hear and it'll be interesting to listen after 4pm today.

That kelman is one handsome son of a bitch.

Was that the bloke you kept going into the dunnies with? I'm tired, I can't remember.

That was freaking awesome, still in awe of TOD's efforts to pull that all together. Massive kudos to him, and also Mrs TOD for forgoing her husband for weeks in the name of this worthy cause.

Wow, just wow.
Struggling at work today. Awesome night last night, thanks so much TOD and all for your incredible efforts. Not really knowing anyone I struggled to know who to get a beer, although meeting Pharro in all his white suited glory was a highlight. I said I want to get TOD a beer and he said he's around, look for a guy in a grey t shirt! Sorry mate was mission unaccomplished. Maybe order some KFC online 4 u??? :p

I'm not much of a rock guy but I freaking loved You Am I, was totally blown away and Tim has gone from Legend to Super-Impossibly-huge-freaking-legend by my reckoning overnight. Arch singing on stage - classic. Merchandise was awesome, bought one of everything. Saw a certain fave Age journo filling out one of the Roosistence postcards, another highlight.

Thanks for what can only be considered a milestone in modern NMFC history and a huge fillup for the pro-Melbourne effort. Rock on!

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I too had a fabulous night. Rocked. You am I were powerful, even more so when Tex got up and did the beast's of Bourbon classic 'Chase the Dragon'. Powerful.

Arch in on the chorus for we can't be beaten was a classic, especially as earlier in the night he said he'd love to be able to sing and play guitar.

All in all a classic night.

I was thinking, as Mick Thomas alluded to, is there a city or a club that can have such a great cultural crossover of sport and music as the 'North Melbourne' put on last night? It was a rare blend and will be a great memory for years to come.
sounds like an amazing night, wish i could have been there but i am across the otherside of the country. massive respect to TOD and all the bands that made the whole thing happen, terrific effort guys, you make us all proud to be supporters and members of this fine club - the NMFC!
awesome nite for the Shinboners - why were there only 4 listed north boys in attendance though?

Maybe you can go to their houses and ask them??? but if you wait a day or two I am sure USC will be able to tell you how this equates to "the Age understands 38 cashstrapped Kangaroos players and coaching staff wanting to relocate to the GoldCoast." :D:D:D
Did anyone shout me a Lemonade that RB said he would payback for? :). Went one better RB. Got 2 glasses of coke thanks to Lidge and Mr Reliable. :thumbsu::thumbsu: Thanks boys.

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awesome nite for the Shinboners - why were there only 4 listed north boys in attendance though?

The boys had training on today so they were not really in a position to have a big night. They were also instructed by the club that as employees, they were not to make any public announcement or comment. It was their choice to come along, though if anything the club was ever so slightly pressuring them not to. I'm sure that if not for the indecision at board level, if the club was all committed to one policy direction of staying in Melbourne, then many more players would have come along. They are in a very compromised position particularly with media in attendance. As you've heard Dean Laidley say, it's nothing to do with the footy department - they have a job to do which is winning footy games and they just go where they're told to go.
I don't know, how does the Devil get around these days? The Greek version Hades used to ride a sailboat through the River Styx if I recall correctly.

Uses latest technology. That means airplanes.
Sounds brilliant - kudos to all involved.

May your hangovers be short, your memories long & our footy team here for eternity.

Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere but is there anywhere to get the roosistence t-shirts?

Perfect christmas gift to go alongside the North Melbourne membership.
I can only echo what everyone else has been saying! It was a fantastic night last night - great to see so much passion for the North Melbourne Football Club. And it was a bonus to meet so many great BF people as well! (I won't name them all in case I forget someone!) It was a real BF night - instead of saying 'hello' to people you didn't know, the opening line was nearly always, 'Are you on BF? Who are you?' :D

Highlights for me included - June telling Dimwitriou to 'F off' :thumbsu:, Arch and Trevor Marmalade on stage together, the crowd singing 'Join in the Chorus' and Arch singing 'We Can't Be Beaten' (That will stay in my memory for a very long time! :))

What an awesome night it was! A huge THANK YOU to The Other Dean, pharro, lidge, kangalicious, Northbhoy and anyone else involved behind the scenes. And, of course, THANK YOU to Tim Rogers! :thumbsu: You should all be very proud of your efforts for the North Melbourne Football Club!

i'm a bit concerned, has kangalicous surfaced????? haven't seen any posts from her today - usually in the thick of it.

and while i'm on about being concerned, i was glad to see GR made it home safe and sound - the lad lives a long way out of the city. (geez i'm going all motherly in my middle years ahem - or it's the sav blanc i'm sipping)
I too want to thank TOD, Lidge, Kangalicious, Boner, Northbhoy, pharro and all who put this amazing night together than will live in my memory forever

It was good to see pharro, sross, Mr & Ms Reliable, joseph, Giantroo, Twinkletoes, foreveroo and works at errol street again.

The bands were awesome (bouncer excluded) Trev & Arch were awesome and June was amazing

I just saw vision on the Ch 10 news and it looked awesome on TV. It said we raised $50,000!!!!!!

Go roos

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Certified Legendary Thread Official ROOSISTENCE GIG thread

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